The huge body of the giant monster flew up involuntarily, and the crumbling wall behind it could not withstand this force at all, and it collapsed after making a “bang”!

“Hair… What happened? ”

The professors who were still holding wands looked at the smoke and dust in front of them and subconsciously swallowed their saliva.

By the time the smoke cleared and revealed the scene below, Hermione and Harry and Ron had already spat it out.

Only to see Yunye directly penetrate the women’s bathroom, all the way to the men’s bathroom next door, all the compartments along the way were destroyed, and the trolls were like a broken meat cake, embedded in the cracked wall of the men’s bathroom!

This is the final version of the magic “Myrnir”!

The professors finally understood how Cloud Night had defeated the troll.

It’s not McGonagall’s luck at all, it’s real strength!

But looking at the tragic situation of the troll, many professors were still bloodless.

Ordinary wizarding battles, they may have all experienced.

The enemy can be smashed directly into a piece of flesh and blood blurred meat cake with the great power of crushing level, which not many professors have seen!

Looking at the still calm and self-assured cloud night, the professors’ reactions were inconsistent.

But without exception, these reactions all had a sense of uncertainty in them—how could they have never even heard of such powerful magic?


Is there such a powerful spell in the wizarding world?

Not only the professors, but even Flitwick, who specialized in teaching spells, couldn’t think of it at all, and there was no possibility of losing magic.

“Could it be that this is his own magic?”

Snape suddenly looked moved.

If anyone knows the amazing talent of Cloud Night the best, then Snape, as the Dean of Cloud Night, must be right.

However, the idea was so shocking that even Snape himself could not believe it.

Created your own magic in just one grade?!

And look at this power…

Snape recalls the Dark Magic that he was proud of, the Dark Magic “Blade Without Shadow”, which, although it was a student work, had one of the best attacks among many black arts.

However, even if he personally used the Divine Blade Shadowless Pair, he still needed to hit the key point before it could be a one-hit second kill.

Where can it be like Cloud Night, as long as even the trolls with walls are destroyed so terrible!

There was a “pop” in the air, and Dumbledore’s phantom came over.

Hearing this, the professors knew that Dumbledore had come, and that only Dumbledore could be phantom in Hogwarts.


“Professor Dumbledore.”

The professors saluted one after another, and Dumbledore nodded as he walked forward, “I checked the school’s defenses, no problem, now the troll is solved?” ”

“Albus, the trolls now…” McGonagall felt a little hard to say.

McGonagall didn’t need to continue, Dumbledore had already seen it with his own eyes.

This can be called a cruel picture, making Dumbledore’s pupils shrink slightly, and the magic that can cause such a scene is enough to classify it as black magic in terms of consequences alone.

“Severus, is this your masterpiece?” Dumbledore looked at Snape.

Snape snorted and said slightly sarcastically, “You look up to me too much, Dumbledore.” Who else but Mr. Yun, who is the most famous person in the school, who else can do such a thing? ”

“Cloud Night…?”

Dumbledore turned back quickly and looked at the cloudy night standing in the very center, this agile momentum did not look like an old man at all.

“What’s wrong, Mr. Headmaster?” Yun Ye said expressionlessly, “I want to eliminate harm for the students, I shouldn’t be treated by you with this kind of look, right?” ”

Dumbledore seemed to react to the revelation of his emotions, and instantly turned into a smiling and squinting look.

“Of course, Mr. Cloud,” he smiled, “in recognition of your heroism, I will give Slytherin thirty points!” ”

No points deducted?

Ron listened incredulously, and then Dumbledore said, “And Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, and Harry, I want to add ten points to each of you for your courage!” ”

Snape staggered his eyes with disdain, and this time Cloudynight’s reaction was rarely the same as Snape’s.

obviously these three people didn’t do anything, and they still had to find a reason to force extra points.

We all know you’re biased in favor of Gryffindor, but don’t you want to be so obvious!

Up to now, Yun Ye could only sigh at the speed of this old man’s change of face and the thickness of his face.

With a slight movement of the lips, Gryffindor received the same bonus points as Slytherin for no apparent reason.

Both Cloudy and Snape’s displeasure at Dumbledore was in his eyes, but he did not give any explanation.


PS:1 As for whether Dumbledore can transform his phantom in Hogwarts, it seems that the novel version is different from the movie version?

I remember in the movie version Dumbledore telling Harry when he was in the school phantom transfiguration that the Headmaster was privileged, and of course some people thought that Dumbledore had dismantled the anti-phantom transfiguration device at that time, but the film omitted it and did not show it.

However, I personally think that disarming the anti-phantom transfiguration device and then phantom transfiguration would be difficult to match the semantic meaning of Dumbledore’s “Headmaster’s Privilege”, which should be the word used when “no one else can do it, only I can do it”.

Moreover, even if it is not shown due to the limited space, Dumbledore can directly explain the other than the anti-phantom transfiguration device, rather than saying anything privileged.

I’ll take the movie version of the setting for the time being, and in Hogwarts only Dumbledore can make a phantom transfiguration.

2, old man… A translation meme released in China in “Reunion 2”, I don’t know if anyone remembers it? _

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