Ravenclaw’s face was also very ugly looking at the clouds, and Hufflepuff could feel it, and she could naturally feel it.

Yun Ye smiled coldly, and did not explain that Dumbledore and they were already going to join forces to kill themselves, could it be that they still wanted to keep their hands, that was really the benevolence of women.

Hufflepuff snorted heavily and said, “Ravenclaw, don’t keep your hands, this kind of demon will only harm more people, or hang him as soon as possible!” ”

Ravenclaw nodded slightly, but anyone could feel the killing heart of the two!

Gryffindor had already recovered at this point and said, “Let’s do it!” ”

With that, Gryffindor waved his wand, and a huge golden lion appeared in front of everyone again.

Behind Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, a huge eagle and a huge badger also appeared, and their fierce eyes stared at the cloud night, as if the cloud night was their mortal enemy.

Behind Dumbledore, a huge phoenix appeared, this phoenix was not the same as the dragon condensed by Dumbledore’s magic in the past, and Dumbledore’s magic condensed into a huge fire dragon.

The phoenix behind Dumbledore now had two elements, fire and water, and the two symbiosis in the body of the magic phoenix, which looked very strange.

The four men and four beasts looked at Yun Ye with a tiger’s eye, and before they could launch an attack, Yun Ye had already felt a deadly taste from the four people.

Yun Ye knew that if he couldn’t properly handle the attack of the four people this time, even he might die!

This is definitely not an attack that can be taken lightly!

Yunye took a deep breath, the two wands came together again, and in the face of the strongest attacks of Dumbledore and Hogwarts, Yunye had to use his strongest attack spell again, the Breaking Ground.

But Yun Ye knew that even if he opened up the world, he might not be able to withstand the attack of the four people, and the previous confrontation was already very telling.

At that time, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff did not use all their strength, Yunye’s groundbreaking had been unable to completely block the attack of the four people, and now Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had used the strongest attack, and Yunye actually had no confidence in his heart.

A huge palm wrapped the clouds and nights together, and the palm contained a powerful energy that seemed indestructible.

The cloud night condensed into this huge palm did not stop its hands and feet, but constantly condensed into a solid barrier in the palm of the hand, forming a dense protective net for itself.

Dumbledore’s eyes froze, and he slammed out his wand, and the Phoenix of Water and Fire emitted devastating magical energy, roaring, crashing into the cloud night, with an extremely tragic breath. There is momentum that will never go back.

Gryffindor saw that Dumbledore had launched an attack, and naturally he would not be behind, and the golden lion behind him let out a roar that shook the mountains and the ground, heading towards the position where the clouds were located.

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff also waved their wands, and the giant eagle and the giant badger behind them simultaneously cut through the space and rushed towards the cloud night with a fierce momentum.

The four giant beasts slammed into the giant hand, the giant hand made an overwhelmed sound, the dense cracks instantly appeared above the giant hand, the seemingly indestructible surface of the giant hand suddenly cracked, shattered into countless pieces, the surging magic escaped from it, and the entire castle trembled precariously.

Yunye’s pupils narrowed, although he thought that he could not resist the joint attack of the four people in an open world, but the speed of the giant hand collapsing far exceeded Yunye’s imagination, and it could even be said that Yunye did not expect that the giant hand could only persist for a moment.

The giant hand completely shattered, and the four giant beasts of the flood savagely rushed towards the cloud night, and the layers of barriers surrounding the cloud night were shattered piece by piece under the impact of the giant beast, without any suspense.

Can’t resist, absolutely can’t resist!

Yunye chuckled in his heart, although Yunye was in danger at this time, but Yunye did not panic, the more he reached this time, the calmer he became, the combination of Dumbledore and the three giants of Hogwarts was too strong, and Yunye had no ability to resist.

However, it is naturally impossible for Yunye to withstand such an attack in vain!

As soon as Yunye’s eyes froze, a gathering of Yunye’s strongest spiritual force turned into a needle and stabbed at Ravenclaw, even if they were seriously injured, they would have to pay a great price!

At the same time, the four-headed Flood Beast slammed into Yunye’s body, and because the four-headed Flood Beast came from four different directions, under the violent energy fluctuations, Yunye did not leave its original position, and the terrifying magic tyrannically destroyed Yunye’s body and the surrounding environment!


With a violent explosion, the entire castle shattered in an instant, countless rubble splashed in the air, and the position where the cloud night was located was instantly covered by endless smoke and stone chips, as if the cloud night had been extinguished in this terrible explosion.

Ravenclaw stared dead at where Cloud Night was, and a spiritual attack from Cloud Night hit Ravenclaw in his mind.

However, Ravenclaw only frowned slightly, and then sneered, “It’s a spiritual attack again, it seems that Yunye you are really poor in donkey skills.” ”

The violent explosion continued to sound in the ruins of the castle, and slowly the figure of Yunye appeared in it, at this time, Yunye’s body was stained with blood, a large piece of muscle was shattered and broken, and a steady stream of blood gushed out from the various wounds on Yunye’s body.

At this time, the cloud night could be described as a wretched mess that had never been seen before, and the body was covered with countless wounds of large and small sizes.

Although Yunye’s terrifying self-healing ability was constantly making up for Yunye’s flesh, it was also consuming Yunye’s huge physical strength, and at this time, Yunye’s face was like white paper, and it seemed that he had no power to fight.


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