And now that Cloud Night killed Dumbledore, it was equivalent to inheriting the influence caused by Dumbledore, and the repulsion of time and space to Cloud Night was increasing.

Yunye can even feel that the space-time repulsion force is about to open the door of time and space travel and absorb itself, but the door that Yunye expects is not open, but it is still a little bit behind, and there is still a little bit of space-time repulsion.

This era is not enough to exclude oneself!

Yun Ye narrowed his eyes, since the repulsion of time and space is not enough, then continue to increase the repulsion of time and space!

Just a foot in the door!

Yun Ye turned back sharply, his eyes locked directly on Gryffindor.

This time, the Hogwarts Big Four will join forces with Dumbledore, and the biggest contributor among the Big Four is undoubtedly Gryffindor!

As the founder of Hogwarts Gryffindor House, Gryffindor passed on its pride and self-confidence, teaching students to be brave and stand up to everything, which is a very good essence.

But Yunye must tell Gryffindor with practical actions that it is a good thing to have pride, self-confidence, and courage, but there will still be retribution for doing things wrong with this excellent essence!

And Gryffindor’s retribution is the night of clouds!

Ravenclaw screamed, “Gryffindor, run! ”

Ravenclaw had sensed Cloudy’s intent to kill Gryffindor and couldn’t help but warn him.

Gryffindor could naturally feel Yunye’s resolute killing intent, and of course he wanted to flee the area, but his body was frozen around him, unable to move at all, let alone flee.

Although the strength of the four giants of Hogwarts has reached the god-level realm of Grindelwald, Dumbledore and Voldemort a thousand years later, it is also high and low in this realm.

Today’s Cloud Night, although the magic level is almost the same as Gryffindor’s, the magic control from Solomon beyond the limit is even higher.

To know that the magic level and the magic control method beyond the limit are one of the two major elements of the advanced god-level wizard, so with this alone, Cloud Night can stabilize Gryffindor.

Not to mention that Yunye still has two of the strongest Double Dragon Wands that are comparable to the Old Wand, and the spiritual level and physical level are also overwhelmingly more powerful, and the combination of various factors has created the terrifying strength of Yunye to overwhelm the world!

Therefore, Gryffindor’s proud strength seemed to be nothing more than sparse and ordinary in the eyes of the cloud night at this time.

Cloud Night wanted to suppress Gryffindor, alone, something too easy to be easy.

Ravenclaw struggled to rush to Gryffindor, the two of them had the strength to fight against Cloud Night, if they let Cloud Night attack Gryffindor, it would be a dream!

However, at the same time that Ravenk was working on his body, Yunye’s body had come to Gryffindor, and in terms of speed alone, how could Ravenclaw be comparable to Yunye, not to mention that Ravenclaw had been injured before.

Seeing this, Slytherin could only take a step back and sigh helplessly.

If Cloud Night attacked Ravenclaw, Slytherin might have blocked Cloud Night, but Cloud Night was now dealing with Gryffindor, Slytherin’s old rival, and Slytherin had no intention of helping.

There was no love between the two of them, and even if Gryffindor was killed by the clouds, Slytherin would not feel any guilt in his heart.

Gryffindor looked at the cloudy night in front of him in horror, and the self-proclaimed confidence and pride in his mouth usually disappeared in this instant, not to mention the so-called courage, in the face of life and death, Gryffindor revealed his truest side.

The truest side of this is being too scared to speak and unable to move!

Yun Ye looked up at Gryffindor condescendingly, and there was no emotion in his indifferent eyes.

For Yunye, the imminent attack on Gryffindor did not have any psychological burden at all, just like dealing with a dog waiting to die.

The reason why Yunye thinks this way is indeed understandable, after all, Gryffindor is the one who has always had the most opinion on Yunye among the Hogwarts Big Four.

And the biggest reason why the Hogwarts Big Four would listen to Dumbledore was because of Gryffindor.

So in Yun Ye’s mind, Gryffindor is the most damned of the Hogwarts Big Four!

At this time, Gryffindor’s heart was also covered with endless fear, looking at the cloud night in horror, unable to react at all.

There has never been a moment when Gryffindor understands so deeply that courage alone cannot do anything!

Especially unable to bridge the decisive strength gap!

The two wands in Yun Ye’s hand slowly moved forward, carrying huge waves of magic power, and with a light touch, they dotted on Gryffindor’s forehead, like dragonflies dotting water.

Gryffindor trembled, and his eyes filled with despair, fear, and disbelief as he looked at the cloudy night.

He didn’t react to the moment before he died, and it turned out that he was here today.


With a muffled sound, like a large watermelon being smashed hard, Gryffindor’s shattered body fell powerlessly to the ground, making a sound of broken leather smashing to the ground.

The Hogwarts Four, Gryffindor, were originally the tyrants of this era, the top beings of this era, but now they are dead so plainly, even inconspicuously.

Gryffindor, Fall!

Ravenclaw jerked his forward body to a halt, his eyes wide open, watching in horror as Gryffindor’s body fell to the ground, and in Ravenclaw’s eyes at this time, it was a Satan, a demon, from hell, to harvest their lives.

Even people with such strength as Dumbledore and Gryffindor died at the hands of Yun Ye, and if Ravenclaw rushed forward, it was estimated that the result would not be much worse.


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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