Hermione’s eyes blushed, “But… Now that Yunye has been misunderstood by everyone, I will definitely find a way to help Yunye! ”

Ron said, “What’s there to help, who knows if Cloud Night is really the successor of Slytherin?” Is it really related to the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk? ”


Hermione stared at Ron with displeasure.

Harry hurried out and said, “Mr. Cloud is our friend, and we have every reason to help him, but the library doesn’t seem to really have any news about the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk.” ”

Hermione was also exhausted by what she had gained in the past few days, and when she heard Harry’s words, she sat down on the stool in frustration.

“It’s actually quite simple!” Ron said suddenly.

Harry and Hermione looked at Ron in unison, wondering why Ron was suddenly confident.

Ron sneered, “Let’s just ask Yunye, after all, he is the boss of Slytherin, and he is the most suspicious person now, isn’t it all right to ask him?” ”


Harry and Hermione spoke in unison.

Ron seemed to be frightened by the sudden resolute attitude of the two men, blushing and dissatisfied: “Why! ”

Harry shook his head, “Mr. Yun must be bothered by this matter right now, if we ask Mr. Yun about the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk, wouldn’t that give Mr. Yun a bigger headache?” ”

Hermione nodded in agreement, “Harry is right, now that Cloudy is suspected of being the successor of Slytherin, and has something to do with the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk, if we ask him this question again, it will be equivalent to lifting his scar.” ”

Ron blushed, disgruntled and wanted to argue.

Harry interrupted, “Ron, don’t say anything, it’s the least feasible thing to ask Mr. Yun.” ”

Ron snorted heavily and said, “Then you give me a way to come out, I would like to see if you have any excellent way.” ”

Harry then lowered his head helplessly, he didn’t have a good idea.

Hermione suddenly seemed to think of something and stood up with a sigh.

“What’s wrong with Hermione?” Harry asked.

Hermione clapped her hands and said, “I have an idea!” ”

Mrs. Pings in the distance complained, “That girl over there, be quiet.” ”

Hermione’s move was obviously too loud just now.

Hermione apologetically sat back in her seat and showed Harry and Ron leaning over.

Harry immediately came over, and Ron hesitated for a moment and reluctantly approached.

“Have you heard of the compound decoction?”

Hermione whispered.

Harry and Ron both shook their heads blankly.

Hermione said, “Compound decoction is a potion that can turn people into another person, we can configure the compound decoction to become someone from Slytherin, enter Slytherin to find out the information!” ”

Ron said, “How do you know you’ll be able to get intelligence when you enter Slytherin?” ”

Harry ignored Ron and asked directly, “Then how to configure this compound decoction?” ”

Hermione automatically ignored Ron’s words and said, “I’ve read it in the library before, and I’m looking for it now.” ”

With that, Hermione left her seat and went to look for the book.

Ron was dissatisfied, “Harry, you don’t even know what that so-called compound decoction doss do, and what is the way to sneak into Slytherin to find out the news?” ”

Harry said, “You have to try everything.” ”

Ron muttered, “Then you don’t try my idea…”

Harry didn’t hear clearly and asked, “What are you talking about?” ”

Ron hurriedly said, “Nothing, nothing. ”

On the other hand, since agreeing to Yunye’s request, the Weasley brothers have also begun to get busy.

While secretly helping Yunye collect information about the mysterious diary, they were preparing to start the school magazine with great fanfare.

Suddenly, the news that the school magazine was about to be founded spread to every corner of the campus, and many people were very concerned about the upcoming release of the school magazine.

Coupled with the fact that Yunye let the prefects secretly release the news, the first issue of the school magazine focused on the album coverage and prevention methods of the Hogwarts School Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk.

For a time, the entire Hogwarts students were even more concerned and concerned about the school magazine, and many people were secretly inquiring about the school magazine.

“Did you hear that?” The first album of the school magazine is a special report on the school’s secret room and the Basilisk! ”

“I’ve heard about it for a long time, and I’ve heard that Colin Creevey, a freshman in Gryffindor, was specially invited by Mr. Yun to be the cameraman of the school magazine!”

“What, the school magazine has something to do with Mr. Yun?”

“Yeah, you wouldn’t be so uninformed, would you?” Although the school magazine looks like the masterpiece of the Weasley brothers, the actual boss behind the scenes is still our Mr. Yun! ”

“But aren’t the Weasley brothers and Colin Creevey both Gryffindors?”

“Yes, but they all listened to Mr. Yun’s words and helped Mr. Yun start the school magazine, doesn’t this show that Mr. Yun has great powers?”

“It’s really Mr. Yun!”

A large part of the reason why students care about the school journal is because they already know that Yunye is the initiator of the school journal, and the Weasley brothers and Colin were recruited by Yunye.

Since the students were spreading the news of this matter, the professors naturally talked about it a lot.

Professor McGonagall was very much in favor of Yunye’s approach and had spoken about it in public.

“Hogwarts, as the most famous institution in the wizarding world in Britain, it is not a normal thing to have no school magazine, and finally Yunye students have discovered this big loophole in the school.”

Lockhart agrees with it and has praised it publicly.


PS: Recently, I have been going around in various hospitals under a lot of psychological pressure… Ask for automatic subscriptions and tips to comfort you Wow ~ _

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