Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 499: Madman and poet

  Chapter 499 Madman and Poet

When Hong Kong returned to Hong Kong in 1997, many gangsters chose to immigrate. At that time, British immigrants used investment immigration. They had money, but the problem was that the "document" was very difficult to resolve. This is also why Chen chose Amin to follow him. The reason why a short-time gangster got into the police academy as an undercover agent.

The person who left the case file was "dirty", he couldn't wash it all his life, and was looked down upon everywhere. Young Master Malfoy didn't do anything, so he left a Death Eater mark on his arm. To be discriminated against by others, fortunately his family is rich, if he has no money, his life is another way of living.

  Many people don’t understand why Liu Jianming envied Chen Yongren from being kicked out of the police at the beginning of the movie. There are many hints later in the movie that he suffers from schizophrenia, or multiple personalities, but on the surface, he is normal. He has an excellent job, an Audi SUV, a mansion and a girlfriend. Heika, where does he look like a schizophrenic person?

  First of all, he has a self-identification disorder. Is he a policeman or a gangster undercover?

Chen Yongren understands better. When he called to complain to his boss, he was so loud and used violence to release part of the pressure. Liu Jianming had to be patient. He was in the police office, like a rat breaking in. In the cat cage, the police organization is different from other non-governmental organizations. It needs a high degree of unity. If a person's behavior is abnormal, it will cause everyone's attention. In Nietzsche's words, he should be put in a mental hospital, Liu Jianming I care about what others think of him, so much so that any weird look in his eyes will make him very nervous. He was over-focused on his performance and forgot one thing. Brother Chen not only gave him an undercover agent, but also "brothers of the same discipline" recognized him. He has been living under ultra-high pressure, and his personality split unknowingly.

  Many of the children wandering on the street are very violent, like wild animals. If he is locked up suddenly, it will make him extremely painful, but Amin can’t resist Brother Chen, who dares to violate the arrangements of a drug lord.

Even **** can't make him truly relax, because he is acting in front of his girlfriend as a perfect police boyfriend. Only music can calm him down. He is alone when he lies down and listens to songs, so he can let go. Himself, that expression is like a philosopher’s time that some people’s mind is completely empty after sex. He doesn’t need to think about anything, so he will spend a high price to buy a set of professional-grade speakers. A headset is enough for ordinary people, and you don’t need to rely on this. Things, Aren is good at sound and doesn’t rely on this. What he wants is a good night’s sleep, and announcing to the world "I am a good person, I am a policeman", and he wants a family, which is a normal mentality. The man’s normal performance, although he has serious violence problems.

Amin has a very serious psychological problem, so he can't go to see a psychologist. According to the professional ethics of a psychologist, he or she is not allowed to disclose the patient's condition, but he is a policeman, and he is also an internal policeman, which involves organized The triad of criminal organizations, psychologists would also report their patients when professional ethics violated citizens' accusations, so Amin had to adjust himself.

The best way is to surrender, but then the life that others admire is gone. If he doesn't surrender, he will practice martial arts or practice gun shooting. The problem is that he has only learned computer technology, so his pressure cannot be released. , Personality cognitive impairment occurs later is schizophrenia or personality split.

  Nowadays, many Chinese students have a performance personality disorder. The use of exaggerated words and deeds to attract people's attention is not just because they are ignorant, but because they have mental illness.

  In China, if you say that someone has a mental illness, you are saying that the person is crazy. In fact, personality disorders can be intervened and treated for better. If you ignore it, it will cause more serious psychological problems. The formation of performance personality disorder is related to genes and family environment. Children who grow up in a family background that lacks care and expectations for their children and have sexual promiscuity are more likely to develop performance personality disorder.

  The incidence of women is higher than that of men, and they often develop anti-social personality in the later stage. There is no cure at that time. There is no other way except isolation treatment. There is a serious lack of knowledge in this aspect in the Mainland.

On the surface, Lunu people seem to be provoking troubles caused by driving. In fact, driving is just a "trigger", which inspires hidden mental illnesses. Humans have limited psychological self-regulation ability. Lunu people are in public places. Doing nothing, making trouble, beating and hurting the innocent, wantonly provoking, overbearing, and destroying property is actually a violent way to release stress. 60% of car owners have road rage, and when emotions are out of control, they will turn into violent behavior. Knowing whether it was wrong to hit someone else's car or he would hit him, what he wanted was the "temporary joy" when the pressure was released. As for the consequences, he would not care about the sexual impulse at all.

  It’s not easy to want peace of mind. The meaning of religion and morality is to seek peace of mind. Otherwise, there won’t be so many clergymen who portray a beautiful heaven and bliss for people to believe.

  There are many religious elements involved in Infernal Affairs. Chen's home has a church-like house, but naked women are painted on the wall.

At the beginning of the movie, he burned incense and worshiped Buddha. On the surface, he seemed to believe in everything. In fact, he believed in nothing. He was very suspicious. He had to record when talking and doing things. Amin, he didn’t really believe it. He was really benefiting. He doesn’t even bother to take a look at those who can’t benefit him. At the end of the movie, the police undercover who killed Chen Yongren is the same as him. What is his brother? The brothers just have the interest to hang out with him. When Brother Chen is dead, the little policeman will not leave a single tear behind him. Even though Amin killed Brother Chen, he still has feelings for him. The reason why Amin wanted to kill him was because of Brother Chen. After going overboard, he lost his mind and killed Huang Zhicheng, the policeman who blocked his "business".

  Don’t force a clever madman, he can do anything when he gets mad. Amin has never considered that Brother Chen will keep a hand. He kills Brother Chen and has to play with him.

Those tapes are evidence. Aren took one of the volumes to his girlfriend, which was the one that Amin had when he met Chen Ge in the cinema. As a result, his perfect boyfriend’s image was shattered, just as the Diamond Sutra says. All actions are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and electricity. All conditions constituted by conditions are illusory. The condition for Amin's girlfriend to love him is that she thinks he is a good person. When she doubts whether Amin is a good person, this love ends.

  Buddha says that mutuality is born from the heart, and there are too many people who are "ordinary folks".

  As for what the appearance is, there is a record in the Diamond Sutra. It is written in Chinese history textbooks that the earliest woodblock printing is the Diamond Sutra, and what the current education teaches.

  "What do you think?" Ma Youfeng asked after the movie. He obviously didn't think Pomona would understand the movie at all.

   "Don't let a lunatic control too many secrets." Pomona said blankly, "He will drag everyone to hell."

  Ma Youjing was taken aback.

   "Crazy man?"

  "Don't you know? Amin is going crazy." Pomona asked in surprise.

  Ma Yurong looked even more surprised.

  Pomona looked at the man in front of her with infinite sympathy.

   "Is there a second one? I bet Amin must be crazy."

  Ma Yurong ignored her, he seemed to want to be quiet.

  "Do people really watch Tibetan stories in Hong Kong? And it's a literary film?"

   "Yes, but it was released last year. The name is Kekexili. It was not released in 2002." The gang member at the door said.

   "Ha, it's funny." She murmured.

   "What's interesting?" Ma Yurong asked.

   "Aren can actually watch literary movies." She said with infinite emotion, "He has a poet in his heart, but unfortunately no one understands him, even his psychiatrist does not understand him. He is really lonely."

  (End of this chapter)

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