Merlin locked on to the location of the cloud night, and with a strong swing, the dark black ball exploded violently, smashing towards the location of the cloud night.

Yun Ye was helpless, he could only raise two magic wands and once again use the world, and a huge hand suddenly gave birth to resist Merlin’s black ball.

The collision of the two is another extremely terrifying explosion wave.

Yunye’s body retreated, smashing several peaks, while at the same time, the power wave of the explosion shattered the ground to pieces, and the innocent people in this small town had not yet reacted, and the explosion wave had covered everything.

Buildings, crowds, livestock, everything was destroyed.

Yunye took a deep breath, Merlin’s power could not even be resisted by him, let alone the innocent crowd below, but Yunye had no choice but to continue to use the phantom transfiguration to leave this area.

Merlin coldly looked at the direction in which Yunye had disappeared, and without saying a word, continued to keep up, chasing the position where Yunye was moving.

London tens of kilometers away.

At this time, the people of London were struggling to live for themselves, each performing their duties, no different from the past, but when they were thriving, the whole of London shook violently, and all the buildings trembled as if an earthquake was coming.

The people of London are very panicked, this is not a place where earthquakes often occur, even if there are some natural disasters by chance, it is just a tsunami storm, where will there be such a large-scale shock.

“Is there an earthquake?” How I felt the surroundings shake. ”

“You don’t have common sense, we haven’t had an earthquake in London for a long time, there should be a tsunami forming nearby, so it affects our side.”

“The tsunami did not come, how can the formation affect us alone, there is no common sense for you.”

While the people of London were discussing this matter with doubts and curiosity, someone suddenly shouted in a terrified voice: “Oh no, look over there!” ”

Many people in London shifted their gaze and looked in a direction northeast of London, where a small mushroom cloud was rising into the sky, which looked very conspicuous and dazzling in the megacity of London!

“Terrorist attacks! Terrorists must have attacked London with a nuclear bomb! ”

“It’s over, we’re all finished!”

“Run, I don’t want to die, I will die if I stay here!”

Some Londoners who could not stand the horror could not stand the fear and were about to flee London.

The supercity of London was immediately in a panic, after all, the terrorists left an extremely bad impression on the people of Europe and the Americas, and their first reaction was to terrorist attacks.

Soon, however, some Londoners with clear ideas discovered that the attack was definitely not a terrorist organisation.

If terrorists attack the Ying country, they will inevitably detonate powerful bombs in London, but the explosion range is tens of kilometers outside London, and although the power is amazing, it has not yet reached the extent of affecting London.

This scene in front of them, they seem to have seen it from somewhere!

By the way, it was the newspaper that published the scene of the massacre in the United States, when New Haven was also attacked by a huge mysterious force, except that the whole city of New Haven was destroyed, and they were not affected.

“It’s a wizard! It’s those evil wizards! ”

Some excited people of London shouted, the Ying government did not hide the military action taken by the wizarding world, and many people knew about the Ying kingdom’s dispatch of troops to the wizarding world.

As for the defeat of the Ying state and the loss of tens of thousands of elite soldiers, the Ying government did not publicize it, but how could such a thing be concealed from the masses.

Many people of the Ying Kingdom know in their hearts that in the face of the evil wizards in their hearts, the Ying government has undoubtedly suffered a big defeat, and the culprit is these wizards.

In front of them, they witnessed a big explosion made by wizards, which directly led to the destruction of a town, which made them even more indignant, and their hatred for wizards reached its highest point.

What they did not know, however, was that the initiator of this catastrophe had disappeared into the Ying country at this time, and was far away from the fierce battle elsewhere.

This was the choice made by Yunye to cause as little damage as possible, Merlin naturally did not care about these, and followed Yunye to death, attacking and attacking again and again.

Above the vast Atlantic Ocean, a series of violent explosions continued to erupt over hundreds of thousands of kilometers, setting off a thousand-story wave.

And these big explosions were only about ten seconds away, and they exploded hundreds of kilometers apart, all of which were the consequences of the fierce battle between Yunye and Merlin.

However, this war did not see any dawn of the end at all, and the fierce battle between the two gradually approached the coast of the Americas, and successfully landed in the Americas!

A small city in the south of the United States is not a famous city, or even has no popularity.

But because of the recent massacre in the United States, people in the city were demonstrating at this time, promoting the slogan of expelling wizards, and they could not imagine that death was only one step away from them.

The residents of the city of Mikoku looked a little flustered at this time, but not because they knew that Merlin and the night of the clouds were about to descend on this place, but because of the impact of the massacre in Mikoku.

Therefore, the country is full of chaos, and many people with ulterior motives are seeking their own interests from it.

For example, some people take advantage of the fire to loot, some people are secretly stealing shops and goods, etc., not only the city, but even the entire United States has been affected by this storm and chaos.

At this moment, the figures of Cloud Night and Merlin came at the same time, but this time their appearance attracted the attention of many people for the first time.

Because of the impact of the tragedy in the United States, the people of the United States deeply resented the existence of wizards!


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