Soon, Northway led all of Norbweis to evacuate Norbvis, while Cloudy Night, Slytherin and Dumbledore were still facing off with Dumbledore and others, and the two sides had a tacit understanding until now.

Dumbledore said coldly, “Cloud Night, you are indeed a careerist with evil intentions, you are from Hogwarts, but you are against Hogwarts in every case, knowing that Norbvice does not exist in history at all, and you also want to encourage Slytherin to build Norbvis, your wolf ambitions are simply disgusting!” ”

Gryffindor and Ravenclaw also looked at Yunye with an angry face, in their opinion, Yunye was indeed single-mindedly trying to destroy Hogwarts, otherwise how could they fight against Hogwarts again and again?

Yun Ye was dumbfounded, he had seen a shameless person, but he really had never seen a brazen person like Dumbledore.

Obviously, Dumbledore single-handedly persecuted Cloud Night, if it were not for Dumbledore, Cloud Night would have been involved in this time and space?

Had it not been for Dumbledore’s instigation of the Hogwarts Four against the Night, would Slytherin have left Hogwarts ahead of schedule, and would Hufflepuff have died at the hands of the Night?

As before, Yunye had no intention of opposing Hogwarts, but Dumbledore targeted Yunye and led the school’s top brass to capture Yunye, and even led the Ministry of Magic to annihilate the Yunjia.

In this case, did Yun Ye tie his hands and not resist?

Dumbledore used his power to force Yunye to a dead end, if Yunye did not resist, then the crime placed on Yunye’s body could never be washed away, and the shame of the Yun’s family being destroyed could never be eliminated.

Yunye naturally could not sit still, and could only fight back against Dumbledore, and the ensuing things were very clear, Yunye relied on his own strength and strategy, and escaped again and again, even at the expense of fighting the Ministry of Magic, just to get justice.

However, what Yun Ye did was slandered as anti-Hogwarts, anti-Ministry of Magic, but the root cause of all this was not noticed, and the culprit of everything was actually Dumbledore!

Cloud Night did not explain so much, and like Dumbledore’s thought, things are never explained clearly, only the victor has the right to write the wrong and wrong of history, let everything be finished today!

Yun Ye took a deep breath and said, “Dumbledore, your ability to manipulate right and wrong, and not to distinguish between black and white, is really admirable, despite everything, I will calculate the account here today!” ”

The expression on Dumbledore’s face froze for a moment, he could hear the killing intent of his own determination in the words of the clouds, and Dumbledore, who was already a little weak-minded, couldn’t help but hesitate.

In the past, many times he had befriended Yunye, and Dumbledore’s mentality had always been that he could not let go of Yunye, and he must kill Yunye this time.

However, with the escape of Yunye again and again and the enhancement of Yunye’s strength, the multi-mentality has gradually changed, and now it is even more with a desire to sacrifice

But now, after hearing Yunye’s words, Dumbledore found that Yunye had also secretly made up his mind to get back what he had done before.

Cloud Night no longer nonsense, a black and a white two wands appeared in his hand at the same time, looking at Dumbledore’s eyes full of killing intent!

Slytherin, seeing this, also drew his wand, and looked at Dumbledore and the others with a tiger’s eye.

From the time Dumbledore, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw attacked Norbvis, Slytherin had severed everything from them, and there was no psychological burden on them.

Slytherin said coldly, “Cloudy Night, still like last time, I dragged Gryffindor along, and you dealt with Dumbledore and Ravenclaw, no problem.” ”

Yun Ye smiled faintly and said, “No problem, I’m still worried that you don’t have an opponent to deal with!” ”

Slytherin was stunned, a little confused about what Yunye meant by this, but after Yunye said this, the figure moved, and actually pounced directly on Dumbledore’s location!

Slytherin did not dare to be sluggish at all, and quickly followed the pace of Yunye, closely following Yunye’s side.

Dumbledore and the others froze their eyes, looked in the direction of the cloud night and shouted, “Move! ”

Gryffindor and Ravenclaw drew their wands at the same time, their eyes fixed on the clouds and Slytherin.

After fighting so many times, the two sides also have a bottom in mind about each other’s strength, and they also know that Yunye is not an opponent to be underestimated, especially with Slytherin, it is a difficult bone to gnaw.

But they were not afraid in their hearts, they were Hogwarts giants, how could they be frightened by the clouds, they still had to avenge Hufflepuff!

Cloud Night took the lead, and the two wands erupted with amazing power at the same time, followed by the spiritual power of Cloud Night’s terrifying extreme, which turned into sharp spiritual needles and appeared in mid-air, emitting a tingling feeling.

Dumbledore and the others looked at the Spirit Needle suspended on Yunye’s head in amazement, revealing a look of disbelief, he already knew that Yunye’s strength was very powerful, and spiritual power was also Yunye’s killer.

In order to deal with the spiritual power of Yunye, they also did not hesitate to refine and strengthen the brain occlusion technique, although the final results were not good, and even later did not have any effect on Yunye.

However, they also had a general consideration for Yunye’s spiritual power in their hearts, but in their impression, Yunye’s spiritual power did not reach the point where they were in front of them.

Dumbledore and the others had no doubt that if they dealt with Yunye’s spiritual power one-on-one, I am afraid that even if he tried his best, he would not be able to break free of Yunye’s spiritual attack!

It can be seen that Cloud Night’s spiritual attack today is a powerful and terrifying existence for them!


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