Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 759: Fisherman and goldfish

  Chapter 759 Fisherman and Goldfish

  If someone could fulfill one of your wishes, any wish, what would you wish for?

  A long, long time ago, there was a fisherman who caught a talking goldfish. Goldfish pleaded bitterly, and she spoke in a human voice: "Grandpa, you can put me back to the sea. I will give you a valuable reward. In order to redeem myself, you can do whatever you want."

  The old man was taken aback, and he was still a little scared. He had been fishing for thirty and three years, and he had never heard of fish talking. He let go of the goldfish and said some kind words to her: "God bless you, goldfish! I don't want your reward. Go to the blue sea and roam freely there."

The old man went back to the old woman and told her about this great miracle. The old woman pointed at the old man and cursed: "You fool, you are such an old fool! You dare not get paid for a goldfish! Even if you want a wooden basin. Okay, our one is already broken."

  So the old man walked towards the blue sea and saw that the sea was slightly rippled. The old man called to the goldfish, and the silly fish appeared.

The old woman was always dissatisfied, and made one request after another to Little Goldfish. At first, she only had a broken tub, and then asked Goldfish to give her a new one, and then she started asking for money, a mansion, youth and beauty. .

  Her endless pursuit has turned into greed, from the initial misery to the glory and prosperity.

She has a big house, wears a precious sable waistcoat, a splendid headgear on her head, pearls around her neck, gold rings inlaid with gems on her hands, and red leather boots on her feet. Her face was also revealed. She whipped her servant and acted wantonly. The old man still asked the goldfish to fulfill all her wishes.

  Later, she planned to become the female overlord of the sea, and forgot her fisherman husband. People laughed at him: "Old fool, really deserve it! This is to teach you a lesson, and then you have to keep your duty!"

The old woman said to the old man, "Go back and pay a salute to the goldfish. I don’t want to be a free queen anymore. I will be the queen of the sea. Let me live on the ocean. Ask the goldfish to wait on me. I call it whatever I want."

  The old man did not dare to talk back, nor did he dare to speak against him. So he ran to the blue sea and saw a dim storm on the sea: raging raging, continual rushing, noisy, roaring. The old man called to the goldfish, and the goldfish swam over to him and asked, "What do you want, grandpa?" The old man saluted her and replied, "Okay, all right, little goldfish! What do I do to this **** old woman? She doesn't want to be a queen anymore, she is to be the female king of the sea; in this way, she can live in the vast ocean, and ask you to wait on her personally and listen to her casually."

  The goldfish didn't say a word, just stroked its tail in the water and swam into the deep sea. The old man waited for a long time at the beach for an answer, but before he waited, he had to go back to see the old lady, and saw: the broken mud shed in front of him, her old lady sitting on the threshold, and the broken wooden basin in front of her.

  Venice started in a small fishing village. They are like the fishermen in the story. Men go out fishing, and women weave fishing nets at home. Later, more and more people fled, and gradually became a city floating on water.

  Who doesn’t want to be emperor? He only needs to make a wish, and someone will do everything possible to satisfy it. It is even more magical than Aladdin's magic lamp, because the lamp **** only fulfills his three wishes, and being an emperor can make unlimited wishes.

  In 1310, there was an anti-government rebellion dominated by nobles. When the rebels passed through the alleys, the flag bearer was killed by a woman who threw a stone mortar from the window.

   Lost the flag, the rebels were greatly reduced and then defeated. The stone-throwing woman was rewarded by Pietro Grazia. The reward was two hopes.

  Two hopes raised by this woman: One is to hang the Venetian flag in the window of the house on the festival day. The second is to no longer increase the rent.

  She made the credit. She could have asked for a house instead of reducing the rent, but she asked the Governor to keep the promise. The rent has not changed for the next 158 ​​years.

  The system of the republic needs to be maintained. It is necessary to do everything possible to prevent the emergence of the monarchy, do everything possible to prevent dictatorships and families from appearing, do everything possible to counter individual heroism, and do everything possible to let people get freedom of mind and body.

  More importantly, the elites must try their best to narrow the gap between themselves and the people in the accumulation of wealth.

  Don't suffer from lack and unevenness, and don't suffer from poverty and anxiety.

  However, not everyone understands this truth. Even if a rich person is rich, if there are people richer than him, he will still compare. The Matthew effect is obvious, the strong the stronger, the weak the weaker, the good the better, the bad the worse, the more the more, the less the less.

  Power tends to attract money more easily, and the more power you have, the faster money will come. Corrupt officials understand this "reason" best.

Enrico Dandolo was elected consul of Venice at the age of 85. When the Fourth Crusade was carried out, he was already 95 years old. He led and used all available factors to strengthen the softness of the Republic of Venice. , Hard power, and brought back the four bronze horses decorated on the Church of St. Mark.

  An old man of this age should have spent his twilight years at home. In 1205, he died in Constantinople at the age of 98. Before the expedition, he entrusted the country to his son Lanier Dandolo.

  After the hero’s father died in his hometown, it is almost a matter of course for the son of Jian Guo to be the candidate for the next head of state.

  But this Dandolo recommended another person as the candidate for the head of state, and he withdrew from the election for head of state. A few years later, when he was the commander-in-chief of the fleet to suppress the Crete rebellion, he died on the battlefield.

  The reason why he resigned from the right to be elected was that he not only came from a famous family, but also had a distinguished father. The head of the Venetian Republic has a life-long system. If he is elected as the head of state, then the old forces that were unscrupulous in the early days to compete for the Venetian Governor to pass on in his family will rise, and the republic system will be destroyed.

  In the history of the Republic of Venice, people like him who have retired for national interests have emerged in an endless stream. In Venice, the nobility holds the power of the state, except that the head of state has the cost of outfitting to buy gorgeous clothes, because he is the face of the country and has no salary. It is their responsibility and obligation to serve the country.

  In countless wars in the Republic, there is always the phrase "Venetian nobles died heroically." When civilians are sacrificed, the state will issue "survivors' annuities" to the survivors.

  The sacrifice of the nobles is one of their obligations. There is no monument and no sacrifice compensation. The obligation is the obligation. This is the responsibility that the person in power must bear.

  It's hard to imagine that there are such responsible people in this slutty city with piles of illegitimate children, but with a clear mind, people who are unprofitable and dizzy know how to do it right.

  Marino may not want to put his personal will above the law and the Council of Ten because of interests, he was just confused.

A young man who went crazy for love carved the character of his wife being enjoyed by others on the back of the Council of Ten. He wanted the young man to die, but the Council of Ten thought that after the merits and demerits, the young The nobles shouldn't die, the 80-year-old governor is going to swallow his anger and look after the overall situation and continue to govern in the strange eyes of others, or do everything he can to kill that reckless fool?

Not everyone can always stay awake in the interests and passions. The nobles in 1310 wanted to overthrow the ten-member parliamentary system. Those weird men wearing masks and black cloaks would make red velvet merchants panic all day long, as if there were a handful of black ones. The sword of Damocles hangs above his head.

  Dandolo’s family is not the Medici of Florence, they are just the shadows of Venice. Shadows are indispensable. What things have no shadow in the sun? Even the sea foam has it, this poor house cannot be bought, and the nobility, self-control, reservedness and self-esteem of a woman who can only pay the rent should make many people living in the palace embarrassed.

  Her first request is even more special. The Venetians have a saying: We are Venetians first, and then we are Christians.

  The Pope of Rome once lamented: Wherever he goes, he is the pope, only in Venice.

  The Venetian flag was hung in Venice instead of the pope's flag. In the late Renaissance, the anti-reformation rose, so inquisitions were built all over Europe, and Venice is no exception. However, the tribunal established in Venice is different from other places where clergy are used as referees. That is, there must be three Venetian secular personnel among the referees, and the verdict is invalid without the defense of the Faculty of Law of the University of Padua; it must be passed by all votes. Can only be convicted.

  So every time there was a trial, the Venetian got up and left before he had finished reading the crimes. In this way, the trial of the witch was never completed in Venice.

  People can believe in gods, but they cannot put theocratic power above the secular, let the pope control the king, and let the "kingdom" such as the papal kingdom appear.

I can’t believe what the scammers say. I believe no one will take money to make money. The Moses plan has a funding gap of about 4 billion. The average of 13 Renaissance buildings is 300 million euros, and there is still a certain gap. The Venetian government looked for donations and local taxes to fill it.

The source of the tax mainly comes from the tourism industry and accompanying catering. When the locals have to pay taxes, this fee is transferred to tourists. The price of catering in Venice is high. At the same time, in order to obtain high profits, Yiwu small commodities are used. The situation in which the goods purchased in the market pretend to be hand-made products in Venice and sold to tourists at high prices has appeared. The police and the government have turned a blind eye to this situation. Will those slaughtered tourists finally get their money back? ?

  Thank the tourists for their contributions to the construction of Venice. Unfortunately, the tourists were sitting on the cruise ship. The water discharged from the cruise ship destroyed the foundation silt of Venice, and the city is still sinking.

  It seems that in the end the queen of the Adriatic Sea will still live in the broken mud shed like the fisherman’s old woman. She is still sitting on the threshold, with the broken wooden basin in front of her.

  She has so many wishes for the goldfish to fulfill for her, but it is her husband who makes the wish for her. Every year he drives a luxurious golden boat to throw a gold ring in the blue sea.

  It was a ritual and a promise, just as the people of Venice built the Church of Our Lady of Health in accordance with the agreement with Maria after the outbreak of the plague in 1630.

  The political operation of the Democratic Republic of Athens, the Republic of Rome, the Republic of Florence, and the Republic of Venice all adopted a lottery model. It sounds irrational, absurd, and irresponsible, but is the pope election rational and responsible?

  The process of electing a new pope has been going on for two thousand years, and a similar modern system was established after the Second Ecumenical Council of Lyon in 1274.

  When an official burns the ballot with a special chemical fuel, causing a white smoke to emerge from the chimney of the church, the world will know that the Vatican has produced a new pope. If Vatican officials use other chemical fuels to create black smoke, it means that the vote is invalid.

  Who was the Governor of Venice in 1287? Giovanni Dandolo, he is the same name as the admiral of the navy who was forced to leave the Doge's Palace in 1355 by the sailor.

  They should not be alone, but who knows if they wear a mask?

  Napoleon had excellent military talents in the army, but what about the navy?

  He was so afraid of lions. He not only destroyed the lion at the gate of the Doge’s Palace, but also ruined the lion’s mouth relief used for informants.

  In Venice, no one’s personal will can override the Republic, and that’s exactly what the emperor wanted.

  Caesar was eventually assassinated, although the veterans didn’t even know how to kill, and a total of dozens of stabbings could cause fatal injuries.

If the people want democracy, it doesn’t matter if they can understand things like the woman who smashed the flowerpot. If they are like the "wish-making old woman", the government will agree to everything in order to please "them", and the end will be the same as the fairy tale Is it?

  No one knows what the ending of the story is, because the story is still going on, maybe the old woman will accept it when he sees it. Since then, he and the old man have lived a happy life because of their good deeds.

  The sea of ​​desire is boundless, don’t lose your way, it’s another form of maze.

  Unless you have a way to turn yourself into a talking fish, then the ocean is your home. With such power, what kind of life can't you get?

  Just be careful not to get entangled in the undetectable nets in the sea, otherwise, like the fish in the story, you will continue to satisfy the endless desires of the old woman.

  It is obviously the old man who set his own way of life. Why should it listen to the wicked woman's call?

  The goldfish wagged its tail and left, so that it would not let the terrestrial creatures become the overlord of the sea, and its head was not as unconscious as a human being, and it didn’t even know if it was teased.

  But the fish certainly doesn’t know what kind of happiness the human beings have experienced, so it is destined to be a silly fish, begging humans to let it go.

  Sometimes, the important thing is not the end of the journey but the process.

  Since I am not a fish, I know the joy of fish, but I know that I don’t know the joy of fish?

  Supported by the “devil”, Pomona came to San Marco’s Pier, where “officials” in traditional Venetian costumes were already waiting.

  And the clothes on her body have also become the gorgeous golden long dress obtained from the Vienna Palace.

  They saved a "fish", this is the wish that the fish realized for them, but two Lamora fish died.

  "Welcome to Venice." A man in a red velvet dress and a mask said in English, "I am a diplomat of the Republic of Venice. I will guide the two following tours in the Doge's Palace."

  "Will the Governor see us?" Pomona also asked pretentiously.

   "He was beheaded." The diplomat said, "It's between the two pillars."

  Pomona looked in the direction he was pointing, there seemed to be a puddle of blood.

   "Get off the horse? I like it." Severus said frivolously.

  "This journey will be full of blood, conspiracy, terror and excitement, are you two ready?"

   "Of course." Pomona said with a smile, and she hid a magic wand in her elbow-length silk white gloves.

  Maybe, she can buy some lace to decorate it.

  So they walked to the main entrance under the leadership of the "diplomat", a place where "tourists" could not enter.

  At this time, rain clouds are forming on the sea in the distance, and the thunder light illuminates the dark clouds, just like the sea in Hemingway's writing, indicating that a storm is about to come.

  (End of this chapter)

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