Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 714: Holygrail

  Chapter 714 Holygrail

Venice is known as the Water City and Bridge City. According to travel magazines, the islands that make up Venice have about 400 bridges. Those narrow roads cannot be passed by cars. If you don’t want to take a boat, you can only walk and ride a motorcycle. These two options are gone.

  It is a motorcycle, not a motorcycle. It is a kind of small electric car. It is very annoying for young people to ride it through the streets and alleys.

  The city centre of Venice, which is the old town, has no motorway. Its main function is to travel. Most locals live in the suburbs.

  In addition to the number of thieves and the low police efficiency in Italy, it is good everywhere. Those speeders who dare to grab bags in the old city are not because the Venice police can only walk when patrolling.

  Oh, coming to Italy without a robbery can be regarded as the hometown of the Mafia.

The river in the old city is very narrow. The long and narrow gondola can’t turn around at all. Basically, it can only accommodate two boats. It is basically impossible to chase criminals on a motorboat. The purpose of the police is basically to provide tourists. To give directions or resolve consumer disputes, you can see them patrolling in a steamboat on a spacious channel like the Grand Canal.

  Single women must be careful when traveling abroad, but she is a witch and has birds, snakes and cockroaches piled up as bodyguards, so you don’t have to worry about personal safety for the time being.

Piazza San Marco is known as the "heart of Venice" and "the most elegant living room in Europe". Many roads in the old city lead to it. Venice holds grand festivals, political events, and religious festivals. The trophies after the expedition are displayed in St. Mark's Church.

The Basilica of St. Mark on St. Mark’s Square is named after the remains of St. Mark, a disciple of Jesus, while the square is named after the church. The Library of St. Mark is because the architect’s name was Mark. The library was built Shishan Sorvino uses the same double-layer arcade structure as the general mansion, but the height is slightly lower. This long arcade with classical columns is simple and long-distance. Now it has become an open-air cafe, but because of the flooding, there are not many guests.

  The peace dove is also gone. Fortunately, the water is not deep enough, and you can pass through with waterproof rain boots. Yes, the sun is out, but this has nothing to do with the tide.

Pomona discovered a feature. There are many benches in Hyde Park for people to rest. In Venice, you can sit down and rest as long as you find a place. On the steps of St. Mark's Basilica, there are many people sitting on the steps to rest. It reminded her of the people in the Middle Ages. There were many people who stood idly by the door of the church waiting for relief. They only need to kiss the cross to get bread.

  Cain was so diligent to grow food, why did God still love Abel’s sacrifice? When the sheep is herding, they are basically in a daze. How can it be so hard to farm.

  Cain dedicated the food he obtained so hard to God, but did not receive his preference, and committed the first murder because of jealousy.

Marco is the author of the "Gospel of Marco" in the Bible. According to legend, in 828, two Venetian merchants smuggled the remains of **** Saint Marco from Alexandria, Egypt to Venice. Since then, Saint Marco is the patron saint of Venice and is no longer a business. And Hermes, the **** of fraud.

  St. Mark’s Basilica adopts a Byzantine architectural style, and the interior is decorated with many Byzantine-style mosaic decorative paintings. After all, the Republic of Venice at that time was once an affiliate of the Byzantine Empire.

  General Bible scholars generally acknowledge that the Gospel of Mark was the first to be written, and the Gospel of Matthew and Luke were adapted from Mark’s Gospel and added with other data.

  Marco’s cousin is Barnabas. After Barnabas believed in the Lord, he dedicated his estate and later devoted himself to the work of the gospel. He took Mark to Antioch, and also took Mark to Asia Asia for a preaching. But soon after Mark returned to Jerusalem for some reason, Paul was quite dissatisfied with this incident. After the Jerusalem meeting, Barnabas again Bringing Mark to preach on the road of Cubi, from then on the record of Mark temporarily disappeared.

  It is precisely because of this that there are different legends about the location where Marco wrote the book. Some said it was in Rome, and some said it was in Alexandria, Egypt. In other words, the Venetian merchants moved to the saint’s bones in 828 may be fake.

  Fake relics are not common. The Shroud of Turin is one of them. It is said that after **** was crucified and before his resurrection, the body was wrapped and buried in it. It is not the only sacred object that claims to be so. There are about 40 shrouds around the world that claim to have zero-distance contact with the body of Jesus.

  As for the Last Supper, the Holy Grail used by **** is even more legendary. Galahad, one of the Knights of the Round Table, used the magical power of the Holy Grail to heal the dying king.

  The Holy Grail mysteriously disappeared shortly after being brought into Britain. Pomona was not crazy enough to think that Hefpaff’s golden cup, the golden cup used by Voldemort to make Horcruxes, was the legendary missing holy grail.

  It’s just that it’s crazy and unimaginable. Compared with that, she prefers another story that is a little bit more rational.

  A long, long time ago, the ancient Greek Pythagoras thought that the earth is spherical because the moon is also round, and the round represents an aesthetic.

  Someone later measured the meridian. Although it was not very accurate, it at least proved that the earth is spherical.

Then, after more than a thousand years, Magellan proved that the earth is round and not flat through a round-the-world trip. At that time, navigators did not have a telescope as a tool. Because of the limited vision, humans could not observe the distant sea and identify nearby ships. , It is easy to run aground or encounter pirates, until a few decades after Magellan’s death, Galileo invented the telescope to observe the moon.

  The place where Galileo invented the telescope was in Venice. At that time, the Venetian glassmakers had been trying to make transparent glass without bubbles and impurities. Many experiments were unsuccessful.

  Those colored glass is used by churches to make rose windows. It is one of the symbols of Gothic architecture. Notre Dame de Paris has it.

Venice is located in the main road of east-west trade. You can satisfy all the mineral materials you want. Later, people discovered a little secret that they no longer use mineral salt, but use vegetable salt. There is a kind of succulent called samphire. Plants are particularly resistant to salt. They can be planted in saline-alkali land near the sea. Unlike ordinary plants, they absorb a large amount of salt and store them in the body. They do not absorb other substances. There is a large amount of oil in the seeds. People collected it. After burning it to ashes and using the extracted salt to make glass, it lowers the melting point of silicon, and then a revolution takes place. Humans can produce glass that is completely transparent and free of impurities. It is precisely because of this kind of glass, Galileo can build a telescope.

  This plant is called St. Peter’s grass locally. This humble plant not only shortens the distance between humans and the stars, but also promotes the maritime revolution.

  Sometimes, you don’t need to go to the local library to know some secrets that the locals don’t know.

  Pomona is a gardening lover. She is not good at caring for magical animals. Plants are her specialty.

In the other two gospels, St. Peter is not mentioned. Peter is the first of the twelve disciples and the first disciple chosen by Jesus. Before his arrest, **** predicted that Peter would refuse to acknowledge his knowledge three times before the **** crowed. he. As a result, because of fear when **** was interrogated, he refused to admit his relationship with **** three times. For this, Peter has always regretted it. So when he was martyred in Rome, he asked the executioner to turn himself upside down and hang himself on the cross, because he was consciously unworthy of Jesus.

Some people who believe in Satan get it wrong. The five-pointed star is the symbol of Venus, the **** of love, and the cross is the symbol of St. Paul. Saint Peter is the first pope of the Catholic Church, so the inverse cross is also called the "pope cross." Put the symbol of the Vatican Pope on the altar offering Satan...

  There is St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, which was built after the Renaissance, mainly in Baroque style, but St. Mark’s Church is not.

  A witch went to the Vatican... She was really afraid that she would be lit by the Holy Light.

   "Hi, tourist, do you need a guide?" An Italian girl with long black wavy hair suddenly greeted her in English.

  This kind of tour guide who finds the door on her own usually has problems. Be careful to be taken to the place by her to tie the ticket.

   "Yes!" Pomona reached out to the enthusiastic girl "It's nice to meet you."

   "My name is Monica, are you alone?" Monica shook her hand.

   "No, I'm on a honeymoon trip. I'm playing a game with my husband. I left clues for him, and he found me based on the clues."

   "It sounds interesting." Monica said with interest, "What clues are you going to give him?"

   "It depends on where I go next."

   "What if he can't find you?"

   "Then he will go to Venice alone." Pomona said coldly.

   "Would you not go back to where you live at night?"

   "I can go to the place you introduced." Pomona smiled ambiguously and said, "You can get a lot of commission."

   "100 Euro a day." Monica said directly, "I only play with, not sleep."

   "I think I am straight." Pomona said coldly.

   "I know, but some people like threesome..."

   "Enough!" Pomona interrupted the Muggle girl who was old enough to treat her daughter.

  Merlin’s beard, how open are Muggles now?

  (End of this chapter)

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