Hogwarts remained in ruins, with only scattered elves and some wizards repairing the shattered buildings, showing signs of withering.

Gryffindor looked at Hogwarts’ ruined appearance and sighed all the time, as if he had lost hope in life.

Ravenclaw is also silent all day, as if he has suffered some kind of life blow, and he does not think about tea and dinner.

Dumbledore lobbied every day for the two of them to cheer up against the Night, to avenge Hufflepuff, to settle Slytherin, a traitor to Hogwarts, but to little effect.

Over time, Dumbledore slowly became disappointed, infected by the emotions of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, and became melancholy.

However, Dumbledore had lost the confidence to fight against Cloud Night before, and now estimated that there was no chance to catch up with Cloud Night’s footsteps in this life, which was why Dumbledore was so determined to destroy the space-time device.

However, to Dumbledore’s surprise, Yunye actually gave up the last excellent opportunity and chose to retreat, sparing Dumbledore, who had already consumed a lot.

This made Dumbledore rekindle the determination to break the net with the Cloud Night Fish, thinking that Yun Ye could kill himself but did not do it, which was a humiliation and insult to himself, and he could not accept the insult of Yun Ye no matter what, and could only desperately want to get a glorious sacrifice.

This was also the only source of Dumbledore’s motivation to fight against the cloud night now, but this power to only seek death came violently, and retreated quickly, and under the infection of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, he was indeed slowly consumed by determination.

Until a message came.

A month after the destruction of Hogwarts, Ravenclaw summoned Gryffindor and Dumbledore to the Hogwarts conference room, which had been prioritized for restoration within a month and no longer had to be crammed into a crowded tent.

In the conference room were a few other Hogwarts professors, one by one, frowning as if they were disturbed by something.

Gryffindor glanced at the people present, sensed that the atmosphere was not quite right, and asked, “Ravenclaw, what is the reason you are so anxious to gather us?” ”

Ravenclaw flipped through the parchment roll in his hand and said, “Something is wrong. ”

Gryffindor smiled lightly, “I don’t think it’s a big deal if it’s not a cloud night, so you can say it with confidence.” ”

On the one hand, Dumbledore was even more inferior, he was not a man of this era, and he had nothing to do with Hogwarts of this era, and the reason why he was invited by Ravenclaw was only because Dumbledore wanted to continue lobbying Gryffindor and Ravenclaw after the meeting.

Ravenclaw said, “Let me start with a small thing, many of our Slytherin House students in Gwarts have applied to withdraw from school, and the reasons are very uniform, saying that they have found a better school of magic.” ”

Gryffindor and Dumbledore to the name Slytherin, frowning at the same time, are deeply disgusted by this name, but also, if it were not for Slytherin, I am afraid they would have subdued the cloud night long ago, how could it be so far?

Gryffindor said coldly, “Slytherin House is a Slytherin chosen person himself, and if you go well, you can do it all and save me the trouble of doing it!” ”

Ravenclaw sighed and said, “Don’t you want to know why they are leaving?” ”

Gryffindor snorted heavily, “Didn’t you tell them the reasons for their withdrawal, what kind of magic school to find a better magic school, which magic school in the world today is better than our Hogwarts, really talking big and not typing drafts, I would like to know what pheasant school they found.” ”

Hearing Gryffindor’s tone, Ravenclaw couldn’t help but shake his head, expressing his dissatisfaction with Gryffindor’s answer.

Dumbledore, who was nearby, heard something unusual from Ravenclaw and asked, “Is it the people of Slytherin House, and the other houses don’t?” ”

Ravenclaw said lightly, “Of course, you can’t say no, the last Hogwarts War left a deep impression on them, many parents of students are worried about the safety of students so they let students withdraw from school, this situation in addition to Slytherin House other colleges also have many examples.” ”

Dumbledore nodded slowly, analyzing Ravenclaw’s word-for-word words.

Ravenclaw said suddenly, “However, compared with Slytherin Academy, it is simply a small witch, and most of the students of Slytherin College are going to drop out.” ”

Dumbledore frowned and said, “What’s going on, I don’t believe that just a big war has such an impact, and it is impossible to affect Slytherin House alone.” ”

Gryffindor also heard something strange and said, “You tell me what’s going on.” ”

Ravenclaw took a deep breath and said, “It is said that Slytherin has built another magic school in the wizarding world, and the name seems to be Norbvis.” ”


Gryffindor took the lead in slapping the table and shouting angrily.

Ravenclaw looked like he had known it for a long time, and he was not frightened by Gryffindor, but the Hogwarts professors below were frightened by Gryffindor, and one by one they did not dare to interject.

Dumbledore was also trembling with anger, as a future man, he naturally knew that the final fate of Slytherin was to return to the mountains and disappear from everyone’s sight, let alone to create any magic school.

And now that Slytherin will actually create a school, it can only explain one thing, that is, the idea of Slytherin’s behavior was instigated by Yun Ye!


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