Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 369: The curse breaks out

"Sit tight and don't move around!" Bill was made furious by Ginny's movements. "My dear, go ahead and prepare dinner. I will hold her back."

"Little Ginny, stop fooling around, I'm going to prepare dinner." Fleur stood up and pinched Ginny's little face and said softly. "What do you want to eat?"

"Don't touch me! Whatever!" Perhaps it was due to the conflict between beauties, but Ginny had always disliked Fleur, even after being confused by aphrodisiacs.

"What if the Ministry of Magic's power supply system is not destroyed?" Harry asked.

"I have already found help for the Ministry of Magic team. Wizards and Muggle agents, there are enough -" Lockhart looked around before finding a swarthy Auror.

"Each group is about ten wizards with Auror background and twenty helpers from MI5, squib agents or Muggle wizards." Kingsley seemed to appear suddenly again, and his ability to reduce his presence changed again. Stronger.

"Thank you." Lockhart nodded at him, "With this number and configuration, we can completely attack by force. If the situation goes wrong, retreat. First, we can eliminate the Death Eaters surrounding Hogwarts together, and then we can slowly find a way to deal with them." Hiding in the Ministry of Magic."

"If the energy supply system had not been destroyed, no one from the Ministry of Magic would have gone to Hogwarts!" Ginny basically understood their plan and actively joined the discussion, hoping to attract Lockhart's attention. .

"If that's the case... that would be too unlucky. We can only use Hogwarts as our base and never deviate from the original plan. Anyway, if there is a problem with the plan, we will retreat to Hogwarts." Luo Hart said, "It would be great if we could also make a simple power supply system for Hogwarts. It doesn't have to have too many functions, just can maintain the protection system..."

"I can't say it's perfect, but the plan is basically complete." Kingsley said easily. "The biggest variable in this plan now is Ginny..." He looked jokingly at the little witch over there who was competing with his brother to see who was stronger. "You don't know that she suddenly came over today and told us how scary she was when she was pursuing you, and she even quarreled with Hermione..."

"Fighting again?" Lockhart said dissatisfiedly, "Ginny, what am I telling you? Don't say that to Hermione!"

"What are you talking about?" Bill asked rudely, "She said that wizarding law stipulates that you can have several wives. It's her business if she likes you. She also said that it's legal to pursue you, and then she insists on this, how to persuade her? I didn’t even listen to them. I never knew my sister was such a girl!"

"She accidentally drank an aphrodisiac—" Lockhart suddenly felt so powerless. We can only explain it like this again - we were preparing for a counterattack in full swing, and when this little guy Ginny came over and made a fuss, it was like puncturing a tire, which drained everyone's energy.

Just endure it for a few more days, and after the matter is done, let Snape seal the secret passage and see how she can run around.


This dinner could have been a pleasant meal. But the extra Ginny made everyone feel strange, and it took a lot of effort for her brother Bill to pull her away from Lockhart.

After dinner, and after continuing to discuss the details of the operation and what needed to be prepared, Scrimgeour and Kingsley apparated back to their hiding place, and everyone else went back to their rooms to sleep. Hermione was put into a bad mood again by Ginny, and Lockhart ignored him no matter how much he comforted, coaxed and caressed her in bed.

Then I can only sleep honestly. However, even this idea could not be realized - just as he fell asleep, the note in his pocket started to heat up again. Lockhart took it out and saw that it was Ginny asking him to leave the room to see her. She also threatened that if he ignored her, she would break into the room and get under his bed.

If this little guy is really messing around like this, Hermione will definitely go crazy...it's better to fix the mistakes she made by herself. Lockhart quietly got out of bed and left the room. As soon as she went out, as expected, she was hugged by Ginny and kissed on the face.

"No one can see it now, Professor." Ginny looked up at him, looking cute and innocent.

yes. No one sees it now,


"How did you come out? Wasn't Fleur looking at you?"

"She was knocked unconscious by me with the wand hidden under the quilt...she was so verbose. She was so annoying." Ginny said impatiently, "She is like phlegm, but she doesn't have a good face or any connotation. A woman who doesn’t have any, if she wasn’t so beautiful, it would be strange that my brother would like her.”

You can really only believe half of other people's evaluations - if you don't know Furong. Maybe Lockhart really thought that the Weasley family had welcomed a green tea bitch into the house. What had Fleur done to arouse the anger of two generations of women in the Weasley family? It seemed that Bill and even Molly didn't like her either?

"She is your sister-in-law after all, what can you say about her." Lockhart warned her seriously, "Also, spells are used to deal with enemies. It is very impolite to cast spells on your relatives without special circumstances. Don't do this in the future. !”

"Forget about her, hold me tight, it's so cold." Ginny squeezed forward again, wanting to melt into him.

"It's only April now. Of course you'll be cold if you run out without anything on!" Lockhart said helplessly, but the body temperature and body fragrance exuded by the girl wearing only pants in his arms quickly made him react. A strong hallucination suddenly flooded into his mind, and the desire for killing and lust suddenly came to him - he suddenly felt that he was a wolf, and the girl in his arms was the little sheep he had caught. All he had to do now was to kill the prey. Tear her open and suck her blood and eat all her flesh.


The little witch was happily enjoying Lockhart's embrace when she was suddenly grabbed by the neck and roughly dragged into the bathroom on the side.

Ginny was grabbed by the neck and couldn't even breathe. She fell from heaven to hell in an instant, and her joy instantly turned into fear. She raised her hands and grabbed Lockhart's two struggling arms, struggling so hard that even her slippers flew off.

After entering the bathroom, Lockhart let go of Ginny's neck and grabbed her shoulders. The huge force almost broke the girl's slender collarbone. After the beast grabbed her and pushed her to the wall, he lowered his head and leaned in. When Ginny was still frantically breathing in the fresh air, he lifted up her straight red hair, bit her neck, and actually made a wound, and drank heavily. Spurting blood.

Ginny was so frightened that she remained motionless and allowed the other party to suck blood. She felt that she was going to die in the next second.


After taking a few mouthfuls of the magical witch's blood, Lockhart's senses came back as quickly as they went away, and he suddenly regained consciousness... Then he was surprised to find that he was holding down Ginny, and her neck was covered with blood. His mouth was filled with warm and sweet liquid.

"Oh my God." Lockhart realized what he had done and immediately used the Wandless Healing Charm to heal the wound on Ginny's neck.

He actually bit her arteries like a wild beast just now! The girl was still shaking in pain, but she was breathing in when she was bitten and didn't even cry out for help.

"What are you doing? It hurts so much -" Ginny said with a cry, "My shoulder -"

Why, your shoulder is injured too? Lockhart pushed the collar of her dress down her shoulders and found that her white shoulders were bruised by his scratches. If he had been stronger, he might have been able to tear Ginny apart...

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ginny -" Lockhart lowered the toilet seat and sat on it, holding Ginny in his arms and hurriedly healing her.

Oh my God, what's wrong with me? Is it because I didn't drink blood in just two days yesterday and today that I went crazy? Lockhart was terrified. He originally thought that he could theoretically go without drinking blood for several weeks, but in just two days, he almost lost control of his body - he clearly remembered what he had just done to Ginny. thing, but it was completely out of control at the time. The Curse of the Unicorn: Leaving people with half a life is indeed not just for scaring people!

In addition, he had also made a Horcrux, so his soul was already incomplete, and he might not even have half his life left.


[Please vote for recommendations on Monday! 】

——(To be continued.)


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