Chapter 749 Hurricane Rescue

  In the movie the day after tomorrow, there is a super nerd who is a friend of the protagonist, who is very similar to Gianluca.

  In addition to the Archeology Club, he is also a member of the Olympic Mathematical Competition and Sailing Club. It is hard to see that this "nerd" is actually related to "sports".

  Arrogant and weird, besides that, his family is really rich. He has a luxury sailing yacht. As we all know, Ferrari is a luxury car, and Itama Yacht Company is a group with it.

The Florentine school pays attention to sketching. Leonardo’s "The Vitruvian Man" does not pay as much attention as "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper". After all, it is a pen and ink sketch manuscript, but Many people know the concept of the golden ratio.

  It is applied to mathematics, physics, architecture, art, and ship and automobile design. The Fibonacci spiral is drawn according to the golden ratio. Gianluca’s Hurricane has a Fibonacci spiral drawn on the string. According to Gianluca, the shape of the hurricane is in accordance with the golden ratio. of.

The name    is really unlucky. Other people named the ship like his son and daughter. He chose the hurricane as if he felt that the ship was not sinking fast enough.

  Muggle’s high school is a magical place. Children do not judge their class according to the conditions of the family, but judge whether they can exercise, appearance, and other weird criteria.

  Gianluca is the bottom of the food chain, and Monica is a popular girl. Many Venetian girls leave after graduating from high school. She stayed because of her family background, earning money and saving tuition to study fashion design in Milan.

  There are many world-class wealthy people in Venice. The problem is that they rarely have contact with the locals in Venice. If Venice sinks, they will change to another place, such as Morocco, as long as they take away the authentic works.

  Sighed a few years later, it was such a beautiful place, what a pity, it was as sinking as Atlantis. They will not save the city.

  There are many supermodels on another boat at the same pier, accompanied by photographers. They are also "tourists", although they spend money, provide employment opportunities for Venice, and live a luxurious life.

   There was once a poem written like this:

  In Germany, at first they hunted down communists, but I didn’t say anything—because I’m not a communist;

  Then they hunted down the Jews, but I didn’t speak—because I’m not a Jew;

  Later they hunted down the union members, but I did not speak-because I am not a union member;

  After that, they chased and killed Catholics, but I didn’t speak—because I’m a Protestant;

  Finally they came to me, but no one stood up to speak for me anymore.

  The reason why this poem is written like this is related to a news report in 1936. There was a child of a Swiss Catholic who prayed that Hitler would die soon, so all German newspapers reported that Catholics sympathized with this kind of incitement.

Cardinal Farhaber said in a sermon: "A madman abroad has a madness. Is there any reason to doubt the entire German Catholic Church? You can all confirm that we are blessing the head of state on all weekends and holidays. , As we promised in the agreement, but now, people can read from the headlines of the street newspapers that “they pray for Hitler’s early death”, doubting our loyalty to the country, we are very angry, we have to do a response, a Christian response, Catholic believers, we are now praying for the health of the Führer. This is our response."

  A long time later, Bishop Galen said: We Christians will not rebel. We will continue to obey God and do our duty out of our love for the motherland and people. Our soldiers will fight and die for Germany, not for those who have put Germany in shame before God and people, oppose the enemies among us, they tortured and beat us, we can’t take up arms to fight, we only have The same weapon, strong, tough and patient.

  The incitement by domestic newspapers was purposeful. In his speech, the editor-in-chief Julius Streicher accused the Jews of intending to control the world and exploiting non-Jews to make a living.

  The war machine of the Axis needs money to operate. The first victim is a Jew, and the second victim is a Catholic, because they have always been rich.

  The "Charter" was banned many times during the Weimar Republic. Even within the Democratic Party, "The Stormwind" is notorious. Not only did the Air Marshal Goering ban his subordinates from reading the Stormtrooper, but the Hitler Youth League also banned members from reading the Stormtrooper. After the Communist Party took power in 1933, the print volume of "The Charge" reached its peak, and its readers were mostly young people and the bottom of society. During the Berlin Olympics, the publication was temporarily suspended due to international visibility. After the Second World War, the supply of paper was tight, and the Jews gradually faded out of the sight of German society, and the printing volume of "The Charge" was greatly reduced. After the defeat of Germany, Julius Streicher fled into the "Alpine Barrier", dressed as a painter and hid with his wife on a mountain village near Weidlin in Tirol, where he was discovered by the US army.

  At the Nuremberg trial, he was sentenced to hang together with 11 other war criminals for conspiracy, breach of peace, war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity.

  He didn't kill anyone, he just incited and instilled those radical ideas. Young people and the bottom of society were easily brainwashed because they had nothing to lose.

  When hunting wizards, there are also many people who pretend to eliminate the name of wizards and practice "entertainment". Hunting animals is no longer enough, and they want to hunt people to play.

Death Eaters kill Muggles, Muggles kill Muggles, whoever is a disadvantaged group will kill whoever is a disadvantaged group. "Witch" is a disadvantaged group. The person who writes about Witch's Hammer should have been severely dumped and suffered from misogyny. , To destroy women from the surface.

  Take killing as entertainment, even if the opponent is in the same human form as you.

  Emotion is a gift from human ancestors to future generations, and cruelty is a gift from human beings.

  The devil does not necessarily have horns, he can also wear handmade Italian leather shoes.

  "Where is the refrigerator?" Monica asked Gianluca who was untying the sail.

   "Under the sink." Gianluca said without looking back.

   "What do you think of this ship?" Severus said, holding Pomona's shoulder.

  "Not as good as Demstrang's." Pomona said, "Without a defensive spell, even Grindillo can't be guarded."

  Grindillo has very powerful fingers. He can hold the bottom of the boat and travel, but if the steel plate is too thin, the bottom of the boat can be caught by it. The Titanic will sink, not to mention a very luxurious boat.

"This kind of ship is very fast, and it will become a piece of paper when it hits those giant cruise ships." Severus squinted and blocked the dazzling sunlight with his hand. There were several luxury cruise ships in the distance, and they seemed to be floating. On the islands on the sea, the speedboat may be broken when it hits it. Those big cruise ships have nothing to do. Now the shipping company will not repeat the tragedy after the Titanic hit the iceberg.

  The passengers on the cruise ship may be just ordinary people, but they boarded a reliable ship, so it was all right.

  And those luxury boats that claim to be very safe will be broken into tens of millions of pieces. Whether they are supermodels or rich people, they will lose their lives on the bottom of the sea, waiting for salvage ships to search and rescue.

   "The big ship is not easy to steer." Pomona said that the Titanic was said to have crashed into the iceberg because the propeller at the stern was too small to generate enough thrust.

   "The boat is flexible and maneuverable." Severus sneered and said, "It can only hide by itself."

  "What will happen to Durmstrang's ship in this situation?" Pomona asked.

   "They are slow and easy to control. You think they will order full speed just like the crazy captain of the Titanic." Severus said.

   "He didn't." Pomona defended.

"But the shipping company asked him to refresh the transatlantic sailing speed record and lost more than 1,500 lives for a blue ribbon." Severus said bitterly. "What's the use of that ribbon? For shareholders." Does the poodle tie a bow?"

   "Dangdangdang." Ali Sandro rang the ship's bell.

   "Get on board, two, we're sailing." He shouted at the two.

  At this moment, Gianluca raised the sail. There was also a Fibonacci spiral on the sail, which was constantly changing with the wind in the rosy golden sunlight.

  "Angels are happy because they have wings, and people are happy because they have dreams." Pomona said, "Do you think it's the Hurricane or the ship next door happier?"

   "Even if it is a nonsense dream, it is also a dream. To give up hope is to fall into the door of hell." He said emotionally, "Do you think they will give up halfway?"

   "It takes more courage to defeat yourself than someone who defeats a city." She sighed, "What they want to save is their home."

  If the house is on fire, who is the most anxious? Anyway, it's not idle and nothing to do to watch the excitement.

   "I hope they are smart people." Severus said, "Otherwise so many people will die in vain."

  Those people included Lily, James, Sirius Black, Remus, Tonks, and the underage Gryffindor who always had a camera and chased Harry to take pictures.

   Sometimes Pomona just can’t remember his name.

  Pomona took his arm and got on the boat, just like Rose on the Titanic.

  Many Italians once emigrated to the United States with dreams.

  However, as played in The Godfather, the coffin shop owner did not get a fair trial in the United States.

  He came later, and he is also a Catholic, unlike those Protestant Americans.

  The law can't give him justice, so he asks the "Godfather" for help. When he kisses Vito Kryon's ring, his expression is piously like kissing the pope's fisherman's ring.

  The ring represents his marriage to the church, just like the Governor of Venice throws a gold ring into the Adriatic Sea. This is a sacred ceremony.

  One day, if there is a day, what will future generations think of this generation? Do they think that the ancients are stupid like modern people laugh at the people in the Middle Ages?

  In 1933,** signed the "German-Vatican Religious Agreement" with the Catholic Church. The German Catholic Church thought that with the agreement, it would have peace of mind. Even if something went wrong, there would be an agreement to rely on. However, the agreement produced a kind of hypnotic effect on the Catholic Church, and made the Catholics’ conscience useless.

In June 1936, Bishop Bernin of Osnabrück visited a concentration camp in his jurisdiction. He praised the decoration of the camp and told the prisoners to obey the arrangements and be loyal to the country and the people. When speaking to the guards Praised their work and called "SiegHeil" three times (long live the victory).

  This is the only record of a concentration camp at the bishop level. Pomona hopes that it is true. After all, it was far too early to complete victory at that time. On the contrary, the entire German people were incited by the newspapers to hate Catholicism.

  There are no so-called secrets in this world, only the hidden truth.

  There is a photo of the sailing ceremony of a warship. At that time, everyone was paying respects to the head of state in a serious manner, but there was only one person standing in the crowd with arms folded and smiling contemptuously.

  This person who refused to salute was also a member of the Communist Party, but when the photo was taken, he was just an ordinary boatman.

  Because of this photo, his Jewish girl eloped in an attempt to escape this war-torn country. Unfortunately, when they were about to leave the country, they were caught by the guards. Although the Jewish girl was released due to lack of evidence, she was killed along with more than 14,000 others in the ** death camp in 1942. And he was later incorporated into the German Infantry Battalion of the 999th Division, also known as the Correctional Battalion, and eventually disappeared on the battlefield in Croatia.

  The "enemies among us" are hard to find. Not every rich person is worthy of envy, and not every wealthy person is worthy of envy. This issue has been used to incite genocide.

  Hegel said that the only lesson that mankind has learned in history is that mankind cannot learn anything from history.

  This is not a problem with human intelligence, but rather an uncontrollable desire.

   was just a child’s prayer, which turned out to be a hunt for the entire Catholic Church. If he silently thought in his heart, who would have known that he prayed that Hitler would die sooner.

  He just thinks that doing so can be sensational and attention-grabbing, and showing off is also a desire.

  After Ali Sandro put the rope away, he and Gianluca cooperated and sailed to the sea. Now the ship does not need a compass and sextant, and it navigates by satellite positioning.

  Such a sophisticated machine, Pomona and Severus dared not use magic power. If something goes wrong with it, they will float on the sea, waiting for the rescue of the passing ships.

  She looked at the horizon in the distance, thinking helplessly. She heard that suffering would make people grow, and she didn't know if it was true or a white lie.

  (End of this chapter)

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