Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 500: Sheep cannibal

  Chapter 500 Sheep cannibalize people

  The perfect boyfriend most women imagine should be the same as Amin, polite, handsome and capable, promising, rich and tasteful.

But these are all illusions. If Chen Yongren is physically in hell, but spiritually he is a romantic poet. Aren has never really shaken his police nature, even though he complains about being a young and Dangerous boy for too long. He is a policeman, but he has no doubt that he represents the righteous side at all. His pressure mainly comes from work.

A Ming is completely different. He is physically in the world of bliss, but deep in **** in spirit. When young and Dangerous, he can be cynical, but he can't be a policeman. His identity for himself has been changing, and he has no place to trust. What the girlfriend knows is just an illusion, everything is fake.

If he is really cold-blooded and ruthless, he will be better to himself, and he can sit back and enjoy the glory and wealth, but he just said "I want to be a good person", he is passively pushed away by fate, constantly struggling, and looks like A person who was about to drown, but no one noticed it.

Amin and Aren are like mirror images, like yin and yang. On the surface, people who are bright and upright also have shameful secrets in their hearts. On the surface, horrible mud has its own advantages, and they hesitate to know what they really want in their hearts. A Ming and A Ren, who are very confident and determined to know what they want, staged a rivalry like yin and yang fighting each other.

  There is a red dot on the center of the Buddha's eyebrows. Although Aren was headshot in the end, he became a Buddha, leaving Amin to continue living in Hell.

  The Buddha said that the reason why ordinary people cannot get rid of their troubles is because they are too attached to the various temptations in the world. If they are not so attached, they can suffer a lot less.

  The valley is easy and full, and human desires are hard to calm. Who will feel that all their desires are satisfied? If you are not satisfied, you have to ask for something, but you can't ask for it. Wouldn't it be distressed?

It’s very difficult to see through the colorful appearance. It seems that the powerful Ma Youyan can sometimes be lonely, but Pomona doesn’t know whether he is Aren or Amin, or neither. He is Huang Zhicheng or Chen Ge. Hesitate between being a good person and being a bad person.

  He is not completely bad. Such people with an undiminished conscience often feel the torment and pain of **** more than true evil people.

  He needs a woman to comfort him, but the world he lives in is full of danger and violence. A weak woman is easily hurt in his world, and the injury caused at that time is more painful than licking the wound alone.

Ma Youjia is still more human-like. People with antisocial personality often lack compassion and shame and repentance. Voldemort has obvious antisocial personality, but he can still feel fear, which is better than not feeling anything. a little bit.

Severus is going crazy, he knows too many secrets, relying on the power of nature, the Yellowstone volcano may erupt after tens of thousands of years, but if he really uses the Tarantai spell to make the Yellowstone volcano and Vesuvius volcano together "Dancing", then it will erupt sooner or later.

  He is as capable as Amin, but not strong enough. To turn a good person into a bad person only needs to constantly "force" him to do what he doesn't want to do.

What kind of road to take is chosen by human beings. The final outcome of giving the right of choice to the public is to gradually move towards evil. Unconstrained freedom will bring destruction and destruction. Of course, the environment is the first to suffer. Advise people to pay attention to the greenhouse. After the problematic movie was broadcast the day after tomorrow, it did not attract anyone's attention at all.

  The vice president looks silly in the movie. Why does he always make wrong judgments? In fact, like him, everyone does not pay attention to the problem caused by the greenhouse effect.

This is a common industry, and people all over the world should bear it together. Karma, that's it. Even if someone warns of the danger, his voice will soon be drowned in the vast sea of ​​people, and the huge ship still hits the iceberg. .

  When the Black Death broke out, the "good" people needed to vent their fear and anxiety, and they had to find someone to take responsibility, so the witch trial began.

  Women may be innocent, but so what, because women are weak, the weak and the fittest survive, and men treat women like this when they are cruel.

  That is another form of helplessness. Maybe after a few hundred years, people will look back and find some problems, provided that the human population still exists at that time.

  After leaving the EMI Building, Pomona returned to the bustling Chinatown, where people were preparing for the Lantern Festival and it was very lively.

  Severus was waiting for her at the door.

  Those who like this ugly guy are actually very talented, knowing that they don’t judge people by their appearance, and they are not blinded by the colorful colors.

However, they will still be convinced by the dark charm. Too much violence is not a good thing. There is violence in Hong Kong’s culture. At the beginning of Infernal Affairs Part 2, Huang Zhicheng mentioned his energy when he was a newbie. With the machete's severed hand, he thought the world shouldn't be like that.

  It’s not like that and what should it be? The British Hong Kong government forcibly drove the gang out of Hong Kong. Without the "boss," the little gangsters underneath have no leader. They are in their own hands, and the situation will be more chaotic than organized crime.

  It was originally a small fishing village. Except for the places developed by the British, most of the places are rural. The spiritual civilization has not been built, but the material civilization is developing rapidly, like an adult's body with a young soul.

  She does not approve of perfect education, but Hong Kong’s education system has serious problems.

  Education in Hong Kong is not worthy of the truth. This is another kind of consumerist brainwashing. The whole world knows that Chinese parents attach great importance to the education of their children.

Even worse, when parents don’t know what they have learned, just send them to school. General education in Hong Kong is not the same as real general education. Going to a prestigious school is like putting a trademark on your body. To find a good job to earn money, the public believes that reading is to earn money in the future.

  She thought she read for the sake of the truth.

   "How's the chat?" Severus asked listlessly.

  "They agreed to let Auror enter Chinatown to'play'." Pomona was dying and said, "Have you ever heard of the term almsgiving?"

   "I don't want to discuss anything related to Buddhism." Severus said coldly. "After this time, I don't want to have any intersection with the Chinese."

   "Well, let's not talk about it." Pomona said boringly. She originally wanted to discuss the meaning of "killing and setting fire with a golden belt, repairing bridges and paving roads without corpses".

  Use the money earned from murder and arson to pave the road. Is this doing good deeds or doing evil?

In the first part, when A Ming and the others went to drink tea, Chen Ge's men gave the monk a lot of "sesame oil money". That money was earned by selling drugs. The monk received his money. Was it right or wrong? What?

  You always have to pay back when you come out. Buddhism has been slaughtered several times in China before it has not affected politics like the West. This is called karma.

   "You really want to talk?" Severus asked.

  "Do you want to be a good person or a bad person?" she asked.

   "What's the difference?" He said sarcastically, "I'm already dead."

   "I want you to answer my question head-on."

"People say that a person's quality is related to whether he is benefiting. Bees can brew honey. They are beneficial insects. Bees cannot make honey and they have to sting people. They are pests. If I do things that are beneficial to the public, I am a good person. , I’m a bad guy when I do things that are not suitable for the public. For example, I let the Huangshi Volcano erupt...

  "Don't give this example."

  He smiled indifferently as if he did not listen to persuasion, and said, "I have done terrible things. Of course it is a bad thing. But people all over the world put down their prejudices and united against me in the face of survival crisis. Do you think I am a good person or a bad person?"

  She was speechless.

"This world needs a bad person, so that'good people' can come together." He asked her to take her arm and wander in the street. "So I choose to be a good person or a bad person. It makes no difference to other people. They commented. I measure it from the perspective of my own interests, and I never care what other people think of me."

   "Oh, is it true? Why don't I believe you at all? You are obviously jealous of popular children like James and Harry."

  The smile on his face suddenly stiffened.

  The money from drug trafficking to do good deeds is really incredible for some people.

  Pomona looked back at the old EMI building. Infernal Affairs is definitely a classic, but unfortunately how many people can really understand it.

  (End of this chapter)

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