McGonagall shouted, “Merlin, this is Hogwarts, and you can’t make trouble!” Get me out of here right now, or we at Hogwarts won’t let you go!” ”

Merlin sneered and took a big step in the air, and the invisible magic power suddenly burst out with Merlin’s step.


McGonagall’s face turned red, her chest hurt suddenly, a mouthful of bright blood sprayed in mid-air, and even the wand could not be grasped tightly and fell out of the hand.

Snape was quick to hold McGonagall’s body in the back, otherwise McGonagall, as the acting headmaster of Hogwarts, would be a shame for Hogwarts to be directly injured and fall down the stairs under Merlin’s step.

Despite this, McGonagall’s situation is still not optimistic, she is affected by Merlin’s magic shock, and she is already seriously injured!

Snape gritted his teeth, his strength was indeed stronger than McGonagall, but it was not much stronger, at least he could not have defeated McGonagall so lightly, let alone a heavy blow.

Merlin’s strength is no longer just described by the word horror!

McGonagall also never thought that she was not Merlin’s opponent she could accept, but Merlin did nothing, not even raised the wand, just one step, she suffered a heavy blow, this strength gap is really desperate!

Just when Snape wanted to tell all the students below to desperately retreat, as many as he could escape, a terrifying spiritual force spread instantly, enveloping the entire Hogwarts.

Snape’s face changed again, this was Merlin’s spiritual power, he was demonstrating with his spiritual power, so that everyone did not dare to act rashly, as long as anyone dared to mess around, Merlin’s spiritual power would not hesitate to attack this person’s brain and crush his head!

The students at the bottom obviously noticed the change in Merlin’s mental strength, and they shrank together in fear, and they didn’t even dare to think about it, for fear that their thoughts would be perceived by Merlin.

Merlin looked at the look of fear of the thousands of Hogwarts people in front of him, and sensed the fear of Hogwarts’ classmates from the psychic induction, and couldn’t help but laugh, he enjoyed the feeling very much.

Is this the world-famous Magic Academy, the one that gave birth to the top wizards like Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Cloud Night?

Isn’t this kind of academy trembling, fearing, and surrendering to itself under its own prestige and strength?

McGonagall spat out a mouthful of blood and said angrily, “What do you really want, we Hogwarts even if no one confronts you, we are not the object of your casual bullying!” ”

McGonagall’s words aroused the approval of many people in Hogwarts, and it is true that Hogwarts today has lost many top wizards, but Hogwarts, as the world’s top wizarding school, also has their own pride and dignity, and this pride and honor cannot be trampled by Merlin!

Merlin’s icy gaze swept over McGonagall, and Snape immediately realized the danger, immediately drew his wand and shouted, “Armor protection!” ”

An invisible barrier appeared in front of Snape and McGonagall, but at the same time as the barrier appeared, it shattered in an instant, along with the broken wand in Snape’s hand, and the invisible impact force ran down the broken wand into Snape’s arm, making an uncoordinated bone breaking sound!


Snape couldn’t help but let out a scream of pain, his face suddenly pale, there was no blood, and all that was caused was because of Merlin’s eyes.

All of Hogwarts’ professors and classmates couldn’t help but clench their fists, and Merlin’s crushing terror made them angry and desperate at the same time.

Snape, the most powerful wizard at Hogwarts, was not even qualified to fight Merlin, so what could they do?

Merlin said coldly, “I don’t care who you are, and I don’t care what pride and dignity Hogwarts have, I am here today mainly because of one thing, whoever dares to obstruct me will die!” ”

No one dared to speak out, they were all angry, or afraid, or unwilling to look at Merlin, but they took the same attitude and did not make a sound.

Merlin nodded satisfactorily, “I want to know the news of Yunye, do you have anyone here who is familiar with Yunye?” ”

Merlin’s voice was very plain, but it caused a huge ripple in everyone’s heart!

Doesn’t it mean that Yunye has been solved by Merlin, and why does Merlin still have to search for the news of Yunye?

Does this mean… Is Cloud Night still alive?

Many people had their own thoughts in their minds, but no one answered Merlin, and as before, everyone remained silent.

Merlin nodded naturally, no one answered him was normal, and it was in line with the script in Merlin’s mind.

“Very well, no one answered my question, I’m happy.”

Merlin actually showed a sinister smile, which made people shudder.

“Since that’s the case, I’m going to take my approach to get what I want!” Merlin suddenly burst out laughing.

Hearing Merlin’s words, all the people of Hogwarts couldn’t help but swallow, their eyes mixed with fear and cringe, which was a kind of fear in Merlin’s heart, but also a kind of powerless cowardice.

They are too different from Merlin, Merlin is like a god on high, they are just God’s toys, they are arbitrarily manipulated and oppressed, and there is no means of resistance!

They can only passively bear the humiliation of the strong, which is the fate of the weak, and it is also the tragedy that the weak cannot struggle.

Merlin took a big stride, and the grand spiritual power suddenly spread, enveloping everyone at Hogwarts and exerting spiritual oppression on everyone!


“Help, Mom!”

“Don’t! Don’t! ”

“It hurts so much and it hurts! It hurts! My head hurts! ”

Immediately, many Hogwarts students had headaches under Merlin’s mental pressure due to their relatively weak spiritual cultivation, and they had to roll on the ground and scream with their own headaches!

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