Dumbledore should have had a space-stored magic item on his body, otherwise he wouldn’t have put a huge space-time device on his body.

Yunye’s pupils narrowed, and he stared closely at the space-time device in Dumbledore’s hand, which was the only thing he could return to his own time from this era, and Yunye had to pay attention to this thing.

Yun Ye said lightly, “Dumbledore, what do you want to do?” ”

Dumbledore looked at Yunye with a sneer and said, “Isn’t that exactly what you’ve been thinking about all this time?” ”

Cloud Night did not make a sound, acquiescing to Dumbledore’s statement, indeed, Cloud Night’s constant desire to become stronger in this era was to defeat Dumbledore and Hogwarts Big Four, and then regain the space-time device back to the modern day.

Dumbledore smiled coldly, and a shocking wave of magic suddenly erupted in his hand, and above this was the space-time device that the clouds were thinking about day and night!

The clouds were stunned and reacted violently, but by this time it was already too late, and the space-time device exploded in Dumbledore’s hands, and countless fragments suddenly flew in mid-air.

Dumbledore actually smashed the space-time device in front of Yunye, and at the same time, Dumbledore let out a crazy laugh, and his eyes were full of viciousness when he looked at Yunye.

“Hahaha, cloud night you can’t think of it, you are desperately trying to get stronger is not to go back, now that the space-time device is broken, I want to see how you return to the modern era!”

Dumbledore laughed maniacally, as if he had triumphed over the clouds.

Yunye took a deep breath, a thick murderous gas sprang up from Yunye’s body, Dumbledore, the madman, actually destroyed the space-time device, which Yunye had never expected, and Dumbledore chose to die with Yunye in this era in order to make Yunye unable to return to the present!

Yunye said fiercely, “Dumbledore, you are looking for death!” ”

Dumbledore continued to laugh and said, “As long as you can’t go back and harm the world, what’s the harm in me dying here, I’d rather die with you!” ”

Yun Ye said, “You always look like you are sacrificing yourself to save others, do you think you are great, you are just a self-righteous old guy, you are just persecuting more people with your stubbornness and ignorance!” ”

Dumbledore said angrily, “Cloud Night, what are you talking about, you are slandering me!” ”

Yun Ye said coldly, “When dealing with Voldemort, in fact, you have many opportunities to get rid of Voldemort one step at a time, but you believe in the prophecy of nothingness, a good opportunity to put it in vain, and at the same time you let Voldemort recover step by step, in order to have the ignorant stubbornness in your heart is to completely follow things!” ”

Dumbledore cried out, “You bloody mouthful! ”

Yun Ye continued, “Dealing with me too, you alone have wishful thinking that I am going to harm the whole world, in order to make people believe this, you will not hesitate to expel me from school, and even more to surround and suppress my Yun family, forcing me to rebel, you can justifiably say that I am a great sinner in the world!” ”

Dumbledore’s face changed and he continued to drink heavily, “You! ”

Yun Ye said coldly, “You have been a complete hypocrite from beginning to end, in fact, you are the biggest villain in the world and the most disgusting person!” ”

Dumbledore was trembling with anger, and his arm was shaking constantly, and he was too angry to speak.

Yunye took a deep breath and looked at Dumbledore’s eyes full of murderous intent, “Since you have destroyed the space-time device, then I have nothing to say, you will pay for your ignorance and stubbornness, Dumbledore!” ”

As he spoke, the clouds moved violently, and a giant hand appeared above the sky, and the magic between heaven and earth instantly rioted.

Yun Ye no longer has a hand, he is going to defeat Dumbledore in one fell swoop!

Dumbledore’s eyes froze, and from the moment he destroyed the space-time device, he had already made up his mind to burn the jade here with Yunye, so there was no surprise in the face of Yunye’s counterattack.

Ravenclaw on the side was shocked, she knew that she and Dumbledore could not defeat Cloud Night, and with Cloud Night’s full strength, even Ravenclaw would not be able to escape.

Ravenclaw quickly grabbed Dumbledore and said, “Albus, we can’t fight the night, retreat quickly, anyway, you have destroyed the space-time device, he can’t return to your time, you don’t need to fight with him.” ”

Dumbledore snorted coldly and said, “If the space-time device is destroyed, he will definitely not let me go, do you think I will hunt him down to the end of the world?” ”

Ravenclaw was stunned and immediately understood what Dumbledore meant, indeed, Cloud Night had always wanted to return to his own time, and now Dumbledore had destroyed the space-time device, which was equivalent to blocking the way back to Cloud Night.

How could Cloud Night let Dumbledore go?

Now that there is a huge contradiction between the four giants of Hogwarts, Hufflepuff is uncertain of life and death, it can be said that his strength has been greatly reduced, and he has lost the ability to protect Dumbledore, in this case, Dumbledore will inevitably be hunted down by Yunye.

How could Dumbledore’s proud character tolerate being hunted down and killed by the clouds, where heroic death in battle was the best way to die!

Ravenclaw clearly understood that Dumbledore was now determined to die, but Dumbledore was bent on dying, Ravenclaw didn’t want to die, and she didn’t want Hogwarts to be wiped out in this battle.

So when Ravenclaw was preparing to ignore Dumbledore and prepare to retreat, Gryffindor in the distance noticed the situation on this side and actually got rid of Slytherin and rushed to Dumbledore’s side.

Slytherin naturally wouldn’t let Gryffindor leave, following Gryffindor right behind.

“Ravenclaw, let’s fight against the cloud night together!” Otherwise none of us would want to leave today! ”


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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