The next second, the figure of Yunye had appeared behind Merlin, the palm of his hand seemed to be slowly approaching Merlin, Merlin was suddenly cold, and this palm actually gave Merlin the feeling that there was nowhere to hide.

The seemingly slow cloud night palm is the embodiment of the fastest speed of cloud night!

A thick layer of magic defense shields once again floated on Merlin’s body, firmly protecting Merlin’s body.

It was Merlin who had just easily broken the shield of the Cloud Night Golden Sword attack!

Yun Ye’s palm gently slapped on the top of the protective cover, only to hear a crisp sound, and the protective cover on Merlin’s body was like a thin layer of paper, which was easily torn apart!

Merlin’s face was slightly dull, and he did not expect that his invincible protective shield was actually broken so easily, but in a short period of time, Merlin could not make any counterattack, and was directly hit by Yunye and shot into the ground.

This action immediately caused everyone around them to exclaim, they could not have imagined that Yunye could unexpectedly counter Merlin and achieve such good results.

“Did I see the flower eyes, Yunye actually knocked down that terrible wizard!”

McGonagall made a voice in disbelief, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing now.

Harry shouted excitedly, “It is worthy of Mr. Yun, and if it is really powerful, I know that Mr. Yun will not be afraid of that wizard!” ”

Hermione also nodded with a happy face, she was still worried about Yunye just now, and suddenly saw Yunye so beautiful to fight back and finally put her mind at ease, Yunye is still the Yunye she knows, it will be fine.

The soldiers of the Ying Kingdom who were routing and fleeing in the distance also noticed this, and Merlin had already established an image of a killing god in their minds, and could not be a powerful enemy at all.

Even if Yun Ye made a move, it was only a draw with Merlin, who knew how Yun Ye suddenly knocked Merlin into the ground.

Is it not possible that this cloud night is more powerful than Merlin? Is it a more terrifying killing god?

Thinking of this, these British soldiers could not help but be frightened and panicked, and accelerated their speed to escape from this demonic area.

Merlin shot into the ground, a huge hole appeared on the ground, Merlin slowly rose from the cave, and the clothes on his body also became a mess, at this time Merlin’s face was gloomy, and he seemed to be provoked by the cloud night.

Yun Ye also slowly landed on the ground, his body was still surging with powerful magic fluctuations, and Merlin’s look changed as Yun Ye naturally looked in his eyes.

Yunye knew that Merlin was shocked by his surprise attack, and the next wave of confrontation would inevitably show real ability, and Yunye would not be as powerful as before.

If that’s the case, then you can’t keep Hogg.

Whether it is Yunye or Merlin, the strength is terrifying, once the real sense of the confrontation, Hogwarts will inevitably become the object of the first sacrifice, including all the professors and students inside, no one can survive!

Can’t fight at Hogwarts, otherwise Hogwarts will inevitably perish.

This was the most practical idea in Yun Ye’s heart, and this idea was also correct.

Hogwarts was indeed powerful in the eyes of everyone, but under the earth-shattering power of Cloud Night and Merlin, it was nothing at all, and a single aftershock of power could destroy it.

Although Yunye has been expelled from Hogwarts, he is still a Hogwarts person at heart, so he has a strong affection for Hogwarts.

The damage to Hogwarts had caused so much heartache to Yunye, and he didn’t want to hurt Hogwarts any more.

But the biggest problem today is Merlin.

Merlin’s strength Yunye already had a general idea, Yunye knew that with his existing strength, he could not completely defeat Merlin, and if Merlin did not destroy Hogwarts, he would have to lure Merlin away.

Yunye frowned tightly, not knowing why, Yunye always had a feeling that Merlin would come here, not just to take revenge on himself, but in Yunye’s heart, he could vaguely feel that Merlin was the kind of determination to kill him.

Although Yunye and Merlin had a festival, it was not worth Merlin’s killing intention without any emotion and room, why was this?

Yun Ye didn’t know for a while, and he didn’t even know if his idea was correct.

But Yun Ye knew that he could not hesitate any longer, because Merlin would not stay behind the next shot, and he might not be able to resist Merlin at that time, and the Hogwarts at his feet would of course collapse and destroy with it.

You can only give it a go!

Yunye suddenly turned sharply and left Hogwarts straight away.

With Yunye’s current strength, instantaneous displacement of this distance is not a problem at all, and he bets that Merlin will chase him out and kill him, and will not attack Hogwarts, because Merlin is far less important than Hogwarts in his heart!

It was a big gamble, and Hogwarts without a cloudy night couldn’t even withstand Merlin’s ordinary spell.

Now that Cloud Night has suddenly left, it will take less than a second for Merlin to destroy Hogwarts, but this second is enough for Cloud Night to leave and no longer be discovered by Merlin.

So Merlin must make a choice, whether to make a second to destroy Hogwarts or to chase the clouds in a desperate way!

Yun Ye was actually extremely nervous inside, and the reason why he did this was of course to lure Merlin out of Hogwarts’ range.

Merlin saw that Yunye suddenly disappeared, the whole person was stunned for a moment, and then without any hesitation, he jumped directly in the direction where Yunye left, biting Yunye’s back and holding on to it.

The two of them had left Hogwarts in just a few moments and disappeared without a trace.

Yun Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and Merlin finally followed up and did not continue to do anything to Hogwarts.


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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