The president’s brow furrowed as he listened, as if he had heard some terrible news.

The president said slowly, “Are you sure that the freak who attacked Area 51 was the initiator of the New Haven incident?” The Ministry of Magic was also destroyed by him? ”

The man nodded, “Except that this man can explain everything, there are no other conditions that can explain the whole thing, and from New Haven to the US Department of Magic and then to District 51, it happens to be the attack route of this strange man, and he must have come to us in the United States with some unknown secret.” ”

The president’s brow furrowed even more, “What is the situation in Area 51, can it hold on, when will our nearest army be able to support the past?” ”

The man said with a bitter face: “There is no support, Area 51 has been out of touch for almost two hours, it is estimated that it has all fallen, and according to the reconnaissance plane images we sent, Area 51 seems to have been razed to the ground!” ”

The president clenched his fists violently, and Merlin’s actions had seriously affected the safety of the United States, so the president could no longer hold back his excitement, slammed his hammer on the table, frightening the man in front of him to tremble, he had never seen the president so angry.

The man whispered, “Mr. President, what should I do now?” ”

The president took a deep breath and said, “Where is that weird guy now?” Still in District 51? ”

The man glanced at the information and said, “Yes, the reconnaissance plane also detected only one heat source activity in Area 51 ten minutes ago, and it is estimated that it is the demonic strange person.” ”

The president stood up and said in a cold voice: “With the use of nuclear weapons, such people cannot survive in the world, they must die!” ”

The man took a deep breath of cold air and was surprised: “Mr. President, you should think twice, are you going to use nuclear weapons on our land?” There is bound to be a great reaction from the people. ”

The president said coldly: “Is it still time to think about this, if we don’t get rid of this demon, our whole America will be finished!” Even if I were ousted with nuclear weapons, I would not tolerate the continued existence of such horrific people in our America! ”

The man’s chest rose and fell, and he had to say, “Mr. President, I understand.” ”

As he spoke, the man said a few words to the small microphone next to his clothes, walked over to the president’s desk, and pressed a button.

A small button appeared on the president’s desktop, and there was a precision electronic lock on it, and the president took a deep breath and approached the electronic lock, only to see that the electronic lock automatically issued a red line, scanned the president’s eyes, and a series of programs automatically unlocked, revealing the red buttons.

And this button is the starting button of the US nuclear weapons.

The president said heavily: “Use a large weapon to lock the heat source body of Area 51, and be sure to ensure absolute hits!” ”

The man nodded solemnly, looking into the president’s eyes, he knew that the president would definitely receive condemnation from the people for doing so, and the president’s career would end here, but there seemed to be no other way at the moment.

The president no longer hesitated, pressing his fingers the red buttons.

Suddenly, the entire White House was red and the piercing alarms were all over the White House, and the generals outside the White House were surprised one by one!

Of course they know that this means nuclear weapons, but why did the president use nuclear weapons, is it to start a war against the country on the west coast of the Pacific?

At a secret missile launch base in the Great Plains in the middle of the United States, the American soldiers of a missile launcher were trying to maintain the vehicle in a good way, but a red light on the crash car suddenly lit up and issued a harsh siren sound.

The American soldiers present looked at each other in disbelief.

How did they suddenly have orders to activate this missile launcher, and as the soldiers of this missile launcher, they naturally knew that the missiles in this missile launcher were not ordinary missiles, but missiles with nuclear warheads!

“Is it a mistake, why did the White House order us to launch?”

An American soldier immediately said, “We are not going to war with any big country, is it difficult to launch a nuclear bomb at the side of Ilak?” ”

“Oh my God, the location of the order for us to launch is not abroad, it is for our own country!”

“What! Is the president stupid enough to launch a nuclear bomb at home? ”

For a moment, the soldiers of the missile launcher opened their mouths one after another, expressing their disbelief at the incident.

At this time, an older soldier captain said coldly: “Don’t talk nonsense, prepare to launch immediately, and then directly deal with nonsense!” ”

As soon as these words came out, the other American soldiers were frightened and did not dare to speak indiscriminately, and immediately took action, and it took less than half a minute for the missile launcher to be ready, the long missile erected, and the hot exhaust gas was constantly brewing from behind.

“Captain, do you really want to launch, this is not going to be a oolong.”

One of the soldiers couldn’t resist leaning over to the older captain and asking.

The captain said coldly: “The duty of a soldier is to obey orders, don’t think so much, launch!” ”

With that, the captain pressed the launch button.

This long missile suddenly erupted into a suffocating flame, roaring into the sky, and roaring away in the direction of Area 51!


Ruins of District 51.

Merlin was searching the ruins with his vast psychic powers, trying to see if what he wanted was in this mysterious Area 51.

However, the result was not as Merlin thought, except for some strange elements and fluctuations, there was nothing Merlin was looking for.

And these strange fluctuations are just some trace elements of the alien planet, it should be that the meteorite of the alien planet once fell on the current position of Area 51, although there are some rare situations on Earth, but it is not what Merlin expected.


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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