“What does the teacher mean?” I don’t even have a magic circuit, how can anyone teach me magic in this world? ”

Yun Ye was indeed telling the truth, he had just come into this world.

Kenneth was furious when he heard it, and this cloud night dared to deceive him!

“Then how did you get the Spirit Magic!?”

Yun Ye smiled and said, “Isn’t this séance-séance, just taught by the teacher?” ”


The fist in Kenneth’s sleeve clenched up deadly, and the green tendons on his forehead burst into an uncontrollable riot.

There was not a single false word in what Yun Ye said, but Kenneth just didn’t believe it, and he would believe that there was a ghost. I think it took a whole day when he first studied for the first time, but he was a person who was called a genius of the Spirit Branch!

And this cloudy night, if no one teaches it in advance, can learn it so quickly to have a ghost!

“The teacher hasn’t said yet, how about my séance?”

Cloudy Night spoke in a tone that didn’t take Kenneth to death, even though he didn’t actually mean that himself.

“Well… Very good…”

Kenneth said another word, barely able to control the emotional fluctuations of the unknown object in his body!

This guy… Cloudy Night!

Kenneth stared dead into Yun Ye’s face, hoping to get a hole in his face!

Yunye ignored Kenneth’s gaze, and with a wave of his hand, the bird fell back into the magic circle, and a moment later it turned back into pieces of paper.

Yun Ye thought about it and knew that the jewel man had thrown him to Kenneth because he knew that Kenneth had a festival with him and thought of using Kenneth to cause himself some unhappiness.

I just don’t know who is not happy in the end.

Yun Ye laughed silently twice in his heart.

After a moment, Kenneth’s face was not so ugly, and he smiled and said to the people in the class: “In the future, we must study well with the Yunye students, practice more when we go back, don’t just think about playing!” ”

Yun Ye raised an eyebrow again.

Immediately behind him, someone spoke up.

“I said, it turned out that I secretly practiced in private, no wonder…”

“Also, an ordinary person who has no magic circuit can only catch people’s attention in this way, and he is not afraid of people’s jokes.”

“Ordinary people just do a good job of being ordinary people, but they don’t know that the sky is high and thick to break into our clock tower, and it is good to be expelled one day.”

“I didn’t see it early that Director Kenneth had been targeting him.”

“Poof, haha, guess he went out more?”

Kenneth students here, of course, are mostly aristocrats, and for all, only pure blood and family can explain everything.

Yun Ye didn’t bother to explain when he listened, anyway, he just explained, and these people wouldn’t have faith.

Kenneth also thought that the cloud night was gone, and couldn’t help but show a smile, fighting with him, a cloud night is still tender!

“Yo, seeing Director Kenneth so happy, it must have been all right last night’s injury.” Yun Ye leaned back in his chair and said leisurely.


Director Kenneth injured?

Yun Ye’s words successfully provoked a heated discussion among the surrounding students again.

“Yesterday my friend told me that he saw Director Kenneth fight with someone else and lose… Wouldn’t it be him?! ”

“Impossible… If Yun Ye had that strength, what lessons would he take! ”

“But how did he know Director Kenneth was injured?”

All kinds of rumors flew up in the whole class at once.

Kenneth’s face darkened again: “What’s all the fuss, have you learned the art of séance?” Classes are all over today, and spot checks are made tomorrow! ”

“Eh huh!?”

“Here I go! Don’t! ”

“Hmm, spot checks are spot checks!”

For a while, some people were happy and some people were worried, but not many people paid attention to Yun Ye.

However, except for one person.

Kenneth glanced at Yunye and walked out of the classroom quickly, and the rest of the people gradually dispersed, but one of them walked three steps and two steps to Yunye.

“Hello, my name is Webb Wellwirt.” The youth smiled and held out his hand.

Yun Ye was stunned for a moment, thinking that the person in front of him was quite familiar… In the middle of the ring, Yunye suddenly smiled and said, “Hello, I am Yunye.” ”

“I know I know, you are the night of the clouds, I just came to you on purpose.”

Webb put his hands on the cloud night table and said, “You are so powerful! ”


Yun Ye raised an eyebrow, thinking that if he wanted to find trouble, it should not be the turn of this Weber classmate.

“What how?”

Webb still looked excited: “I tell you, I am always targeted by that Kenneth director, saying that something like ours with only three generations of inheritance is not good at all, and all day long let me not come out to make jokes!” I was mad at the thought of it. ”

“Well, that’s excessive.”

Yun Ye nodded, and then said, “But what are you looking for me for?” ”

Is it difficult to ask him to teach Kenneth a lesson again?

“You man…”

Webb looked at Yun Ye with such an expression that you couldn’t turn your head: “Come to you, of course, Senior, I think you have the same disease as me, so come and get to know you!” ”


Yun Ye had a suddenly enlightened expression, and then smiled: “Good, I just lack a follower.” ”


Webb was stunned, how could this not be the same as what he thought?

“You… What did you say? Webb looked at him with round eyes, a look of disbelief.

“I said, I’m just missing, follow the shift.” Yun Ye’s rare patience gave him a new word for word.

“Me? Do you follow the shift? ”

Webb pointed to himself in disbelief, and then to the cloudy night.


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