Why didn’t Slytherin see Cloud Night tell them! Slytherin and Cloud Night colluded?

Dumbledore quickly figured out the most crucial point, narrowed his eyes dangerously, and turned to leave in one direction.


In the Gryffindor office, Gryffindor was frowning at the copywriter in front of him.

It records the intelligence sent back from all over the world, and Gryffindor is picking out information related to the cloud night from it, but this method is like finding a needle in a haystack, and Gryffindor has no clue.

The office door was suddenly opened, Gryffindor’s eyes froze, usually no one dared to enter his office without knocking, usually the other Hogwarts giants or Dumbledore.

Sure enough, Dumbledore walked up to Gryffindor with a gloomy face and said coldly, “You don’t have to look for it, I already know roughly where the cloud night is.” ”

Gryffindor’s heart sank, “Where, say it quickly!” ”

Dumbledore said, “I don’t know exactly where he is, but he should be hiding in Hogwarts.” ”

Gryffindor slammed the table and said, “He dared to come to our Hogwarts!” He’s tired of living! How do you know the news. ”

Dumbledore sat to the side and said, “That’s my guess. ”

Gryffindor frowned, as if he felt something strange inside, and said, “What do you mean, make it clear.” ”

Dumbledore looked at Gryffindor and thought of words, he could not say that Slytherin was talking about his past with Yunye, whitewashing Yunye, he had heard about this and knew that Yunye and Slytherin were colluding.

Dumbledore said slowly, “You don’t have to worry about that, anyway, I suspect now that Slytherin has colluded with Cloud Night, as long as we keep an eye on Slytherin, we should be able to find Cloud Night.” ”


Gryffindor’s face changed and he said, “How did it get to Slytherin, don’t talk about it, the consequences of this matter are very serious.” ”

Dumbledore looked at Gryffindor in disgust and said, “I’ve made it clear to you that Slytherin is in collusion with Cloud Night, believe it or not.” ”

Dumbledore didn’t want to explain anything more, the matter of Cloud Night had already bothered him, and it was hard to think of finding the Hogwarts Four to deal with Cloud Night, and now Slytherin didn’t know what reason he threw himself into Cloud Night, which made Dumbledore even more upset.

Gryffindor’s face also changed several times, he knew what this matter foreshadowed, and he must be cautious in dealing with this matter, otherwise there would be many problems.

The two men were across the table, caught up in each other’s voices breaking the stalemate.

After a good half a ring, Gryffindor seemed to have made some determination, “Are you sure Slytherin and Cloud Night are colluding?” ”

Dumbledore nodded slowly, slowly, but firmly.

Gryffindor took a deep breath and said, “I believe you, but I can’t just suspect Slytherin, don’t tell anyone about it, I’ll verify what you say during this time.” ”

Dumbledore said, “I’ll join you, and I’d like to see what courage this Slytherin has to collude with Cloud Night.” ”

Gryffindor nodded, but looking into Dumbledore’s eyes was also a hint of strangeness, Slytherin belonged to one of the Hogwarts Big Four, and whoever was most familiar with Slytherin was undoubtedly the other Big Three.

Dumbledore could actually see that Slytherin and Yunye were colluding, and the other giants couldn’t see that there must be something catty in this!

Dumbledore was naturally aware of Gryffindor’s strange look, but Dumbledore didn’t bother to explain anything, it didn’t matter at all.

However, since Dumbledore offered to spy on Slytherin, Gryffindor also went out with Dumbledore to find Slytherin, and if he wanted to spy on Slytherin, he couldn’t rely on other people, he had to go out at their level.

Slytherin had just returned to his room after a visit with Ravenclaw, and closed the door as before, with no intention of going out.

Dumbledore lurked to the side and said, “There will be no dark boxes or anything like that in the Slytherin room, it is very likely that the clouds are hidden in the Slytherin room at night.” ”

Gryffindor slowly shook his head, “No, I’ve been in the Slytherin room countless times, there can be no dark grid, and such a big living person as Cloud Night will not be hidden inside.” ”

Dumbledore’s brow furrowed slightly, and although it was confirmed by Gryffindor, it was clear that Dumbledore was still skeptical.

Slytherin, as usual, stayed in his room and tinkered with his things, leaving his room only when it was his turn to go to class.

During this time, Dumbledore sneaked into the Slytherin room, and although the Slytherin room had set the spell of induction, these things were useless to Dumbledore and Gryffindor.

Of course, it turned out that Dumbledore couldn’t find any dark cells at all, let alone cloud nights.

Dumbledore could only leave the Slytherin room in a daze and go back to the lurking place to continue lurking, and Gryffindor didn’t say anything about it.

There was nothing unusual about the rest of the time, usually Slytherin-like, except that he would occasionally go to Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw to say something, and Gryffindor, although lamenting that Slytherin had become so friendly, did not eavesdrop on their conversation.

Dumbledore naturally couldn’t ask for this, and he didn’t want Gryffindor to hear those stories.


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