Speaking of which, Yunye directly rushed into the nine and three-quarters of the platform, and this time there was indeed no obstacle, and it passed directly.

Harry and Hermione didn’t say a word, and pushed the trolley into the nine-and-three-quarters platform.

Ron was left entangled in place, and finally Ron gritted his teeth and rushed into the nine and three-quarters platform.

Sure enough, the Hogwarts Express was still steaming with white smoke, and it didn’t have time to start.

“Caught up!”

Cloud Night rushed to the Hogwarts Express, and Harry and the others rushed to the Hogwarts Express at the last moment.

At the same time, the Hogwarts Express began to slowly accelerate, leaving the nine and three-quarters of the platform and heading in the direction of Hogwarts.

“Fantastic, Cloud Night!”

Hermione sincerely admired how many times she thought it was impossible, but Yunye turned the situation around again and again, and Yunye was simply an omnipotent existence!

Harry smiled, “This time it’s thanks to Mr. Cloud again.” ”

Ron stood at the end, his face very ugly.

Yunye didn’t pay any attention to it, and he suddenly noticed that a reward message appeared in the Grand Mage system in his mind.

“Congratulations to the host for defeating Dobby and getting 500 potential points!”

Yun Ye touched his chin, and sure enough, Duobi was quite powerful, and he actually had a reward of 500 potential points when he killed it.

“Harry, why doesn’t that Dobby let us go to school?” Hermione asked doubtfully.

Harry also shook his head, “I don’t know, Dobby has been looking for me before I went to Ron’s house.” He said it would be dangerous for me to go to school again, so he kept dissuading me. I just didn’t expect that he actually cast a spell to prevent us from getting in the car! ”

Hermione wondered, “This is very strange, whose house-elf is Dobby…”

Because she had been asking questions about the clouds and nights for a long time during the holidays, Hermione had long known about the existence of house-elves.

Harry shook his head, “I don’t know. ”

Yun Ye was not interested in this matter, after all, Dobby was not targeting him.

When Cloudy Night walked into the Hogwarts Express carriage, a large group of Slytherin students were chatting excitedly around Barry who did not know what to talk about.

“It’s Mr. Yun!”

Not knowing which sharp-eyed Slytherin student spotted the cloud night and cried out in awe.

Right now, all the Slytherin students turned around. A respectful salute on a cloudy night.

Barry was also promoted to the position of the right level today, just now and other fellow bulls, as soon as they saw the cloud night, they immediately ran to the side of the cloud night.

“Boss, the other prefects just said why haven’t you arrived yet, it turns out that you are only on the bus now.”

Yun Ye nodded lightly, “Well, something was delayed just now.” ”

Barry immediately said, “Then does the boss want to go to our Slytherin Prefect’s special car?” They are waiting for you. ”

“Prefect’s car?”

Barry nodded hurriedly, “Yeah, it’s a carriage set up by Hogwarts specifically for the prefect, and it also comes with fruit snacks.” ”

Yun Ye himself was a nobleman, and he was already accustomed to these lives, and said happily, “Good.” ”

Harry asked, “Mr. Cloud, won’t you sit with us?” ”

Yun Ye shook his head, “Maybe I will lose company.” ”

There are more comfortable places not to enjoy, and Yunye certainly wouldn’t do such a stupid thing.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Ye directly followed Barry to the next carriage.

Hermione had to take out the book to prepare with a little disappointment, and Ron kept muttering something in his mouth, but did not say it, after all, there were more Slytherin classmates in this carriage.

Yunye followed Barry to the Slytherin Prefect’s Carriage, which was very different from the ordinary carriage, not only equipped with a large sofa, but also a table full of delicious food and juice.

The other Slytherin prefects were all sitting together chatting, and when they saw the clouds, they immediately stood up and shouted respectfully, “Boss! ”

If these Slytherin prefects were still a little unconvinced by Yunye before, then Yunye won the Quidditch competition championship and the Academy Cup championship, plus Yunye defeated the trolls, defeated the three-headed dog, challenged Voldemort… All kinds of deeds conquered their hearts.

In their hearts, Cloud Night is the deserved King of Slytherin!

Yunye glanced around and suddenly said, “Kelly and Sisa have both graduated, right?” ”

The Slytherin prefects immediately fell silent, listening to the clouds speak.

After a few seconds, Bunier replied, “Yes, my sister said at the time of graduation that she finally saw us Slytherin win the Quidditch race, and asked me to thank you one more time.” ”

The winner of the Quidditch competition last year, but Cisa’s last wish at graduation.

But Kelly, who is also a seventh-grader, why don’t you think so?

They all want to see Slytherin win the Quidditch tournament again, but who knows it will be targeted by the other three houses.

If there is no cloud night to turn the tide, then it is estimated that Slytherin will once again lose the opportunity to win the championship!

Most likely, Cissa and Kelly will regret it for the rest of their lives.

Yun Ye nodded faintly, “Since both Kelly and Sisa have graduated, the position of the prefect should also be adjusted.” ”

The prefects of all grades of Slytherin, except for the shadow prefects, basically jumped up one level.

Although the shadow prefect still has to go through the usual defense ceremony, his strength as a duel king is unshakable, and it has almost never happened that the shadow prefect has been defeated and replaced by others, so it can also be considered a direct promotion.

Of course—this kind of history also ends in the cloudy night, but the cloudy night is undoubtedly special.

Even if his identity does not need to be defended, no one will question it, of course, it is directly the shadow prefect of the second grade of Slytherin, and he is still the well-deserved King of Slytherin!


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