“What can I do, are those people at Slytherin House stupid?” Isn’t usually one more cunning than one? Now it’s all like this… Didn’t they know that confronting Merlin at this time was the dumbest thing to do? ”

Hermione hid in the crowd, talking to herself with great concern.

Harry was also anxious in his eyes, the people of Slytherin Academy were wrong today, even if they didn’t confess the matter of the cloud night, but don’t fight Merlin, that is simply an act of looking for death!

“Harry, what should we do?!” If this continues, I’m afraid that all the guys in Slytherin Academy will die at Merlin’s hands! ”

Hermione looked anxiously at Harry, expecting him to come up with some solution.

Harry shook his head helplessly, “What can I do, someone as strong as Professor Snape can’t fight Merlin, what can I do?” ”

Hermione clutched her arm eagerly and couldn’t help but say, “If only the clouds were there, at least we wouldn’t be as helpless as we are now!” ”

Harry was stunned, and his eyes dimmed.

He also hoped that Yun Ye would jump out to help them at this time, but this was basically impossible.

According to gossip from the outside world, Yunye was afraid that he had lost to Merlin in the last battle of the Yunjia family, otherwise how could Merlin have razed the Yunjia to the ground so easily?

“Why not obey?”

A murmur sounded beside Hermione, but it was Ron, who had been keeping his head down and was silent, but because the voice was too small, no one could hear what he was saying.

Hermione looked at Ron and wondered, “Ron, what were you talking about?” ”

Harry was also looking at Ron, who also didn’t hear Ron’s words clearly.

“I said why don’t you obey?”

Ron’s voice jerked up, very abrupt among the silent Hogwarts teachers and students.

“Why do you all want to die!?” Why don’t you think about other people who can’t die? ”

Ron instantly became agitated, pointing at Harry and Hermione, shouting, “Don’t you all want to die like this?!” Just for a so-called cloudy night! ”

Harry realized that something was wrong, and rushed forward to grab Ron and shouted angrily, “Ron, do you know what you are talking about, shut me up!” ”

Hermione was also in a hurry to step forward and try to stop it, but Ron’s strength suddenly became huge, smashing Harry to the side, and Hermione was pushed to the ground by Ron!

“Get out!”

Ron pushed down the crowd in front of him, and the previously cowardly Ron was now so powerful that anyone who stood in his way was pushed to the ground, and Ron did so and stood in front of Merlin.

Then Ron slammed his knee on the ground, and in front of Ron was Merlin.

Ron actually knelt down to Merlin!

All the Hogwarts looked at it in shock, in disbelief, and felt extremely ashamed of Ron’s actions.

This person who knelt down in front of Merlin was actually their classmate, their senior, which was simply shameful and humiliating!

Merlin was also slightly stunned, and immediately looked at Ron with a smile, as if waiting for a good play to be staged.

“Lord Merlin, I am not them, I am afraid of death, I do not want to die, I can answer your question!” But can you please stop killing me, Lord Merlin! I beg you, I’m not yet twenty years old, I really don’t want to die! ”

Ron cried a handful of snot and a handful of tears, desperately kowtowing to Merlin, and the ugliness of the form was simply outrageous.

Merlin said lightly, “Do you think you have the right to bargain with me?” ”

Ron trembled with horror and did not hesitate any longer, “I know who are Cloudnight’s acquaintances, Harry Potter of Gryffindor, Hermione Granger, Pansy Parkinson of Slytherin, and Astoria Green, all of whom are the most familiar people of Cloudnight!” ”

“Ron, you traitor!”

Neville stood up and screamed angrily, he couldn’t see it, Ron was actually greedy for life and afraid of death to such an extent, he confessed Harry and the others!

Thankfully, Harry and Hermione used to make Ron friends!

“Shut up Neville, you coward is not qualified to speak of me!”

Ron roared back without fear, “I’m thinking about it for everyone, what’s wrong with sacrificing a few people to save Hogwarts and everyone’s lives?!” I am the one who saved you, your savior! You should all thank me! ”

Ron pointed at everyone and shouted loudly, “You ignorant people, did you hear what I said?!” This time I saved the lives of all of you! I saved it! So I’m not selfish, I’m big love, and that’s what I call bravery! ”

Ron’s words seem to explain his actions, but they give the impression that he is convincing himself.

“Merlin can use the Regent’s mind to take thoughts?!” Even if we don’t tell him, he has a way to get what he wants! Why do we have to keep this so-called secret? Tell him what’s the big deal, isn’t it just a one-sentence thing, so that everyone can feel better, how good! Ron hissed hard.

Harry and Hermione looked at Ron from a distance, they hadn’t looked back yet, had Ron just confessed them in front of so many people?

Is this still Ron, who has been with them for seven years?

Is this kind of behavior of his called… Treachery?

Pansy and Astoria, who were in Slytherin, looked very angry, and Pansy stood up and shouted, “Ron, what do you think you are!” ”


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