By this time, the protective shield on the top of Hogwarts had been damaged in many places, and even many places had exposed large empty holes.

The shield did not even survive the first round of bombardment, and the only good news was that the shield on the roof of Hogwarts Hall looked quite strong, and there was no sign of breaking for a while.

But the rest of Hogwarts had been bombarded to varying degrees, and the flames and smoke of war were constantly rising from around Hogwarts.

“What to do, I don’t want to die here, I want to go home!”

“Help, who can save us, teach us what to do!”

“Let’s run now, or we won’t have a chance later!” I’ve heard that Muggles kill people without blinking, especially wizards like us! ”

The panic in Hogwarts Hall and the fact that many of the junior Hogwarts students were already terrified and wanted to flee was not a good sign.

Harry groaned for a long time, thinking about what he would do if Yun Ye was present, how could he arouse the resistance of the professors and classmates?

Harry suddenly shouted, “Students, professors, our wizarding world has stood in the world for thousands of years, and the Muggle government has only a few hundred years of history, why should they want to eradicate our wizarding family, they have weapons in their hands, we also have weapons in our hands, we will kill us if we retreat, if we resist there is still a chance!” ”

Harry’s words immediately aroused the passion of the students of the Cloud Night Army, and they all raised their wands and shouted angrily.

These Yunye Army students are all people who have been trained by Yunye, have blind worship and trust in Yunye, and they firmly believe that Yunye will soon rescue them, so they are not worried about their own safety.

Some of Hogwarts’ professors also secretly clenched their wands, they were themselves battle-hardened wizards, but there were too many students here to give them room to wield.

After hearing Harry’s words, the professors also understood that if they did not rise up and resist, there was only one way to die.

Snape, Flitwick, and other veteran Hogwarts wizards had drawn their wands and silently sided with Harry, indicating their attitude.

Only some of the younger students were still panicked, but so many professors and senior students had stepped forward, and their hearts were also slightly settled.

McGonagall also said, “Today is the most dangerous day since the founding of our Hogwarts School, we must persevere, the Yun family will certainly give us support, and we will swear to defend our Hogwarts Millennium Honor!” Pledge to die and never retreat! ”

“Pledge to die and never retreat!”

“Pledge to die and never retreat!”

“Pledge to die and never retreat!”

Many Hogwarts students cried out, as the most famous school of magic in all of England, they had ten thousand reasons to stay here.

Snape walked over to Harry and gave Harry a cold look, but the look was much gentler than usual, “Resistance is resistance, but we also need to know how the Muggles attacked, and now only you are the Muggles who are most familiar with them.” ”

McGonagall also nodded, “That’s right, knowing oneself and knowing the other can win every battle, and we need Muggle information!” ”

Harry took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know anything about Muggle combat, it was a Muggle missile and rocket attack, and it didn’t work well, so I think the next wave of them will send planes to attack us with precision.” ”

Snape frowned, “What is a missile rocket and what is an airplane?” ”

Harry said, “There’s no time to explain, anyway, the next wave will send flying attackers over, we have to find a way to deal with it!” ”

McGonagall said, “That is, air combat, this is easy to do, we use brooms to fight them, I don’t believe that Muggles can still fight us in air combat.” ”

Harry nodded, the wizard’s air combat strength is very strong, although Muggle fighters are not vegetarian, but there is always a fight.

Mrs. Hodge resolutely stepped out and said, “I am a professor of the flying class, let me lead the team.” ”

McGonagall hesitated and said, “Mrs. Hodge, be careful, this is not an ordinary Quidditch competition, there will certainly be great danger.” ”

Mrs. Hodge smiled lightly and said, “Hogwarts has been kind to me, and now it is my turn to repay Hogwarts.” ”

Mrs. Hodge turned to Hogwarts’ classmates and said, “Now I will pick some people to accompany me to the battle, will anyone be unwilling?” ”

Many Hogwarts students stood up and said, “We are willing to fight with Mrs. Hodge!” ”

Mrs. Hodge had selected quite a few Quidditch players among her classmates, and Harry was among them.

After all, Harry was one of the main players on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and this war was no joke, if you choose some people who don’t use broomsticks well, just go to death.

After a while, Mrs. Hodge had selected more than fifty people, which was also the initial formation of Hogwarts’ air defense force, which were all powerful Quidditch players from various houses, and their air combat ability was beyond doubt.

“They’re coming.”

Harry said with a serious look that he had heard a fierce cracking sound coming from high in the sky, and hundreds of warplanes roared over.

Lady Hodge took a deep breath and said, “Let’s go, fight to the death for Hogwarts!” ”

With that, Mrs. Hodge took the lead in riding a broom and headed high into the sky over Hogwarts.

Harry also rode on a broomstick, and the number of fighters that could be seen with the naked eye alone was innumerable, and their mere fifty or so wizards who had not yet graduated against hundreds of warplanes could only be described as a huge disparity in strength.


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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