
The wand exploded into countless sawdusts, and even Merlin’s palm exploded to blood.

Of course, Yunye realized that this was the best time for him, and quickly swung the most powerful magic power, controlling the Yunye Magic Colossus, and rushed towards Merlin.

Merlin’s condensed black hole also became a threat to Merlin at this time, coupled with the all-out attack of the cloud night, this power was no less than Merlin’s outburst, but this outbreak was against Merlin.

The black and white wand in Yun Ye’s hand emitted a loud dragon roar, which was the consequence of the magic being pushed to the extreme.

Only to see the Cloud Night Magic Colossus solidify again, frantically rushing in the direction of Merlin, and Merlin had no ability to escape at all, and could only passively watch the explosion shock wave combined with its own magic and the attack of Cloud Night come to him!


Yun Ye’s heart was cold, he knew that this was the biggest damage and threat to Merlin, but the power of this explosion shock wave was not simple, and Yun Ye’s strong body was not necessarily able to withstand it, let alone the Cloud Family wizards below.


The entire Yunjia area was filled with chaotic forces, and this chaotic force could not even be controlled by Yunye, which was no longer a single force, but all kinds of different kinds of energies were rioting, and could not be forcibly controlled at all.

Therefore, Yunye could not defend against the power of this riot, and the Yunjia behind him immediately became a high-risk area, and the energy of the riot could strangle everyone in place.

Yunye took a deep breath, and the figure moved, appearing in front of Yunfan and his wife, at this time Yunfan and his wife were looking around in horror, and they had not noticed the appearance of Yunye.

Yun Ye said in a loud voice, “Dad, Mom, this place can’t stay any longer, and if you stay any longer, the entire Yun family will be strangled by the forces of the riot!” ”

Yunfan and his wife only reacted, the two invariably approached Yunye, and it was obvious that the body movements showed that the two wanted to protect Yunye, and they did not think carefully about it now that they had no ability to protect Yunye.

Yun Fan said anxiously, “Then what should we do now, we can’t resist this terrible force at all, there are still many people from the Yun Family and the new government here!” ”

Yun Sixuan shook his head continuously, “Can’t take care of so many people, Xiao Ye you hurry to leave, we don’t have the ability to leave here, but you must have a chance, you leave quickly, as long as you can leave safely, everything is enough!” ”

In Yun Sixuan’s simple thinking, she didn’t care about the life and death of others or even the life and death of herself and Yun Fan, all she had been thinking about was the safety of Yun Ye alone.

Yunye took a look at Yun Sixuan, and at the same time he was thinking about the safety of everyone present, Yun Sixuan did not consider these, but Yunye had to consider.

It took a lot of sacrifices to successfully achieve the results of the rise of the Yun Family after the efforts and bloody battles of the Yun Family and many of the elites of the Yun Family and the Vampire Clan.

If it is stirred up by Merlin, the rise of the Yun family will encounter setbacks again, and it will be even more difficult for the Yun family to rise again, and it will have to go through a lot of sacrifices and bloodshed, which is not what Yun Ye wants to see.

The Yun family dominated the wizarding world of the Ying Kingdom, absorbed many government personnel of the Ministry of Magic of the Wizarding Realm of the Ying Kingdom, and recruited many elite wizards of the Ying Kingdom.

If all the elite talents of this part were to die here, it would definitely be a devastating blow to the Ying Kingdom wizarding world, and even the Ying Kingdom wizarding world would collapse as a result, and the Ying Kingdom wizarding world, as the world’s hegemon, would fall.

Cloud Night can’t let this happen, so everyone present must be saved!

Yun Sixuan saw that Yunye was still in a daze, and quickly grabbed Yunye’s hand, “Xiao Ye, didn’t you hear me talking, you run away quickly, as long as the Yun family has you, sooner or later it will rise again, if even you are gone, the Yun family is really finished.” ”

Yunye took a deep breath and said, “No, I want to rescue all of you!” ”

Yun Fan Yun Si Xuan and the two were stunned at the same time, and did not think about how Yun Ye was going to save them, in this situation, the entire Yun Family and the new government personnel would be slaughtered, there was no way to escape, how could Yun Ye save them?

Yunye had no time to explain, and with a big wave of his hand, a mysterious spatial fluctuation suddenly emanated from Yunye’s side, sucking Yunfan Yunsixuan and his wife, who had not yet reacted.

In the small world of his carry-on, Yun Ye sucked the two into his small world of carry-on, and at this time, only the small world of his body had this ability to protect.

“Everyone, gather near me at once!”

Yunye roared out in anger, and the sound wave spread throughout the Yunjia, and all the people of the Yunjia heard Yunye’s shout.

Although they did not understand Yunye’s words, they still had absolute respect and obedience to Yunye.

At the same time, everyone moved towards the location where Yunye was located, and in front of Yunye’s body was a huge space door, and this space door was Yunye’s small world!

This space door erupted with a huge suction force, absorbing the Yun family and the new government personnel into the small world of Yun Ye, which was the only way for Yun Ye to protect everyone in the Yun Family.

There were thousands of people on the Yun Family’s side, after all, the Yun Family had already dominated the entire Ying Kingdom wizarding world.

For this reason, the Yun family recruited a lot of elite wizards, plus the elite wizards of the Yun family itself, and then formed a new government to recruit personnel from the previous Ministry of Magic, so the Yun family’s organization has become increasingly bloated, with a scale of thousands of people.

However, under the rapid dispatch of Yunye and the strong suction of the space door, thousands of people rushed to the front of Yunye in a short period of time and entered the small world of Yunye.


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