Merlin’s vague figure stepped out of it, and Merlin’s state at this time was not good, he did not have such a perverted recovery ability as Yunye, and in such many confrontations, Merlin was also embarrassed, and he no longer had the feeling of light clouds before.

However, Merlin’s inner pride forced Merlin to still look at Yunye with a playful look and sneered, “Continue phantom transfiguration, why don’t you escape?” ”

Yun Ye knew that even if he escaped again, he would only be able to restrain Merlin.

Not only would this approach have no effect, but it would even increase the world’s casualties, so it was better to stop on the spot, let go, and use your hole cards to try to see if it could hurt Merlin.

Yun Ye said lightly, “I’m not running away, I just want to use a new way to restrain you, but the effect is not as good as I thought.” ”

Merlin slowly walked to Yun Ye’s body, looked at Yun Ye coldly, and said, “Containment? If you could beat me, there would be no need for such a useless drag.”

Merlin continued to taunt, “I still advise you, obediently hand over the extraterrestrial meteorite in your body, maybe I will let you go.” ”

Yun Ye also laughed, “If you can defeat me, I don’t think you need to talk nonsense here, after beating me to death, won’t you get what you want?” ”

Hearing Yunye’s words, Merlin’s face was slightly stagnant, Yunye was not wrong, Merlin seemed to have the upper hand, but it could not deny the fact that Merlin did not have the absolute strength to crush Yunye and kill Yunye with one move.

Merlin also consumed a lot in this chase battle, and his form was not as peak as before.

Although the cloud night state is worse than Merlin, after all, the level of cloud night sensing heaven and earth magic is no less than Merlin, and the cloud night recovery ability is also stronger than Merlin, in this long case, Merlin and cloud night states are actually not much different.

The biggest problem was that Merlin also used the most powerful attack, but still could not restrain the cloud night.

Otherwise, Merlin wouldn’t have chased after Yunye to death, not because Merlin played with his heart, but because Merlin had a heart and was powerless!

Merlin’s face was no longer teasing, and he stared at Yun Ye deadly: “You are not my opponent, so you can’t help me, but I have a chance to catch you, and the final result is still the same!” ”

Yun Ye smiled lightly and said, “Then let’s talk about it at that time, you can’t defeat and kill me, you want to get the Extraterrestrial Meteorite?” It’s delusional! ”

Merlin shouted angrily, “Cloud night you are enough, don’t think I really can’t help you!” ”

Yunye sneered, “Come on, I’d like to see what you can do to me!” ”

Merlin raised his wand again, and was about to use a powerful spell to bombard Yunye again, just as before, and at this time, Yunye’s eyes froze, as if he had made some decision, a vague stone hammer appeared above Yunye’s head!

Spirit Attack!

Yes, Yunye was determined to use his spiritual power to fight back against Merlin, and Yunye had been reluctant to use spiritual power before because Yunye did not know what level Merlin’s spiritual power was, and the instability of the spiritual attack was too high.

If success can bring great advantages to Yunye, if it fails, it will make Yunye’s current state worse!

But at this point, Yunye clearly realized that although Merlin could not defeat himself in a short period of time, this battle continued to fight, who won and who lost was not certain, and Yunye’s winning rate must be very low.

Cloud Night must make a choice!

And the spiritual attack is undoubtedly one of the cloud night bottom cards, this time the cloud night can only fight, the spell is Merlin’s spiritual strength is not as good as himself, even equal to himself, and his own insight into the situation of the spiritual attack can bring an advantage to the cloud night!

The Spirit Stone Hammer instantly appeared above Merlin’s head and shot into Merlin’s head.

Yunye’s eyes were fixed on Merlin, hoping to see the slightest flaw in Merlin’s mental attack, so that it was the best time for Yunye to attack.

Merlin really looked a little surprised, Yunye’s body shook violently, he had to seize this good opportunity to prepare for a shot, who knew that a muffled sound like thunder suddenly bombarded Yunye’s brain!

With a pop of the clouds, the body stagnated in mid-air, and the nose even oozed bright blood, and the spirit regurgitated!

Yunye’s spiritual attack did not work, but was caused by Merlin’s spiritual strength caused Yunye’s spirit to regurgitate, if it were not for Yunye’s physical strength and strength, he might have fallen into a half-dead state at this moment.

Despite this, Yunye’s spiritual strength was still subjected to a lot of trauma, which made Yunye’s movements appear a little sluggish.

Merlin suddenly laughed and said, “Yunye, you actually used your spiritual power to attack me, it seems that you are also poor in donkey skills, do you think that just a mere spiritual power can give you an advantage?” ”

Merlin waved his wand as he spoke, at the same time, Merlin’s surging spiritual power converged into a huge spiritual storm, accompanied by Merlin’s terrifying magic fluctuations, about to crash into the clouds!

Yunye did not take back the disadvantage, and even because of this behavior, Merlin found a perfect opportunity.

If Yunye didn’t have time to react, I was afraid that this terrifying magic energy and spiritual storm would instantly wipe out Yunye’s whole body vitality, both mentally and physically.

Even if Yunye reacted, under the condition that the spiritual strength and magic strength were inferior to Merlin at the same time, Yunye was also fierce.

Yun Ye is facing the biggest test in his life, even the reaction choice of life and death!

Yunye’s eyes revealed a look of struggle, even if he died, he had to stand up and resist Merlin’s attack, but Merlin’s magic energy and spiritual storm had already descended on Yunye!

“Drink a——!a


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