Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 711: Rebellious teenager

   Chapter 711 Rebellious Youth

  Every Talmud-style Jew has the ability to evolve any secular life detail into a sacred order, which is directly responsible for God.

  This is the same as the Quran, which strictly controls people’s behavior and habits.

When people in the Middle Ages pursue spiritual virtues, literature, art, and philosophy, everything must follow the doctrine of the Christian classic "Bible". No one can violate them. People only take a few baths in their lives, and they don’t pay attention to urban planning and sewage. When the feces and feces were flowing everywhere, the Jews lived outside the city and maintained good hygiene habits. When the plague was epidemic, this kind of isolation indirectly formed isolation, and the plague naturally could not be found.

  Lewis Chapter 11: 44:

  I am the Lord your God, so you must be holy, because I am holy, and you must not defile yourself by crawling on the ground.

  Talmud 206: To be holy, please wash your hands after the meal.

Keeping the body clean is common to all religions that have emerged in the Middle East. Washing hands and face is a religious obligation, which later became handwashing. Every Christian must be baptized. This is also to keep the body clean. As for how it evolved into the future, everyone No bathing anymore, this may have something to do with the Roman bathing place.

  For a long time, many bathrooms in Rome allowed men and women to share baths. It is not difficult to see naked men and women making affection in public bathrooms, which has led to a lot of behaviors today called "liberties". The bathroom has become a safe haven for the wealthy and leisurely class than the rich, with scandals and notoriety.

  In the Roman period in ancient Europe, bathing was very important, and bathing was a daily compulsory course for the nobles.

  In order to build these bathrooms, Rome built huge water pipelines and spent huge financial and material resources.

Italy during the Renaissance split into many city-states, among which the most powerful ones in the north are Milan, Florence, Pisa, Siena, Genoa, and Venice; the central part is mainly the Papal State; the south is the Kingdom of Naples controlled by Spain , Kingdom of Sicily.

  The origin of the Renaissance was in the northern cities. They restored the Romans' lively life, advocated enjoyment and opposed asceticism. Wealthy craftsmen and master workshop owners need to obtain a social status that is compatible with their economic status. In Rousseau’s words, luxury inevitably arises among people who pursue personal well-being and respect from others. Many were born during the Renaissance. Art works, sculptures, murals, etc. are all used to decorate the home.

  The house in Venice became incomplete after being looted by Napoleon, and the androgynous images mentioned by the Platonists in the meeting were also destroyed in the process of removal.

There are also many sculptures looted from Greece in the British Museum. Those incomplete sculptures are not the essence of civilization, but **** stolen stolen goods. And because they are incomplete, they are basically a pile of useless garbage. The world exhibition.

  The only lovely and complete sculpture is Venus, the goddess of love. That sculpture can be left by the British, unless Greece snatches her over.

  Rousseau is very civilized, but he has no courage to fight Saint Lambert, so he can only look at his lover and other men.

Force cannot solve all problems, but sometimes you will need him. Men’s hands can’t be defenseless. It’s a shame. Greece was conquered because their force was not as powerful as the Romans who rose to it. Latin is far inferior to Greece. The text and Hebrew are ancient, the dialect of the Latim region in central Italy, and later expanded into the common language of Europe with the expansion of the Roman Empire and the spread of Catholicism.

An educated nobleman in the Middle Ages must understand Latin. This is necessary to communicate with other countries and communicate with the Holy See. Although only the Vatican still uses Latin, some academic vocabulary or articles such as biological taxonomy Latin is still used for naming rules.

  In the residence provided by the Grand Duke of Lorraine, its former owner left a line of inscriptions on the door frame of the luxurious bathroom:


  This sentence means "those who cross the sea, only change the climate without changing their nature." In other words, they travel all over the world without changing their nature.

Pomona thought that the wealthy Spanish businessman should engrave some "Carpediem" in the bathroom. This is a word that represents timely pleasure. This may be the reason why he can become a rich man. He is sober, drunk and indulged in other people's Roman bathrooms In the carnival, his essence is a navigator and explorer, rather than a profit-seeking businessman.

Although the Jews are despised by others, their business rules are worth advocating. Tamudri said: People who only care about worldly things and love money are just ordinary people.

  This sentence is very idealistic. When food and clothing are a problem, who doesn’t like money?

  The wealthy class can say that God gives money to mankind as a gift, not for us to save it and return it to him.

People who regard accumulating wealth as fun and work hard to accumulate more wealth throughout their lives are ordinary people. More money and less money are just numbers, not enough to leave a deep mark in history. In the end, they will end up with those who have no money. Like people, they will not leave their own names in history, just like the foam on the sea disappears without a trace, and someone’s pursuit of being respected is nothing but a waste of work.

  The bathroom at Hogwarts has beautiful stained glass windows. The golden-haired mermaid on the window sings when someone takes a shower.

  In this luxurious marble bathroom, there is a sculpture of a goddess who can play the harp. There are many vines around her for decoration, and there is a large exquisite mural on the vault, depicting the **** of Bacchus.

Every spring when the vines sprout and harvest in autumn, Bacchus, the **** of wine, will drink and have fun with the gods and the fairy nymphs of the mountains and forests and waters. The women dance lightly in tulle dresses, and their plump bodies are looming. The young man was pouring wine for the gods lying on the grass.

  The goddess Nymph of the mountains and forests and waters is Nifadora. As for the teenager who drinks wine, Pomona thinks that he may be the corresponding Aquarius.

  The old ghost Zeus has many lovers, but he never took them to Olympus to give them immortal divinity. Zeus personally planted golden vines.

It attracted the jealousy of Hera, the queen. Hera turned Ganymedes into a transparent water bottle and asked him to pour water for Zeus forever, but tears came out of the water bottle, and all the gods were moved. , So Zeus sealed Ganymedes in the sky and made him a star in the night sky.

  Although the center of the painting is the drunk gods, the most striking thing is the calm face of the young man who pours wine for the gods.

  He stood tall, exuding youthful vitality, while the other gods showed oldness and malaise. It is better to say that they are dead than they are drunk.

  The subject matter involving Bacchus and Venus is often full of sensuality and passion. The master painter Titian of Venice is full of enthusiasm in color. Although Venice had established a republic in the 16th century, the feudal reactionary forces were still rampant. People are becoming more and more interested in freedom and the philosophy of WTO accession under the conditions of economic excellence. Titian used the theme of Greek mythology to express the joy and enjoyment of life, which is in line with the rebellious psychology of some people under the confinement of long-term theological thinking.

  Titian’s "Bacchus Sacrifice" directly shows the shepherd Pan, with a sheep’s head, a human body, and a long horn on the head, which is the same as the devil in Christianity.

   "He will be sent to the torture frame." Pomona looked at the young man full of southern style, wearing a laurel crown, looking down at the gods and the people in the bathroom, and said, maybe that was the portrait of the owner of the house.

   "Why? He is a wizard?" Severus asked.

  Merlin’s beard, this is a home.

  Pomona had to use her whole body strength to fail to say this sentence.

  There are two house elves living in this house. Lorraine is a secular king, but there is a wizard in the family. His style is no different from pure blood.

   "I'm tired." She yawned, "I won't take a shower today. Take us to a place to rest."

   "Okay, Mrs. Smith." The house elf named Liuli said in a shrill voice.

   "You are really dirty." Severus said disgustingly.

   "If you want to wash, go wash it." Pomona turned back not to be outdone.

  This rich man’s small courtyard is not big. There is a small garden outside the bathroom. She can walk around here in her dressing gown.

  No matter how luxurious the hotel is, there is no such freedom as a private courtyard, because it is a public place after all.

  The so-called world famous painting may be similar to Sirius’s Muggle Bikini Girl who permanently pastes the curse, but outsiders are not like Walburga, there is no way to take that rebellious kid.

  In order to avoid punishment, the artist uses a lot of metaphors.

  Seeing that Pomona was unwilling to wash, the "clean" potion professor did not insist on going to the bathroom to take a bath, and was very unhappy to follow her behind.

  She knew what he wanted to do with her toes.

  So, who is the dirtier?

  (End of this chapter)

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