“Originally, I joined Gryffindor because I wanted to set up a school and be a teacher and enjoy the fun of being a teacher, that’s all, but I didn’t expect so many things to happen after that.”

Yun Ye looked at Slytherin, from the Slytherin tone, he could feel the Slytherin fatigue, he was tired of the world’s intrigue, creating Hogwarts was to stay away from the strife, but Slytherin did not expect that a Hogwarts dispute was not weaker than the outside world.

Yun Ye’s words changed, “Why don’t you create a school yourself?” ”

Slytherin was stunned, and looked at Yunye’s eyes full of surprise, “What are you talking about, how can I possibly create a school?” ”

Yun Ye smiled lightly, “You just want a space where you can play your own full play and not be affected by the outside world, and you naturally can’t achieve this luxury by working with people like Gryffindor who are also giants of the wizarding world.” ”

Slytherin’s face tightened, and Yun Ye’s words could be said to be in his heart, it was indeed true, he intended to become a professor to teach students well, but it was such a simple wish, but it was difficult to implement.

The most important reason is that Hogwarts is not a Slytherin alone!

If Slytherin had started a school of magic on its own, wouldn’t his wish have been fulfilled so easily?

This idea blossomed and sprouted like a seed in Slytherin’s heart, never to cease to grow again.

Yun Ye continued, “With your fame, your strength, and your insight, which point is worse than Gryffindor, don’t you want to simply recruit pure-blood wizards as students, and now that you have left Hogwarts, this is your best chance!” ”

Slytherin was silent, but his mind was running fast under the lobbying of the clouds, indeed, how Slytherin was also a famous and famous person in the wizarding world today, if he really lived in seclusion and died, it was indeed impossible to say.

Not to mention the others, even Slytherin himself felt that he had wasted his talents, but if he created another school, wouldn’t all the problems be solved?

Yun Ye said, “As for Hogwarts, they have long been controlled by Gryffindors, and the idea that you want to recruit pure-blood wizards is regarded as heresy by them, and it is impossible to work in Hogwarts, and to realize your idea, what better way to do it than to open a new school?” ”

Slytherin took a deep breath and said, “But after all, I was once a member of the Hogwarts giants, and if I did, wouldn’t I…?” ”

The Slytherin dialect was a little reluctant, but it was much looser, and Yun Ye saw that Slytherin was interested in moving and increased the intensity of persuasion.

Yun Ye said, “Gryffindor them. You don’t know what Slytherin House stands for Hogwarts yet, don’t you know? Do you talk to them about friendship at this time? ”

Slytherin was suddenly silent, and Cloudy had been a student of Slytherin House, so Cloudy was well aware of Slytherin’s position at Hogwarts, which was cold, xenophobic, and even evil.

As the founder of Slytherin House, he was even more aware of this, and he did not want his house to be positioned like this, and he did not want his house to be distinguished from other houses.

But the truth is so cruel that Slytherin House, as Hogwarts House, is treated unequally, as if Slytherin House is just a remote branch of Hogwarts.

This point has long been criticized by Slytherin, but no one has spoken about it, but now Yunye has said what Slytherin has hidden in his heart.

Slytherin’s breathing became rapid because Slytherin’s thinking had slowly changed, and Slytherin realized that he should be brave enough to make a change.

Yun Ye smiled faintly and said, “Slytherin, do you still want to return to the hidden mountains and forests, die in a place that no one knows, let your ideals wither, and let the people of Slytherin Academy suffer discrimination.” ”

Slytherin looked at Cloud Night, took a deep breath, and slowly shook his head, and Cloud Night smiled and looked at Slytherin without speaking.

After half a ring, Slytherin said slowly, “I’m going to start the Academy!” ”

Yun Ye revealed a bright smile and said, “That’s right, this is our Slytherin founder, and the school you founded will definitely not be inferior to Hogwarts!” ”

Slytherin finally smiled and said, “Cloud Night, thank you for untying my knot.” ”

Yun Ye slowly shook his head, “You also helped me, count it as a report for one, since you are willing to establish the Academy, then we can almost start to prepare.” ”

Slytherin thought about starting his own school, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

He had a lot of ideas when he founded Hogwarts, but because of the constraints of the other giants of Hogwarts, many of Slytherin’s own ideas could not be realized.

And now that Cloudy Night had given him the idea of building a new magic school, Slytherin naturally wanted to build the magic school of his dreams according to his own ideas.

Yun Ye looked at Slytherin with uncontrollable excitement and smiled lightly, “I am not a person of this era, this school you just built according to your own will, I don’t have any opinion.” ”

Slytherin looked at Yun Ye gratefully and said, “You’ll help me, won’t you?” ”

Yun Ye focused on his head, “This nature, I don’t help you in this era, who else can I help?” ”

Slytherin also thought that Yunye was not related in this era, and no one seemed to be able to have anything to do with Yunye except himself.


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