“Groundbreaking!” Yun Ye slowly opened the voice.

Yun Ye stretched out his hands, like a god’s mansion, looking up at all beings high.

At this time, Dumbledore’s dragon, Gryffindor’s lion, and Ravenclaw’s goshawk had arrived, and the three wild beasts violently rushed to the front, and the ferocity was fierce.

And Cloud Night’s hands and Slytherin’s python also fell from the sky, and the three wild beasts violently collided together!


With a loud noise, the whole valley shook violently, and suddenly the mountains collapsed, the sun and moon had no light, and sure enough, the five top wizards clashed, and even the heavens and the earth had to tremble for it!

The earth cracked violently, revealing the abyss, and Norbvis, who had been badly damaged, collapsed, and all the buildings were torn apart by the earth and fell into the endless abyss.

Fortunately, the previous students, wizards, and elves had already retreated in time, otherwise no one would have survived until now.

Powerful magic constantly and fiercely collided in mid-air, emitting a terrifying rumbling sound, the space collapsed piece by piece, revealing a terrifying space crack, a large chunk was exposed to the air, and the tyrannical magic continued to destroy the surroundings, this scene can be called the end of the world!

Ravenclaw’s giant eagle began to collapse first, and among the five, Ravenclaw’s strength was relatively weak, so it was Ravenclaw who could not hold out first!

Ravenclaw’s face changed drastically, and she tried her best to infuse her magic into her wand, desperately trying to maintain the existence of the magic giant eagle, but her magic was nothing in this kind of confrontation.

The giant eagle was still collapsing at an unquestionable speed, and the entire body of the magic condensation was covered with vicious cracks, which could no longer be repaired!

With a loud noise, the giant eagle roared with a loud roar, and the giant eagle formed by the condensation of the magic power of Ravenclaw’s whole body instantly shattered, and countless magic forces escaped and splashed in mid-air, instantly triggering more violent energy fluctuations.

Ravenclaw’s face turned pale, and he suddenly shot out and shot into the earth, and he looked like he was going to be greatly hurt.

After Ravenclaw withdrew from the battle circle, Dumbledore and Gryffindor were even more powerless to support the battle with Cloud Night and Slytherin, and the magic of the two was gradually defeated, and it seemed that they were about to be crushed by the magic of Cloud Night and Slytherin.

Dumbledore had closed his eyes, he had used his greatest strength, he had done it to the extreme, and all he wanted now was death.

As for Gryffindor, his face was full of despair, as one of the four giants of the Watts, he should have taught at Hogwarts with infinite scenery and was admired by all people.

However, because he was careless for a moment and listened to Brido’s lies, so that this fate has led to this fate, although Gryffindor regrets it, but now, he has no choice but to resign himself to fate.

Just when Dumbledore and Gran were almost unable to hold on, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them, and it was actually Cloud Night!

Cloud Night skipped Gryffindor directly, and his cold eyes stared at Dumbledore as if the whole thing was just Dumbledore and Cloud Night.

The crystal clear hands of the cloud night slowly lifted, and with the movement of the hands, the fluctuations of spatial energy were also constantly rising and falling, surging with them.

Dumbledore also sensed the presence of Yunye and opened his eyes suddenly, but Dumbledore could not move at this time, and could only watch Yunye’s hand slowly cover Dumbledore’s head.

When Gryffindor saw this situation, he could only stop looking at it, and he couldn’t bear to look at it again, the power that filled Yunye’s hands was so overwhelming that it covered Dumbledore’s head, and the consequences could be imagined.


Suddenly, the world seemed to twist into a circle, Dumbledore looked at the cloud night dully, and the cloud night looked at Dumbledore coldly, and everything around him suddenly changed.

Gryffindor suddenly disappeared after passing his face, and the energy fluctuations of the original tyrannical fanaticism also disappeared, as if the two were trapped in another world.

The surrounding area is blank, it does not look like a normal world at all, and people can feel a strange feeling in it, which is a feeling of time.

In this space, time seems to have stagnated, but it really makes people feel that it is passing, but the speed of passage is very slow, as if one second is equivalent to 10,000 years of normal time.

In the case of the surrounding blank world, some scenes also slowly appeared, forming some buildings that Dumbledore felt familiar.

“This is King’s Cross Station?” Nine and three-quarters of a platform? ”

Dumbledore looked around in disbelief, and there was still a white expanse around him, but the scene was indeed King’s Cross, but it was rendered strangely white.

Yunye stood indifferently in front of Dumbledore, looking at Dumbledore calmly, Yunye knew that this was his spiritual world.

Yunye had wanted to launch a final blow against Dumbledore and kill Dumbledore, the culprit, with his own hands, but when the palm of the hand mixed with Yunye’s spiritual power bombarded Dumbledore’s head, it suddenly changed now.

Dumbledore also woke up at this time, “This is your spiritual world!” ”

Yunye did not answer this sentence, but looked at Dumbledore lightly, “Albus Dumbledore, you lost, you want to beat me with the inertia of time, but you did not expect that I could actually break through the inertia of time, and even change history.” ”

Dumbledore looked at Yunye with disgruntled bloodshot eyes, “I knew that you really had your intention to change history so wantonly, you are a complete demon, a madman!” ”

Yunye looked at Dumbledore with pity in his eyes.


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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