Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 496: Spring and autumn in the pot

  Chapter 496 Spring and Autumn in the Pot

   "What did you do yesterday?"

   "Oh, make desserts at home and meet new neighbors." She said absently while eating breakfast.

  Severus is recognized by everyone as a bad temper. Neville had a miserable life in the fourth grade. He dissected a whole bucket of toads like his pet Rifle, and he was about to collapse at that time.

  This has something to do with his third grade Borgette. If the vengeful Potions Professor knew about her conversation with Zhang Tao, he wouldn’t know what he felt.

  The Chinese like to teach people, and Severus is the kind of diehard that neither the white wizard Dumbledore nor the dark lord Voldemort have taught them well. It is a nightmare to make them realize.

  While watching him and the bitter coffee, she thought, Chinese tea is bitter, not as sweet as English black tea, but they advocate this way of drinking tea.

  Zhang Tao asked her, is this tea bitter? She said bitterness, and Zhang Tao said that books are like medicine. Reading more can heal mental illnesses.

  He read the philosophy of Yin and Yang written by an American named Michael Slott. Although many of his writings are from the perspective of Western philosophy, they are very enlightening.

Michael regards personal interests and health as a matter of wish. If a person does not care about his future health, he thinks that person is irrational. Severus has been excessively indulgent some time ago, and now he is back again. In other words, his mind is no longer on her.

  If a house is on fire, people are rational in fear of seeing the fire. Why are they still stunned if they don’t put out the fire?

  However, one person’s fear of another person will have an empathy effect. Empathy can help someone deal with anxiety and fear and avoid making him feel anxious.

This situation often happens to middle-aged men. When Draco was in sixth grade, Lucius and Severus were both unhappy, but Severus was looking for Pomona, and Lucius Malfoy was cheating and looking for young women. , The target that makes them fear and anxiety is Voldemort.

  When the emotion of fear reaches a certain intensity, they all lose their rational and objective judgment, and women can make them temporarily avoid facing him.

   Perhaps what Severus loves is not the life in seclusion, but that he does not have to bear the responsibility, and he will start to bear the responsibility after he returns to the human society. His personal interests have formed an opposing yin and yang because of the public interests.

Zhang Tao divides people who disregard their health and future into yang. Those who care about their own health and their future are divided into yang. Those who are healthy are divided into yin for personal benefit, and they are divided into yang for the benefit of others. People who are helpful are obviously more masculine than those who are overly indulgence. The official who stayed to take care of the civilians when the plague occurred in London was Yang, and the Stuart dynasty who hid in Oxford was yin, not during the Glorious Revolution. The bloodshed happened, and God's will decided to let the Yang side win, and the people's revolution followed the trend of God's will.

People who value selfish desires are overwhelmed with indulgence. The Saudi prince next door died at the age of 32. If he wanted to live longer, he restrained himself. If he could not control his desire, he read books. Not only empathy, but also mental illnesses can be cured. Does all wealth matter?

  People who promote the uselessness of reading either have physical health problems or mental health problems, usually manifested by lack of civic awareness.

Mongolia has planted a lot of trees for sand prevention and control, and the locals cut them down after these trees become lumber. They will certainly make money for themselves, but it will harm the public interest. Such people are not the pillars of the material, but the moths. It can't be learned. If people in society think that as long as they have money, it is right, no matter what the source of their money, then corruption and bribery and all kinds of strange images will begin to grow, and the "yin" will become heavy.

  But shouldn’t one of the trees planted be chopped down? This is not the case. If he cuts down the tree and planted another one, uses the cut down trees to build a sheep pen for the local area, or builds a wood processing factory to properly develop forest resources to benefit both the people living here and the forest, then It's a good thing. Both personal interests and public interests are satisfied. As long as selfishness is not too heavy, there is nothing immoral to be selfish.

  Albus Dumbledore sacrificed himself for the benefit of more people. His selfless heart is great, but it is just as irrational that he ignores his health for official business.

  Zhang Tao doesn’t seem to know that Albus is gay. If he can start a family with Grindelwald like an ordinary gay, Grindelwald will not make speeches everywhere to instigate people's hearts and dream the arrogant dream of a wizard ruling Muggles.

  The yin and yang that the Chinese understand is completely different from that of the Westerners. The American named Michael understands the ideals, positive emotions, and negative emotions that Zhang Tao interpreted as such.

When making contributions to the world, you must not forget your own health. Taoism pays attention to health preservation and sustainable development. She has learned a lot about drinking tea with Zhang Tao, but the premise is that she must sit on the ground like him, otherwise he doesn’t have a word. Will tell her.

  Severus couldn't pass the first level. I don't know if Neville can do it. He can learn kung fu from a Chinese wizard instead of looking at Severus's stinky face.

   "What's wrong?" She came back to her senses and found that she was still in the kitchen, not in Zhang Tao's reception room.

  "Did you hear what I said?" He said as viciously as he caught a student in a daze.

  Aren’t you afraid? Seeing Harry’s pale face and a dying look after Harry’s "make up class", Hefpaff is no longer attending the Advanced Potions class. Ernie is the only one to go. He is the timid Hefpaff. A rare warrior in the world.

   "I thought your mind was not on me." She said pitifully.

   "What does it have to do with you not listening to me?"

  "Do you remember what I said before?"

  He looked at her suspiciously.

   "What did you say?" He hesitated to ask after a moment.

   "Did you forget?" She looked unbelievable, but in fact she didn't remember what she said.

  He concentrated on drinking coffee.

   "You can forget everything I say, and I don't even expect you to remember the anniversary!" She had a clever idea and began to condemn him.

   "What anniversary?"

  She was so angry that she turned and left.

  Fortunately, she is not a real student. Otherwise, who would dare to talk to the old bat like this.

   "Do you want to have a cup of tea with me?" Severus said behind her, "You are good at peace talks with people."

  "This is not a question of peace talks." Pomona said helplessly, "A horse is out of control. Although he has the reins but no owner, someone should control him."

  "Who do you think is good?"

   "He has a younger sister in Zhang Tao's hands, but I don't know if what Zhang Tao said is true."

   "Why is he lying?"

   "Compared with women, Ma Yurong prefers power. Only his sisters who are related by blood may care about it." Pomona sighed. "The paternity test is so simple now, I think this is what he can't do."

    That book is called the philosophy of yin and yang. That American always uses burning houses and his daughter’s stamp collection as examples, hahaha



  (End of this chapter)

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