Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 426 Headlines Again

Maybe the savior is different from other wizards, maybe the pressure of being regarded as the savior all the year round forced him to be an excellent wizard, or the strong desire to prove himself combined with the complete training of Aurors made Harry a wizard. An excellent, ready-to-hand Auror...Of course, it may also be the "fact" that Voldemort has been defeated, so that Slughorn, who has solved his knot, no longer fears him so much...

In short, it took only three days for the new Auror Harry Potter to complete his first solo mission: to find the missing Hogwarts Potions professor and successfully persuade him to come to the Ministry of Magic to participate in the Los Angeles Hart's team of wizards formed to "deal with the former Dark Lord".

Now, the Ministry of Magic controlled by Lockhart has formed a team with more than 50 Aurors (16 of whom have not obtained Auror certificates), more than 100 strikers, and several powerful foreign aid wizards. law enforcement team...

But the target of this powerful law enforcement team has never been heard from.


It has been a week since the Floo network was connected, and Lockhart managed to assemble such a team of wizards, but he couldn't help feeling anxious when he couldn't find Voldemort's whereabouts.

Every day that is delayed, the danger increases... Unlike the "dealing with the former Dark Lord" he has been preaching to others, the real enemy may not be as strong as Grindelwald, but there may be more than one...

Lockhart couldn't sit still at the thought that every moment a new Risen might be getting a new body.

He also asked some other European countries to send outstanding wizards to "hunt down Grindelwald". Unfortunately, according to the clues used by Floo.com, the hiding place of "Voldemort" is probably in France, so Germany sent a team of wizards to France , the French Ministry of Magic is even more nervous...

Naturally, Lockhart was in distress at the moment, and he also thought about asking for more help from Chinese wizards... But after pretending to chat with Zhang Jianshuo about the situation in the Chinese wizarding world, he gave up this plan: to be the same generation as Zhang Jianshuo There are only three wizards, and one of the most powerful senior brothers has already come, and the remaining two are not as good as Zhang Jianshuo in fighting; Lockhart himself doesn't have that much face to invite them all, and Zhang Jianshuo has already patted his chest. I can deal with that Grindelwald... If you tell him that Voldemort may be making a resurrection. Maybe not only did not invite new helpers, but also scared the two Chinese guys away.

Even if he invites two more, if the old business is in full swing, everyone will ask him for a Philosopher's Stone. Where did he get so much uncurse-free unicorn blood?

You must know that unicorns are creatures with long estrus intervals and pregnancy cycles, and the number is extremely small, and it is even more difficult to find. At present, there are less than a hundred under the monitoring and protection of wizards and centaurs...none of them are pregnant for the time being.


Word soon spread up and down the British wizarding world that Lockhart was engaged to the Miss Fudge, if not counting several marriages during the Death Eater's reign. Lockhart was the first man to be engaged to a second girl while still having a wife...he made the headlines again.

When Lockhart was young, in order to increase the sales of his books, he racked his brains and brains to get himself into the headlines, but unfortunately he never succeeded... But after entering Hogwarts to teach, at the end of the first school year, he struggled to save money. Nier almost died from the death curse - this is his first time in the headlines.

The following year, the capture of Peter made headlines again for Blake's redress.

In the third year, he caught Barty Jr., exposed Voldemort's conspiracy, and made headlines for the third time...

after that. The things he is involved in are getting bigger and bigger, and they need to be kept secret more and more, so they can't be known by others.

By the time he made the headlines again for replacing Hermione as the hero who sieged the Dementors, he was already caught in a dilemma...

When he hit the headlines again after a year, he even had his own identity stolen by Barty Jr. Gilderoy Lockhart planned a terrorist attack by "pretending to be Gilderoy Lockhart" and was hunted down by Aurors died... By this time,

"Getting on the headlines" has changed from a goal he once flocked to to a sad and terrifying thing.

Back in the headlines as himself, he's already the Minister of Magic. Being on the headlines has become a boring daily task for him. He has changed from a young man who loves the limelight to a supreme leader of British wizards who is so numb on the headlines that he can hardly think of the limelight, "the hero who defeated the mysterious man", " White Lord", "Boss of all British wizards" (because he sends money to British wizards, and most wizards don't bother to find out where the money comes from. They only know that Lockhart sent them), each title Enough to get him in the headlines at least once.

Of course, this time he was engaged to Pandora and made headlines, and he was scolded again: I amended the marriage law, and I became the first wizard to marry two wives, even a blind person can guess what must be in it Tired of it. Rumors of the White Lord changing the law for a girl also began to spread—men scoffed at it, women thought it was so romantic.

This kind of rumor has a huge negative impact on the career of a Minister of Magic, but Lockhart doesn't care: 1. This rumor is true. 2. Even if there is no negative news, Lockhart will create some negative news, and then ask Scrimgeour to oust himself from power, and he will retire.


But the day after the engagement, Lockhart hit the headlines again, and it wasn't what he expected.

The wife of Arthur Weasley, Director of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters and Head of the Department of Misuse of Magic, and a known member of the Order of the Phoenix, Jasmine Weasley, reported the current Minister of Magic Gilderoy Lockhart against her in real name. Daughter Ginnyvia Weasley uses aphrodisiacs.

The Weasleys had moved back to the Burrow a few days ago, so Lockhart had no idea what had happened to cause Molly to be so furious, as if she was going to get on with herself no matter what.

So, after a few days, St. Mungo's Potions and Plant Poisoning Department welcomed the second wizard who needed to be tested for aphrodisiacs: a beautiful red-haired girl was brought by her family for a blood test. The Minister of Magic has changed from a victim to a poisoner in this case... If the aphrodisiac is really detected in the girl's blood, then the Minister of Magic will step down and replace her immediately.


But it turned out that Ginny wasn't on the aphrodisiac.

The unwilling Mrs. Weasley took Ginny to the Spell Injury Department to test whether she was affected by the Imperius Curse or special psychological suggestion spells, but the test results showed that her daughter was not only awake, but also a An Occlumpiist - If another wizard casts a controlling spell on her strong enough to control her, the symptoms will be very noticeable, and if the spell is not strong enough to affect an Occlument at all.

Mrs. Weasley reluctantly withdrew the accusation against Lockhart, and took her daughter home... Lockhart was not involved in the whole incident, and did not take the initiative to contact Arthur Weasley until after everything was over to ask what happened is what happened.

Arthur reluctantly told him that after Ginny heard the news of Pandora and Lockhart's engagement, she clamored at home to marry him. The mother and daughter had a complete quarrel, and Jasmine went to the Ministry of Magic to report him. ...I really can't persuade you.


【Recommendation ticket】

——(To be continued.)


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