Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 654: Mystery platform

  Chapter 654 Mysterious Platform

  There is an old superstition in England and Ireland that uprooting hawthorn trees will bring bad luck.

Although Pomona is not as full of superstitions as Molly, she is sure that everyone will not be able to drive Slytherin to a dead end. After the "hawthorn" was pulled up, the werewolves and goblins began to rebel. The Black Magic Alliance is very good at dealing with pure blood, but it can't deal with these creatures.

   "Oh, what are you doing!"

  Pomona was making the batter, and suddenly stretched out her hands from behind to hug her.

   "Take a rest." The owner of the hand lay on her shoulder and said muffledly, "I'm tired."

   "How is Draco?" she said softly.

"Drank the tranquilizer and fell asleep." He sighed deeply. "I began to think that Narcissa called me back from the underworld for him, and she dared to do anything for her spoiled son. "

  Pomona remembered Mrs. Malfoy, she burst out with amazing courage for Draco and dared to lie in front of so many people.

  At this moment, the hand holding her waist began to unbutton her coat.

  She slapped it so hard that he let out a cry of pain.

   "This is Draco's house!" She warned in a low voice.

   "We used to live in this place." He smiled unkindly and said, "Do you remember what we did in the kitchen?"

  Her face flushed suddenly.

   "Naughty ghost." The serious potion professor was not serious and teased her.

  "Stop talking!" She wailed, covering her face.

  He put his lips to her ears and whispered the love words that only two people could hear. The house elf honey had already disappeared at this time. If it were not for special reasons, he would not just say something unpleasant.

  "We haven't had our honeymoon yet. I originally planned to take the train to Venice in the afternoon. Should we postpone it now?"

  After the frolic, he finally looked a little serious, but the topic he said was a bit beyond her expectations.

  They have been married for more than a month, but the full moon does not mean that the honeymoon is over. They can also spend the tail of the Carnival in Venice today.

   "I have no problem, I can still participate in the carnival next year."

  He did not answer what she said, and the heavy gasp from behind sounded like some kind of monster.

   "You are trembling." He muttered as if he was unconscious, his nose and lips rubbing against her neck, as if he wanted to take her alive.

"When the old lion died, the'prince' became a king. He ruled the castle. According to the old king, the princess would marry another king. However, she did not marry him. She kept trying to resist. The key is to give back. There are so many fools who follow her orders, as if she is their goddess of victory."

Pomona remembers the world-famous painting. It was exhibited in the Louvre. It was "Freedom to Lead the People" by Eugène Delacroix. It depicts the last moments of the battle, and the crowd wielding weapons is emerging from the smoke Gather in the direction of the audience. In the center of the screen is a woman wearing a robe with a gun in one hand and a tricolor flag in the other, leading the people forward. Behind her left hand, you can vaguely see that the bell tower of Notre Dame de Paris has been planted with a tricolor flag, and there are soldiers marching under the buildings around Notre Dame de Paris.

   "Go away." She trembled, trying to drive away the person who had fallen into some kind of fantasy.

   "She is free, why can't you be like her?" He unbuttoned the second button of her coat, and then put his hand in. "You are already a free woman."

  Many sculptures in ancient Greece and Rome are unclothed. They show the beauty of the human body, but sculptures of philosophers such as Augustus, aristocrats, and Socrates are all dressed in clothes.

  The goddess, especially Venus, does not wear clothes, and Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, is not only wearing a full dress, but also wearing armor, holding weapons and shields in her hands.

The goddess is usually given a perfect appearance, such as ceramic skin, plump and feminine body, pure, feminine, and mysterious. The woman in "Freedom to Guide the People" appears strong, because she is a fisherwoman and a working class .

  There were many dead bodies lying on the ground in front of her. Many of these male dead bodies did not wear pants.

  Not wearing pants is usually divided into active and forced. Now the man behind her wants to take off his pants, and the corpse in the portrait is caused by looting after death.

  Revolutionaries don’t seem to be as great as people think. They did not leave a trace of dignity to the nobles, and stripped off the corpse’s pants.

Romanticism is perceptual and irrational, emphasizing the expression of personal emotions. Delacroix is ​​a romantic painter. In this painting, he not only shows the "greatness" of the People's War, but also shows the ugly side of war— -plunder.

  The revolutionaries overthrew the royal family. They changed from the previously oppressed to the new oppressor. In the end, the French Revolution failed. Napoleon broke the thousand-year tradition, crowned himself and became the Roman emperor.

In human history, there are countless revolutions characterized by violence and bloodshed. There are many reasons for their success and failure, such as the environment, climate, the talents of military leaders, the strength of the balance of power, the timing, the quality of participants, and the unpredictable. Incidental events and so on. It is easy to overthrow the royal family, but it is difficult to rebuild, new regimes, laws, etc. These are not something a simple-minded person who has never read a book can do.

  She didn't stop him. When she felt painful, he could help her forget everything Draco experienced.

  Not to mention that they are legal couples, although they are not registered on the documents of the Ministry of Magic.

  Scotland is a paradise for elopers, and Albus never put the Minister of Magic in his eyes.

The marriage of Albus and Grindelwald is not legally recognized, but as long as they feel that they are married, even if they are married, marriage means that they must remain loyal to each other. Perhaps their blood oath was issued on the "wedding". of.

   "If you only want private space, where you can find it, why bother to go to Venice?" She closed her eyes and said to the "king" with some confusion.

   "When you abandon your courtiers and go away alone, let's see how bad they are."

   "He told me that he regretted letting Fenrir Greyback into Hogwarts."


"Draco, do you know why he is crying? His gloves are broken and there is a hole in his finger. He may have been in contact with the blood of a patient. He is very afraid of becoming a werewolf. You think if he becomes a werewolf, ah Will Stoneya still love him?"

   "Of course it will." She said with a frivolous smile.

  He suddenly stopped all his movements and gasped loudly.

  "How do you know?" he asked.

   "Women's intuition." She turned around and looked up at his black eyes. "As long as you are together, you don't necessarily need to go abroad. You can spend a honeymoon anywhere."

"But I want to go to Venice." He twisted his thin lips, gave a smirk, took a half step back, and suddenly changed from a gypsy to a gentleman of Shouli, but his hand was still holding her palm." When was the last time we traveled abroad?"

   "Okay, no problem." She gave up resistance, and she would be depraved if she was late with these dark wizards.

  "Do you remember that Harry Potter and his friends did not attend the Halloween dinner in the year of the secret room incident?"

   "I remember, the fat monk told me that they were attending the death party of Nick who was almost headless."

"Bloodman Barrow said that Nick sang a song at the party about how he died." Severus sang back as he sang, "Which wizard won't make this kind of mistake? You feel exhausted when you get busy. , A trivial mistake made me go straight to the end. I found out that I was about to face the death penalty, and I blamed it on the night I met you."

  That song is not sung like that.

  But, she did not dare to correct him.

  "Do you know which platform is on the long-distance train to the European continent?" he asked.

   "Seven and one-half." She replied.

   "Good girl." He praised, "It's 7 again, maybe something magical will happen this time."

  (End of this chapter)

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