“I see they are punching fat people with swollen faces and blowing them themselves.” Wood snorted coldly.

But George and Fred both shook their heads: “This is really not.” ”

It was said that the Gryffindor players were looking at both of them.

George and Fred wiped their sweat, and Cloudy was invited into the Slytherin team, and the news came out of them at first.

“I don’t want to admit it, but Cloud Night does have a talent that is not inferior to Harry’s.”

Immediately afterward, the two brothers told their teammates about the flight lesson they had heard.

After listening to it, several people were a little stunned, it sounds like this cloudy night, it seems that it is really more powerful than Harry?

“Don’t think about it!” Wood said immediately, “In that flying lesson, Harry touched the broom for the first time, and the cloud night had flown several times in the past, naturally different. ”

The Gryffindors relaxed again when they heard it, and that’s right.

That Harry’s obvious inferiority in flying lessons was forgivable.

Seeing that his words had an effect, Wood continued to hit the iron while it was hot: “And talent is talent after all, and it is not the same as real strength!” ”

“See that even if Harry has great talent, he doesn’t relax in training at all, but what about Cloud Night?”

At this point, Wood’s face was full of disdain.

“Lazy, lazy, never been to a training session!”

Even if you have talent, but without training, you can’t use it effectively.

Wood wanted to express this meaning: “Compared with the diligent Harry, the cloudy night that is always standing still can no longer be compared with Harry!” ”

Everyone felt that it made a lot of sense.

One is empty of talent but standing still, and the other is also having the ultimate talent, but still working tirelessly.

Among them, the judgment is high.

It must be Harry’s strength growing like a mad leap forward, but Cloud Night is not advancing and retreating!

“Lead the way ahead, anyway, I’ll go to the stadium first and see how things are going!”

The sound of the cloud night came over at this time, making the Gryffindors laugh in their hearts.

What can you do now that you’ve passed?

Just because of your wasted talent?

But Wood still waved his hand: “I’m on him!” Go to the stadium and see what happens to Slytherin! ”

“Eh?” George was surprised, “Do we really want to do this?” ”

Wood said impatiently, “Is this okay?” Get moving! ”

“What’s so nice about Slytherin,” Fred skimmed his lips, “didn’t you just say that the only cloud night that needs attention has already dropped itself.” ”

Wood narrowed his eyes, “No more, and be able to see how Slytherin is infighting, don’t tell me you’re not interested!” ”

George and Fred immediately raised their eyebrows and smiled: “It turns out that you played this idea, then we raised our hands in agreement!” ”

Angelina frowned, “That’s not good, Captain?” ”

Katie agreed, “Yeah, when it’s time to find out, we don’t look good on our faces.” ”

“What’s there to be afraid of?” Wood waved his hand, “We were going to go to the court anyway, didn’t you all forget?” ”

The players were stunned, yes, they were going to Quidditch Stadium.

Because of the distortion of seeing the matter of cloud night, most people have forgotten.

If that’s the case, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, going to the court is their purpose!

With this peace of mind in mind, the Gryffindor Enemy Intelligence Investigation Corps set off under the leadership of Wood.

They hung far behind Yunye and the others all the way to the Quidditch Stadium.

In the distance, the Slytherin quarrel came over.

But it wasn’t so much a quarrel as it was the Slytherin players dissuading Sisso.

“Forget it, Captain, Cloud Night is a member of Professor Snape’s hand-picked team!”

“Yes, and that’s a cloudy night!” Are you afraid of cloud nights? ”

“Cloud Night is now Slytherin’s most powerful student, and it would be unwise to provoke him, Captain!”


But the reason for real persuasion is not verbal, not necessarily.

It’s just that the Slytherin players have only one idea that is unified, and that is that they really don’t want to lose the super pull-out seeker who can have the skill of cloud night!

But Sisso never made it to himself: “I don’t care how powerful he is in Slytherin, but it’s the Quidditch team, I’m the captain!” ”

“Come to my team, even if he is a dragon, he must obediently lie down and listen to my command!”

After saying that, Sisso also looked up as if he were very domineering.

“Oh? Then I just opened my eyes today, how do you want me to obediently obey your command? The playful voice of the cloud night suddenly came.

Sisso’s heart was suddenly shocked, and there was a sense of horror that he was caught saying bad things behind his back.

But soon he hardened: “Cloud night? Why did you come here, you have been fired by me do not know! ”

“I was fired?” Yun Ye said amusedly, “Have you asked Professor Snape’s opinion?” I don’t ask him if he agrees with me, he dares to directly put me up for the team, or I have the courage. ”

Yun Ye changed into a positive expression: “Because of this extraordinary courage, and deliberately leading the Slytherin team to lose consecutive battles for many years, I have reason to suspect that you are probably an undercover sent by Gryffindor!” ”


The Slytherin players almost squirted out of the air, and the turn of the night was too funny.

The spirit that Gryffindor has always adhered to is courage, and now it seems very funny to be taken out by Yun Ye to say this.

Even the Gryffindors who eavesdropped, many of them almost laughed.

Fortunately, Wood had cleverly ordered them to cover each other’s mouths in advance, otherwise they would most likely be discovered by the clouds.


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