Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 746: "Rabbioso"

  Chapter 746 "Rabbioso"

  Every new year, the Golden Hall in Vienna, Austria will hold a New Year’s concert. It is a grand gathering of celebrities from all over the world. Anyone who can be invited will feel very honored, except for the Venetians.

  Golden Hall was built by T. von Hansen in 1867 and completed in 1869. It is an Italian Renaissance style building. The outer wall is yellow and red, and there are many statues of the goddess of music erected on the roof, which are quaint, chic and magnificent. But the question is, how can such a luxurious concert hall be built in two years?

  The statues and paintings are all handmade. Napoleon took away all the art that could be taken away during the 11 years of his occupation of Venice. When it was the Austrian’s turn, there was nothing to plunder.

They demolished a palace and a synagogue on the pretext of building a railway station. The building materials were not wasted at all and shipped to Austria. When Venice and Veneto could finally choose their own destiny in 1866, they chose to join. The newly established independent kingdom of Italy, the Austrians began construction in 1867, and two years later, there was this music hall full of "Italian Renaissance style".

If the French still have a bit of civilized demeanor, the Austrians are here to enjoy the "happy hour". They invented a cocktail of sparkling wine called Prosecco and witch liqueur. During the day, he was so drunk that he couldn't find his way back to the barracks in the intricate streets of Venice. Later, he invented a system for numbering streets.

  In order to facilitate transportation, they dredged and expanded another Grand Canal and dug the entrance of the lagoon deep for the passage of boats. All of these used Venetian labor.

Destroying his own home and repairing roads for the robbers so that he can take away the things from his home. This practice of the puppet regime aroused dissatisfaction with a young lawyer named Daniel Martin. In 1848, he proposed to reform the puppet regime, but it turned out that Was thrown into prison, thus starting the prologue of the Italian War of Independence, the Venetians first launched a 17-month popular uprising.

After the siege of the Austrians, taking advantage of the famine and cholera in the city, they shelled for another 24 days and fired 23,000 shells. It was not until Martin was willing to abandon reforms and promised not to retaliate against the shelling.

  Shakespeare fixed the story of Romeo and Juliet in Verona. According to legend, there was a true story similar to Romeo and Juliet in Verona in the 13th century.

  The same story is happening in Venice. An Austrian guy fell in love with a Venetian girl, and the people of Venice beat the guy to death.

  After these two rounds of looting, the former queen of the Adriatic Sea was left with a dressing gown and crown to cover her shame. Many Venetians went to Milan and Rome.

  This city is indeed disappearing, but it is not because of the sinking of the city, but because the former family business is unsustainable because of rising rents, and basically all left.

  Luxury shops began to sell cheap goods. Tourists are very savvy. The same things are sold on the island of Venice so much more expensive than on the mainland. Why buy them in Venice?

  Then there was Mr. Mayor’s wise plan to transform Plague Island into a resort.

  The roof of the Tao Niu Palace was not glass at the beginning, but it became what it is now after being removed. As for which French or Austrian castle is decorated with those gilt ceilings, it is not known.

  There should be a lot of sculptures on the outer wall, and there are no more, just like the Parthenon Temple. Even the archaeological club can’t completely restore it. At present, only wooden boards can be used to hide the ugliness.

It is the dream of the club members to turn this palace into a museum. They dig around and place those archaeological discoveries in those rooms. In order to connect the palace with water and electricity, they spent a lot of thought and money. Their office is on the third floor. , A room facing the east.

"It's better than I thought." Pomona looked at the mural on the roof and said, it shows **** was born in a manger and Mary bathed him, not as good as the Virgin in Raphael's chair. There is no artistic value, so it escaped.

   "I thought this office should be more modern."

   "Is that not modern?" Severus stared at the device on the desk and said, "What is this?"

   "You don't even know a computer? In which century did you live?" Gianluca walked out with a plate on which was placed a bottle of wine and several wine glasses.

   "What do you think?" The black wizard said with an elegant smile.

  "Why are there computers?" Monica asked.

   "Prevent theft, and check information." Gianluca said, "We are assisting the Maritime Museum in salvaging the ship that was sunk by Napoleon."

  "Is there so much information on the Internet?"

   "No, sometimes we have to check in other libraries." Gianluca put the plate on a large wooden table, and then pushed the glasses.

   "Are there any records about the Knights Templar?" Pomona said, looking at the table.

  This room is empty, and this wooden table is particularly large, like the one used by King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

   "Knights Templar?" Gianluca asked, "What are you looking for?"

   "Why is this wine iced?" Monica picked up the bottle and asked.

   "I like to drink that." Gianluca said a little dazedly.

   "What wine?" Pomona asked.

   "Raboso." Monica gave Pomona the wine.

  "Do you believe in the story of the Templars transferring wealth through the Venetians?" Severus asked suddenly.

   "What is the difference between I believe or not?" Gianluca asked.

   "Because we want to take over the Swiss bank business." Ali Sandro said, "You are a Venetian, right?"

   "Seven people are dead." Monica looked at Gianluca and said, "They don't have a woman. Do you know why a female guerrilla sculpture was erected?"

  "It is the shore of the Seven Martyrs." Ali Sandro explained to Pomona, "It is made of bronze."

   "Huh, it's seven again." Severus said with a sneer.

  "Are you freemason?" Gianluca looked around them and said, and pushed his glasses.

   "Neither of us." Pomona pointed to herself and Severus.

"Do not."

"Yes it is."

  Monica and Ali Sandro said at the same time.

   "There is no need to lie at this time, we need clues now." Monica said.

"Switzerland has helped Liechtenstein, the richest royal family in Europe. If there is evidence that we have helped the Templars, then we have done a righteous act." Ali Sandro said. "Next, as long as the Vatican is willing to transfer the money to our bank , Venice will once again become the Pearl of the Adriatic."

   "You are crazy," Gianluca said.

  "Don't forget the customers in the East." Pomona said, "There are also many rich people in China and Japan."

   "I remember every odd year, Venice will have double exhibitions and film festivals." Severus said slowly, "You can't have a festival with China."

   "Marco Polo." Pomona said, "There is still a statue of him in Hangzhou."

   "And Russia." Severus said, "All trade partners that the Western world cannot accept are open to air, just as you continue to open air when the Pope banned trade with ***."

   "Venice is sinking." Monica said, "Do you want to watch it sink!"

   "Tobe, nottobe." Pomona smiled gleefully, "What a problem."

   "You have no control over the Mediterranean or the Suez Canal." Severus said.

   "Control on land..." Gianluca said.

   "I think this is not a question you should think about." Severus interrupted him. "Is your family rich?"

  Gianluca did not answer him.

   "This is a big game, does your family want to be the second Dandolo family?" Severus asked.

   "I want to start with searching for the Knights Templar." Gianluca moved his finger and sat down in front of the computer and started working.

   "This is much more fun than dancing." Monica smiled and said, "So conspiracy and tricks are so fun."

  Pomona took a sip of Raposo. This wine is so strong that most people can’t adapt, but those who like it can’t stop it.

   Tart and rough, like Severus Snape, a slick and sophisticated man who will not give in easily, her taste is really strange.

  (End of this chapter)

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