By the time we got back to Holewards, it was time for dinner.

Foreigners have always finished eating late, unlike the Celestial Empire, and there will not be many entertainment activities after dinner, most of them already belong to the dormitory to rest.

So even though it was late to go back to school, they still had dinner in the castle, and then while eating, they began to discuss what they had seen today.

For many wizards from Muggle families, everything today is definitely the best thing to discuss, and most of them say that it will not end for three days and three nights.

On the other hand, Ron’s telling Harry about what he had seen today was true.

Poor Harry Potter, who is not going to Hogsmeade today, can only stay alone in the house, and wait for Ron to return before he can tell himself some news about Hogsmeade.

As for Zheng Fan, of course, he was with Hermione.

However, Zheng Fan had not told Hermione about the things he had bought and sent to her room, and he hoped that this would be a surprise.

Of course, it was even more hopeful that Hermione would not drop those clothes directly in her face, and there was a certain possibility that she would accept it.

After all, I am a boy.

No matter how much boys say, they can’t recycle those clothes, only girls can wear them.

After a while, Ginny also came here, although her brother was in the banquet hall to tell Harry Potter what he saw today, but Ginny still walked in front of Zheng Fan.

She said she was going to Hogsmeade next year, so she wanted to know what was in Hogsmeade.

Although Zheng Fan could have told Ginny to ask Ron, Hermione rarely talked to Ginny this time, so Zheng Fan didn’t say anything, but walked to another group.

It was Malfoy’s group.

They are talking about screaming shacks.

On his return, Malfoy was the first group to leave Dervis and Banks’ shop, and although he said that he arrived at the station later than himself—because there was no special passage to the shop—he also heard some good things.

On the way back to the station, Malfoy walked over to the screaming shack in order to show himself off, and then showed off to his little brothers that he would never be scared by the screaming shack.

That’s right.

But it was at this time that he heard several villagers passing by tell him that earlier there had been some screams from inside the screaming shacks.

“You know, this screaming shack hasn’t made a sound for a long time.”

Malfoy described it exaggeratedly.

But this is not unreasonable, after all, Professor Lupin has been a professor since he graduated from Holewards to become a professor now, but there is really no need to stay in the screaming shack to avoid hurting others.

After becoming a professor, he had been drinking the transformation potion that Snape had concocted for him, quietly waiting in his office for the end of the full moon.

So the fact that the screaming shack has not made a scream for many years is justified.


This time the scream, Zheng Fan did know who it was, but he really wanted to know what the people outside thought, so Zheng Fan glanced at Ron behind him and continued to ask.

“Oh, what kind of scream is that?”

“It was probably a very miserable scream, and then there was a little light flashing inside the screaming shack, and everyone around said that the ghost of the screaming shack was back.”

“Yes, after all, I heard that it has calmed down for many years, and everyone thought that the ghosts of the screaming shack were gone, but I didn’t expect to be able to hear that kind of scream.”

As soon as they heard that they were talking about the screaming shack, many students ran over and hurriedly talked about what they had seen.

After all, it is the most terrifying horror house in the whole of Britain, and for these students, of course, there is endless expectation to shake.

And Zheng Fan also looked at Ron behind him, these chat words, it is impossible that a word did not reach Ron’s ears, and Ron just smiled and Harry was talking about his experience at Hogsmeade.

Through Hawkeye’s comprehensive analysis, Zheng Fan could know that Ron was actually extremely embarrassed at this time, but he didn’t say it.

After all, only himself, Hermione, and Ron himself knew that the screams of the screaming shack were actually from Ron.

He probably didn’t realize until now what kind of miserable screams he was making that the whole person who went to that place heard the rumors.

“The screaming shack seems interesting?”

Even Harry couldn’t help but ask about the content of the screaming shack.

“This one… I didn’t pay attention, I went back earlier because I went there once. If you scream shack, isn’t it the number one haunted house in the UK? It feels terrifying. ”

Ron said casually, and then looked at Zheng Fan.

Seeing that Zheng Fan didn’t seem to want to tell the truth, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“But I’ve heard people from the older generation say that the screams inside the screaming shacks didn’t look like this, they were more like wolf howls and wails.”

However, the conversation about the screaming shack continued, and the villagers saw that some Hogwarts students had entered the screaming shack.

However, everyone knows that the screaming shack cannot be entered, after all, so many seniors have tried to enter the screaming shack, but all of them have failed.

How is it possible that a few third-graders came this year and could go in?

“Zheng Fan, can you go in?”

At this time, they looked at the strongest third-year student in the legendary academy – that is, Zheng Fan.

Zheng Fan wanted to say that he could go in, but it was better not to tell others about this matter, so let it become a secret of his own.

Otherwise, I don’t know what Dumbledore is going to do with himself.

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