Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 502: "Dream of Red Mansions"

  Chapter 502 "A Dream of Red Mansions"

At first, Achen was not like this. When his wife Mary was still alive, he was still a little human, but after Mary died, he lost all the humanity in his heart. He had secretly traded with the police to get rid of dissidents. Revenge blatantly against Huang Zhicheng. He and Huang Zhicheng once had some friendship.

  Before he died in the first part, Han Chen saw everyone as chess pieces, stepping stones to lay the merits and future. He still carries the banner of morality, but his heart is full of conspiracy and doubt.

  His heart is cold, just like a ghost. When a person is thrown out of his heaven, he will create an ideal **** again. Drugs will harm many people, but what about it?

  The only human touch left in him is the fear of being "caught". He is not afraid of being caught even after he died. A thief would be afraid of being an "official" all his life.

  Han Chen is bold for a while, timid for a while, believes in everything for a while, believes nothing for a while, he is not so much crazy, it is a demon.

Amin is really crazy. He has personality cognitive impairment. The general clinical manifestations of people are poor self-control and emotional instability, but he is the opposite. He hides all the negative emotions and looks normal on the surface. But he called Han Chen Dad. How could a policeman call the leader of a criminal organization Dad?

  When he called, Huang Zhicheng walked over, and Pomona could feel his pounding heartbeat through the screen.

He was scared to death, and Aren’s performance was much better than Amin. The undercover agent must have died miserably if caught by a gang, but Aren could still calm down and talk to Han Chen, but Han Chen turned his face and took his hand. The plaster broke.

  Ghosts do not necessarily look terrible. Han Chen even smiles like a Maitreya Buddha, but he is just a ghost.

  It is called anti-social personality in psychology. It is characterized by emotional outbursts and impulsive behavior. His killing of Huang Zhicheng is a typical impulsive behavior. Following him, he will get together for a while, but in the end, he will be destroyed.

   Achen’s impulse forced Amin, who was originally abnormal, to kill himself in order to save himself. Talking logic to a lunatic would only drive himself mad.

Philosophers like books and thinking. Desperadoes like danger and games. In the world of gangsters, ordinary people don’t have the guts to play. Organized crime not only has a complicated network of relationships, but also has a strict organizational structure. Hongmen is in the Chinese underground world. It has always existed. Hong Kong can't stay in another country. Wherever there are locust trees, there are Chinese.

  In the movie "The Godfather", even if they are also white, even if they are also Christians, Italians will encounter judicial injustices in the United States and the United Kingdom.

  Italy is a Catholic country, Britain and the United States are Protestant, and his daughter was almost insulted. After legal means failed, the bakery owner could only seek revenge from the "godfather". At that time, the bakery owner didn't want to integrate into the local area.

The gentleman is harmonious but different, the villain is the same but not, Han Chen is a villain, his organization and his heart are at odds, except for being stupid and strong, everyone follows him because of his interests. When he dies, he will fall apart. No one thought of avenging him.

  The Mr. Wen Ma Youyan and him are very similar to him, they are all in the shape of a knife hidden in a smile, and the dragon and phoenix teahouse where Pomona and the others eat is opened by him.

   On the surface, he is a serious businessman, but in fact he is the head of the Tiandihui. Ma Yourong is his guest, a person who says he has power but no power.

  Each organization has an inner ghost. The idea of ​​​​sentence is most suitable for torture to extract a confession, plus three drops of Veritaserum to ensure that no secrets can be hidden.

  In addition to complicated networks of relationships and interests, organized crime also has strict organization. There is a penalty hall in Hongmen, and sometimes Ma Youyan will appear.

Mr. Wen valued him very seriously, but did not intend to give him the management of the entire Chinatown site. Ma Yourong's position is more like a flower crown, that is, a person who specializes in catching internal traitors. No one likes this kind of person.

  From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the founding of New China, China has been in chaos, and many cultural relics have been resold abroad.

  Zhang Jingjiang is a cultural relics dealer who lives in Paris, but he fully funded Sun Wen to support the Revolution of 1911. After the Revolution of 1911, Zhang Jingjiang returned to China to assist Sun Yat-sen, and the Tongyuan Company in Paris ended. Lu Qinzhai opened his own antique shop and established Lu Wu Antique Company.

  Selling cultural relics now is definitely a big crime, but it must be done in that special period of history. The Manchus must pay compensation if they lost the war. The people are more clean than the Eight-Power Allied Forces. The Manchus left behind a poor country.

  Waiting for the breath to ease, the Zhang family is taking back all the cultural relics that can be recovered, but the head of the Old Summer Palace beasts, especially the head of the dragon, will never be taken back.

The loot can evoke a certain memory. Serial killers often do this. Rasputin also collects women’s hair. Looking at the dragon head, it is estimated that the collector can enjoy the sense of accomplishment of being a "conqueror." It is basically impossible to return it to the Chinese.

Similarly, the relief of the six horses in Zhaoling is also difficult to go back. Lu Qinzhai is different from Zhang Jingjiang. Before him, European and American collectors only collected porcelain, and he enlightened the eyes of European and American collectors from Chinese decorative porcelain. The Chinese tomb art and Buddhist art with profound cultural accumulation.

  Lu Qinzhai built the famous "Paris Red Mansion" in Paris. He had donated money to fund the Revolution of 1911. For a period of time, he sponsored a free lunch for Chinese students studying in the Red Mansion every day. In his later years, Lu Qinzhai concluded that his life was full of contradictions. He admitted that he had lost many national treasures overseas and felt lucky that these national treasures were protected from war.

  After the First World War, Lu Qinzhai realized that the United States had become the center of the antique market. He decided to open the largest antique store in the United States on the corner of Madison and 57th Street in New York with Wu Qizhou, a Shanghai native. His fame and connections quickly made him a supplier and consultant for many private museums. It was from him that Zhaoling Six Horses flowed abroad.

  Lu Qinzhai smashed all the stone carvings of the six horses in Zhaoling to prepare to be smuggled out of the country. Four horses were seized by the Beiyang government, and Sa Luzi and Fist and Fist were lost overseas.

  There are many Westerners who like to watch the Dream of Red Mansions, but Pomona doesn’t like it. She likes Water Margin, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West, especially when Wu Song was drunk and hit the tiger. It was really enjoyable.

  She doesn’t like the beautiful and exquisite garden, just like an exquisite cage, and she doesn’t like the attitude of the people in the Grand View Garden towards Grandma Liu. What is so ridiculous?

  Especially that Miaoyu, she threw the tea cup that Grandma Liu had drunk, what kind of attitude was she.

"Now you know the reason why Zhang didn't come to Chinatown?" Severus drank tea after talking about their identities. This kind of tea is made in Chinese style. Many Westerners are not used to drinking it and would rather drink lemonade. .

   "Qiu Zhang and Tao Zhang are related?" Pomona asked.

  "I don’t know. Zhang is a common surname in China, and her parents seem to be ordinary people."

   "Are they all Muggles?"

   "No, they are all ordinary people." Severus said in a low voice, "There are not so many stories about them, and China doesn't care about wizards and Muggles getting married. There is no need to study their bloodlines."

   "I heard that many Chinese wizards do not get married."

   "Some are so, but some want to get married."

  "They don't value bloodliness, so what do they value?"

   "I spent a night out in Tibet with you, and Wang Wei thought I should marry you." Severus said without hesitation, "Is their thinking still in the 18th century?"

  Pomona coldly looked at the wizard who gave her the imperial high-waisted skirt, his thoughts were not open to much.

  At this moment, the dishes they ordered came, much more than they ordered, enough for five or six people.

   "I didn't order this." Severus said to the waitress, wearing a gorgeous cheongsam.

  "Mr. Wen confessed, the visitor is a guest, please take your time." The hostess said in accented English, and then swayed away.

  Pomona looked at the table full of delicacies, feeling extremely complicated.

  (End of this chapter)

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