This is the biggest problem that exists in the mind of Yun Ye.

The British government and the wizarding world have always been rivers and rivers do not violate well water, even if there is a situation in the wizarding world, the British government has no reason and motive to intervene in the wizarding world, what is the reason why the British government will make such a big move to send troops to attack the wizarding world?

William knew that even if he didn’t say it, the wizard seemed to have a kind of magic that could spy on his mind, and quickly replied, “It’s a wizard named Annie!” ”

“He said that the wizarding world is now in turmoil, the Ministry of Magic has been destroyed, the Yun family that is about to take over has never compromised with the British government, if it takes over the rule of the wizarding world, it will inevitably contradict the government, plus the most important combat strength of the Yun family, Yunye, has disappeared, and the government has decided to take action against the wizarding world!”

Yun Ye’s brow frowned slightly, not expecting that it was actually a wizard who had become a traitor and persuaded the British government to do something to the wizarding world.

The British government officials who were sent to the Yun family before confirmed the disappearance of Yun Ye, so the British government troops would appear here.

However, this can not completely put the responsibility on this wizard named Annie, if the British government itself does not have evil thoughts about the wizarding world, how can a few words of a wizarding district lead to such a big action by the British government?

However, Yun Ye’s heart had secretly put this wizard named Annie to death, and this kind of wizard was no longer worthy of living in the world.

William saw that Yunye’s face was not very good-looking, and immediately said, “Actually, everything is to blame for Anni, we have cooperated so well with the wizarding world before, how can we attack the wizarding world casually?” It’s all Annie’s fault, it’s none of my business! ”

Yunye ignored William and continued, “How many troops did the British government send this time, and what are the plans after that?” ”

William swallowed a mouthful, Yunye asked about the secrets of the army, originally it could not be said casually, if the government knew that William would not have good fruit to eat, but if he did not answer now, Yunye would kill himself again.

William hesitated for a while, but finally decided to confess: “This time more than 5600 soldiers were sent to Diagon Alley, not much, but enough to suppress the wizards of Diagon Alley and Rolling Alley, originally planned to suppress here and then go to an island, as if it was called Azkaban, and gradually occupy an important place in the wizarding world and then go to the headquarters of the Yun family.” ”

Cloud Night snorted heavily, it seems that the British government’s heart is still quite big, want to take advantage of the wizarding world riots to swallow up the entire wizarding world in one breath, but did not expect to come to Diagon Alley at the beginning of the encounter with Cloud Night.

Yun Ye said, “Last question, if the British government suppresses the wizarding world, how does it plan to deal with the wizarding world?” ”

William was stunned, he did not expect Yunye to ask such an unstable question, after all, the British government’s action had just begun, where did he know how the British government would deal with the wizarding community?

However, under the pressure of the cloudy night, William had to answer this question, and had to think for a while: “I think the government’s attitude towards wizards is not very good, and due to the impact of the previous American tragedy, I am afraid that the government will not let the wizarding world continue to exist, after all, the wizarding world is an unstable time bomb for the government, and it is also a nuclear bomb level!” ”

Yunye’s eyes froze slightly, as if he was thinking about something, and William hurriedly said, “I told you everything you know, don’t kill me, I don’t want to die!” ”

Yun Ye frowned deeply, he could indeed understand one of the reasons why the British government was doing this, after all, the British government was the absolute ruler of England, and the wizarding world, although it had nothing to do with Muggles, was also part of England.

The British government’s desire to meddle in the wizarding community may have been such a thought for a long time, but because of the existence of the British Ministry of Magic, this desire has not been realized.

And now that the British Ministry of Magic has been single-handedly destroyed by Yunye, and Yunye has not fully mastered the wizarding world for the time being, it is indeed a great opportunity for the British government, so it is not surprising that the British government will meddle in the affairs of the wizarding world.

It’s just that Yun Ye didn’t expect that the British government’s appetite was so big, not only wanted to meddle in the wizarding world, but also had the idea of ruling the wizarding world!

And most importantly, the fundamental reason the British government ruled the wizarding world was because of the fear of wizards, so their ultimate purpose was to root out wizards!

That’s why there was a British army marching into Diagon Alley, and there was this conflict between wizards and British troops.

Yunye looked at William’s eyes with coldness, although Yunye could understand the British government and others, but Yunye did not intend to forgive these people.

In Yun Ye’s view, since they had made the move to attack the wizarding world, then they had to bear the next consequences!

William looked at Yunye timidly, watching Yunye’s eyes slowly become cold, William also understood Yunye’s general thoughts at this time, William naturally did not want to be killed easily without the ability to fight back.

Only to see William get up violently and pull out a pocket pistol from the ankle position, no one would have thought that William actually hid a pistol in such a place.

If it were an ordinary person, I am afraid that William’s actions would give people unexpected results.

But that was the consequence of ordinary people, and William was facing the cloudy night at this time!

William slammed the trigger on it, and with a thud of a gunshot, a scorching flame came from the muzzle of the gun.

But no bullets flew out, the pistol exploded automatically, and the bullet shot toward William’s forehead, with a muffled sound.

“Sh… What…? ”

The sinister smile on William’s face suddenly stopped, and he looked at the cloud night with unbelievable eyes, he couldn’t imagine why the bullets of his pistol were coming at his forehead!


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