Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 663: Golden Hill

  Chapter 663 Golden Hill

The French revolutionaries are poetic. They have given new names to the twelve months, such as Portuguese Moon, Fog Moon, Frost Moon, Snow Moon, Rain Moon, Wind Moon, Bud Moon, Flower Moon, Shepherd Moon, Harvest Moon, Hot Moon , Guoyue, but poetry can not fill the stomach. In the three years of the Republic, the masses of Paris held a rally and called out a citizen uprising that "want for bread".

  Capitalism is profit-oriented, and the price will be increased whenever there is a shortage, even if it is a daily necessities such as food, the price will not go wrong.

The Thermites stabilized prices for a period of time when they first came to power. On December 23, 1794, the day before Christmas Eve, the Thermite government announced the abolition of the "Maximum Price Law" and abolished restrictions on speculators. These policies have caused the people’s situation to deteriorate drastically.

  God is dead, and the church has been driven away. In the past, the church would be responsible for social relief when disaster strikes. After the priests were driven away, social relief basically disappeared.

   Mass demonstrations stormed into the National Convention on the 12th of Bud Moon, but they only chanted slogans such as bread and social relief at the meeting, and did not put forward a specific plan. In the end, they were suppressed by the army mobilized by the Thermites.

In troubled times, no one’s life is guaranteed. France is the main food producing area in Europe. If France starts to suffer a famine, it will be even more impossible for Britain to import from them. In addition, at that time, Britain and the United States were fighting the first war of independence. India’s wheat was An important source of food security in the UK.

  The British habit of eating wheat and bread originated from Rome, especially England, but the rainy climate in Britain is not suitable for growing wheat, nor is it suitable for growing rice. The accumulated temperature on the island is not enough, and rice needs a warm climate.

  The climate in the Paris Basin is warm, the heat conditions are good, the land is fertile, and wheat can be grown.

  However, after urbanization, cities occupied arable land, coupled with the reduction of grain production, French famine occurred under the dual effects of weather and man-made disasters.

French wine is well-known in the world. The grape producing areas are mainly distributed in the southwest and the Mediterranean coast. The north and east are the wheat producing areas. Louis XVI fled from Paris to the northeast. His relationship with the church is clear at the Easter celebration. .

  Food shortages, soaring prices, the Revolutionary Party did not make the civilians feel that they are living a good life, there will always be people who miss the benefits of the king's reign.

  Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Italy in 1794 and compared this action with Hannibal in his speech to soldiers while crossing the Alps.

  Napoleon was undoubtedly a military genius, but he still put the church aside in internal affairs.

  The advantage of the Renaissance is that people are qualified to receive education, not the monopoly of knowledge in the hands of church schools as in the past.

  The priest classifies other scholars as heretics, so the king and nobles can only rely on them.

  The Patriarch of Eastern Rome has always been under the royal power, and the clergy of non-Western Rome are as equal or even above the royal power.

  The pope called for a crusade. The kings must obey the order. Even the British must cross the English Channel and across the European continent to fight in a world completely alien to them.

  Theocratic power overrides the secular. The church's power in northern France is deeply ingrained, and it is not suitable for wizarding life.

  After starting from Paris, the European trains stop at more stops. These small stations are the villages of wizards.

  At first, Pomona had the idea of ​​visiting Furong’s grandmother, but now she doesn’t think so much. She needs to understand why she ran away in such a hurry.

  Louis XVI successfully escaped from Paris, but he did not run to the north. He was "invited" to go back halfway, and never left Paris.

  She didn't want this trip to be their last journey, and was caught by the Auror in the middle, and then locked into Azkaban.

  The pity of werewolves is that there is no relief agency to help them. They are squeezed out by the wizards and Muggle society. Their only hope is the werewolf rehabilitation program.

  This plan has existed since a long time ago, but the past Ministers of Magic are not very interested in implementing a plan. Hezhunstosgor prefers to spend the cost on refurbishing and strengthening Azkaban.

  Those who are desperate and helpless will be the same as those werewolves and those who stormed into the National Convention. They don’t know what to do besides causing riots.

  If there is no conscientious person pointing a clear path for them, they will continue to struggle like trapped beasts.

Kingsley Shaker resisted the pressure and stopped the dementors from acting as the guard of Azkaban. These dementors wandered everywhere. Not everyone would call God to protect him. He had to face domestic and international public opinion. It’s almost impossible to expect him to implement the werewolf rehabilitation plan against public opinion.

Fenrir created so many werewolves. These werewolf children were also children of wizards. They were the creators of disputes and the victims of wars. This is directly related to Voldemort's connivance during the Second Wizarding War. At least there is pure blood. Malfoy was helping, and the werewolves had no other choice but to rob.

  It would be great if the werewolves could really become humans by using Transfiguration, just like in Lockhart’s book.

  Not long after the train left Paris, it started to rain. After leaving Gurgi, the train will enter the Birkenstock region. The first stop of the train is near Beaune, the wizarding village named Cottdel.

  France lives in coffee and French cuisine, and wine is also very famous. Shakespeare would once wrote in King Lear that "the Roman Empire conquered the world, and Beaune conquered the Roman Empire". According to legend, when the Roman army arrived at Beaune in Gaul with the seeds of grapes, they found that the abundant sunshine and rich and fertile gravel land were particularly suitable for growing grapes, so they planted grapes while making wine like local farmers.

  Who knows that three years later, when the army was about to open, nearly half of the soldiers stayed. They would rather stay as a wine farm than to go to the South and the North to expand the territory of the empire. To this end, Charlemagne had to issue a decree to prohibit the army from passing through Beaune. Even before his death, he said something like this: "The Roman Empire prospered by wine, but it was ruined by wine."

  French government forces cheated the British on the frontal battlefield and soon surrendered, but the French people never gave up resistance after being occupied by the Germans.

The French style is like this. If there is such a person who wants to enslave free France, then he must always stare at them, keep one eye open when sleeping, and be willing to let himself fall into endless troubles. .

  During World War II, both ordinary soldiers and the top German leader Hitler wanted to take the best wine in France as their own. Even if they didn't like wine, they preferred to drink Munich beer.

In order to protect the wine from falling into the hands of the people in the French wine-producing regions, some people keep the wine in the mezzanine of the fake wall, some bury the wine in the garden underground, and some try to destroy the wine transportation channel. Others use various methods to protect their most precious grapes, such as changing the labels of famous wines to ordinary wine bottles.

But this is just the beginning of the story. In the days that followed, the people of those wineries fought hard. They hid Jews and Allied soldiers in vineyards and cellars, used oak barrels to transport soldiers, etc., and used their Go all out to defend their country and wine.

  In the Burgundy occupation, the German army issued such a rule: Except for the wine produced in the first-class vineyards, the German army can freely possess and drink other wines. The Germans’ attempts to promulgate such regulations are well known to everyone. There are many followers of French high-end wine among the German government officers, so this is also to continue to drink top French wines in the future.

  So the wine growers in the Burgundy-occupied area began to rush to apply for first-level gardens, and a large number of first-level gardens were produced during the war.

  Although a large number of French wineries have suffered a tragic blow, the wineries of Burgundy's fine fields are barely preserved under the auspices of the German policy. Therefore, there are continuous grape fields everywhere near Beaune.

In the Bible, **** once said: I am the true vine, and my father is a planter. He cuts off any fruitless branches of me, and repairs those that bear fruit, so that the branches bear fruit. More.

  In the Last Supper, he picked up the wine he drank and the bread he ate to bless the disciples and distributed them to them. Said that this wine is my blood, this bread is my body, and my body and blood are given up and shed for the forgiveness of sins. Since then, the sacrament has become one of the most important basic ceremonies in Christianity, and wine has also become a sacred spiritual symbol of Christianity.

  Minerva is a witch, but she is also the daughter of a priest. She never tells people about her beliefs, she just strictly requires students to pay attention to their words and deeds.

  Wine is consumed by 2.2 billion people for dozens of masses every year!

With the gradual increase of church members, large-scale free wine drinking must have a fixed wine production base, and large-scale wine production requires large-scale vineyards, which requires a large amount of land, all of which require the church to have a strong economy Strength, the church once reached the level of a country rich in wine because of wine.

There is a main palace hospital in Beaune, which was built in the 15th century by Lord Justice Nicolas Roland and his wife. The main palace hospital also owns grape fields and treats patients free of charge with the proceeds of the grape fields. . Starting on the third Saturday of November every year, the city of Beaune will hold an auction ceremony to auction the wine produced. These three days are called three glorious days. They not only take in poor patients, but also take in wounded soldiers during World War II. .

  It is said that all the grape fields of the hospital used to have 1,300 hectares, but now only 58 hectares are left. Even so, it is still widely welcomed because it can produce premium wines, and its sales revenue is used in the restoration of buildings and other places.

  This kind of generous spender bought the top wines and enjoyed a happy mood. Those who needed money to do good deeds got funding, and everyone got joy in the process.

   "I know where our problem is?" Pomona said, and Severus, who was sitting on the sofa opposite her, looking down, looked up at her.

   "You alone felt happy that day, I didn't enjoy it at all."

  He endured it for a long time, and finally said with a green face.

   "Are you still thinking about it?"

   "Love is only when two people are satisfied. That time I was scared to death by you." She closed her shawl tightly, "I am quite satisfied behind."

   "You said you want to think about things, this is what you want?" He said in a cold voice.

   "Of course it's not just this. Who do you think I am? Do you stupid?"

  Severus shook his head, "Sometimes I really want to split your head to see what's in it."

   "You can sedate me."

   "You are not the Harry Potter monster, your head is not fortified at all." He turned his gaze to the book, "What happened that day will never happen again."

  "When shall we go to the bunker again, I remember there are a lot of top wines in the cellar there." She cocked her legs and deliberately used the toe of silk flats to his calf.

  He ignored her.

   "That bunker is for you to hide in. Actually, I don't like South America that much. Even if I am naive, I don't want to escape there."

   "You don't need to prepare to escape now." He stared at the book and said, "I remember you don't like wine."

   "I want to drink butter beer. This kind of rainy day is best for a warm drink." She kicked him again, "Go get me a glass."

  Severus put the book down.

  He stood up in silence and left the box. It didn't take long before he came back with two glasses of Butterbeer. He was so obedient that she thought she had delusion.

   Then, he started reading again.

  This time, he was not looking at the origin of human inequality, but a book written in Rune. As soon as he looked at the cover, he knew that it was definitely something from the Middle Ages, full of evil power.

  Europe's trains are not safe, and only in this way can this kind of thing be carried on the train.

  Pomona picked up a glass of butter beer and drank it while looking at the scenery outside the window.

  Hope is always in the next generation. Maybe after the girl with the vine wand becomes the minister, the werewolf’s fate will be better. After all, she likes Remus very much, and she also has a semi-wolf relative.

  (End of this chapter)

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