Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 501: Bitter Sea Floating

  Chapter 501 Bitter Sea Floating

  What the teacher said in the class is something that parents cannot hear, and sometimes they carry some private goods. This is why Voldemort is not allowed to become a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

  He preached pure-bloodism. Compared with him, what Carlos brothers and sisters did was much clumsy, and everyone could distinguish them.

  Classroom is not a political arena, but Umbridge brought Fudge’s “business as usual” illusion into the classroom, leaving Harry in isolation and preventing Hogwarts students from using magic wands.

  The black magic defense class of the magic school is to learn the skills of how to resist when encountering bad guys. Students are not allowed to practice theory only, and eventually they will "talk on paper", and there is no way to protect themselves and their family.

Anarchy can happen at any time. Perhaps on the next street corner, you will encounter a robber. He has ignored the legal restrictions when he robs. There are only two people. The police or the Auror may not come right away if they call for help. Your personal safety can only be protected by yourself, and learning magic is for this purpose.

If Harry doesn’t need to call on the dementors to protect himself and Dudley’s safety, the Auror of the Ministry of Magic can only collect the corpse when he arrives. He obviously has the power but cannot be used to defend himself, so he has a mountain in his house. The flour starved to death.

If Umuritch’s method completely deviates from the purpose of education and the teaching method of serving politics, perhaps a group of meek and obedient students will be taught. The Ministry of Magic is not the ruler of wizards, but is to maintain the existence of international secrecy laws. The Muggle set was brought to the wizarding world.

  The all-boarding school defense formation in Northern Scotland will not be open as soon as it is opened. Only a fixed Saturday can go to Hogsmeade.

Consumerism in the United States has spread across the world. Stimulating consumption is a "special medicine" invented during the Great Depression to quench thirst by drinking poison. Christian ethics and moral values ​​can curb the evils of human nature in the early stage of capitalism and ensure that capitalism will not pursue the greatest profits due to the emergence of capitalism. Turning to perish, swallowed by selfish desires.

  But by the 1920s, people’s desires were no longer restrained. Consumerism advocated the pursuit of conspicuousness, luxury and novelty of consumption, and the pursuit of uncontrolled material enjoyment, recreation and hedonism, in order to seek the satisfaction of personal desires. Children love novelty the most. Their curiosity is very strong. Building a school in the wilderness away from cities and commercial streets can isolate the children from the flashy world, and they can study and concentrate on studying instead of living. Early to learn to enjoy life multitasking, not to concentrate on learning skills at all.

  Consumerist society is about tapping people’s desires, creating novel ideas, and making people constantly spend money to buy.

  Energy and money are useless. The St. Mungo Hospital in the Wizarding World is operated entirely by donations. The money is used to research and treat incurable diseases. The reason why the Gunter family fell apart was also because they were very particular about luxury and extravagance. They used to be quite rich, and they were out of money by Tom Riddle.

  Nietzsche said that the reason why some people live in isolation is to avoid hooligans. He really does not want to drink well water, share fruit and fire with him.

  Stay away from the materialistic people and stay kind and innocent. People in the wizarding world are not as "smart" and cold as Muggles. Even Slytherin is not as capable as Muggles.

On the contrary, they are half-blood wizards, such as Lockhart, Severus, Voldemort, and even Hermione of the Muggle species are better at calculating people than pure-blood wizards. Lucius Malfoy has dealt with Muggles all the year round, and it is estimated that Fudge's method of suppressing Albus He taught it.

  But it is precisely because of Hogwarts’ isolation that parents don’t know what’s going on in the school. If it weren't for the antagonistic disclosure, the parents would never know what the Ministry of Magic had done to their children.

  Today’s Journal of Metamorphology published a lot of methods for making Muggle sirens. After making this thing, you must defend against Muggles. As a result, the confrontation between wizards and Muggles was created.

  Today's Metamorphosis is a magazine compiled by Albus and Minerva. In popular perception, it should be a white magic publication. People who do not have the ability to discern can easily be brainwashed.

What the teacher taught is not necessarily right. Harry was led by Albus Dumbledore to a dead end, "sacrificing for the greater good." He was only 17 at the time and he was still a minor in the Muggle world. Man, he has no parents by his side, and even the godfather is no longer there. He is isolated and helpless, and if he is bewitched by the elderly, he will commit stupid things.

  He was Voldemort’s last Horcrux and must be destroyed. No one would question the authoritative conclusion of Albus Dumbledore. Harry would be sent by someone who feared Voldemort if he didn’t go to death by himself.

It seems easy for Muggles to rule the wizards. The premise is that they can find the entrance to the magical world. Even if they exhaust all of them, most Muggles will be like the kings in fairy tales. They will never have access to real wizards for a lifetime. Liars disguised as wizards and alchemists were deceived.

  Real wizards want to stay away from Muggles, but Muggles desperately seek out wizards, wanting to be immortal elixir and magic stone. Even if someone said that the Philosopher’s Stone was obtained by sacrificing human life, he believed it, because Nick Lemae trained it into the Philosopher’s Stone during the spread of the Black Death.

  Make so much money, why don’t you buy things? American historians pointed out in the book "Propagating the American Dream" that although social wealth is in the hands of a small group of people at the top of society, ordinary people can still get a certain sense of satisfaction by imitating and copying the consumption methods of the upper class. And identity. In a society where consumerism is rampant, all classes are trapped regardless of their income levels.

American cultural critic Paul Fossell pointed out that the poor people without exception have high respect for advertising and trademarks. This is because the mastery of consumer knowledge allows them to associate themselves with the aura of goods in advertising. together.

  Just as people in the Middle Ages were shrouded in the light of Christian theology, they felt that believing in God would lead to happiness. Only when the great plague broke out in Europe would it be almost extinct.

  If everyone can make a broad-effect antidote, they won’t sell a 32-gallon one reagent. Similarly, the wolf poison silver bullet, Muggle and the Chinese can make it, so you don’t need to buy it with silver.

  Knowledge is power, knowledge is wealth, and knowledge is power.

  The Chinese pay much attention to rankings. This kind of attention has become a brainwashing trap. Is that list of world-renowned schools really not suspected of fraud? Can't the so-called authority be questioned?

  When interests are involved, capitalists dared to trample all laws, Aristotle ran away when faced with a powerless threat, and literati had never had much guts.

  In this kind of collective unconscious torrent, individual voices will be ignored, and even ridiculed and scolded.

  Others have gone to a good university to find a good job, what are you doing?

  So the reality is much worse than in the laboratory. Only a few people can study quietly in an impetuous society. Only by staying away from the city and building schools in the mountains and wilderness can we avoid those who are profiteering.

  Oxford and Cambridge used to be far away from the city of London. With more and more students and the expansion of the town, they have become more and more prosperous, and there are noisy tourists everywhere.

  The poison is not necessarily sending a blanket with smallpox virus, it may also be full of specious precepts and deeds.

  The Chinese love to grow rice. Rice is grown backwards. The water in the paddy field is like a mirror, reflecting the prosperity of the world. It seems that the scenery is endless, but in fact it is all in vain.

  Inverted planting of rice seems to have regressed, but it is actually progress, because all in front of you are rice seedlings. After careful gestation, it will become edible food when it matures.

The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turning back is the shore, further storms and rains, and a step back, you should undoubtedly stick to the principles of your heart, stick to the nobility of your soul, and cannot easily compromise or even sell your conscience just because you give in to pressure or the enjoyment of material benefits , When personal fame or material interests are damaged or conflicts with others due to personal interests, if you can make a big concession, not only is it not cowardice, but a manifestation of forbearance.

  Of course no one would listen to such nonsense, so the Buddha could only watch sentient beings cry.

   "What did you do just now?"

  Severus asked him when he was eating in a Chinese restaurant that the restaurant actually placed a golden Buddha statue in the lobby, which was almost blind.

"We watched a movie." She said perfunctorily. Hong Kong movies are really becoming more and more open. The first part of Infernal Affairs is okay, but the second part has some ethical shots. It was embarrassing when she watched it with Ma Youyan. Extremely.

   "Just watched a movie?" He squinted his eyes and asked every word.

   "Really just watched a movie. Oh, we also discussed the topic of yin and yang. They think that selfless dedication is a great spirit, but if they ignore their health, even the sun will fall prematurely..."

  "Who are they?" He asked reluctantly.

  "Buddha and Mr. Zhang, I see in the Diamond Sutra that all benevolent men and believers must settle their hearts, help others, and broaden them, and make contributions to society and others when they are healthy."

  "When did you meet Zhang?"

   "The EMI Building is a movie theater. Zhang also likes to watch movies. What's weird about it in public."

  He stared at her without speaking.

  "Do you think Zhang will go to the place controlled by Hongmen to watch the movie?"

   "Why not?"

   "There is a Chinese proverb that the ways are not conspiring. They can't come together." He stiffened his face and said, "I hate you lying to me."

  She wanted to say that she did not lie.

   "I'm sorry," she muttered.

   "I don't want to send someone to follow you, you can tell me what you did, and I won't be angry."

  Pomona looked at the "angry" Snape, and finally obediently said what happened yesterday and today.

  She really doesn’t seem to be good at lying, a technique that requires brainstorming, and she’s still pretending to be the most suitable for a Hefpaff fool like her.

  (End of this chapter)

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