Lupin felt that if he really wanted to give Yunye a level of spiritual power, the spiritual power of Yunye was estimated to have reached at least the level of absolute elite among wizards, even comparable to the most tenacious aces of the Ministry of Magic, the Aurors!

How could a third-year student have such a powerful mental strength?!

Lupin sighed softly and sighed that it was really blue that was better than blue, and that one generation was better than another.

In fact, Lupin didn’t know that being able to use this ultra-wide range of guardian spirit spells was something that only Yun Ye could do.

Level 2 “Spirit Shock” skill that stimulates all the spiritual power at once, so that Yunye does not need other wizards to release the emotional premise of the Guardian Spirit Spell, and can directly increase the strength of the Guardian Spirit Spell to the highest point!

The spiritual power diffusion technique of the level 2 “Spirit Exploration” made the Guardian Spirit Spell of Cloud Night several times larger than that of other wizards, which can be said to be the magic crystallization of Cloud Night combining multiple techniques!


Since this Quidditch game had this change of Dementors, it could not continue.

After the decision of the school’s Quidditch jury, it was decided to rate the victory of the competition to Slytherin House.

Ravenclaw College had no objection to this, as if it were a matter of course.

However, the results of this Quidditch game did not attract anyone’s attention, and everyone’s attention was on why the Dementors attacked the Quidditch arena and drove the Dementors out of the night.

Cloud Night’s exorcism of the Dementors was something that most of the whole school saw at the same time, and no doubt it was after the first year that people saw Cloud Night show his terrifying personal strength again.

While admiring the worship of the cloud night, the students are already a bit strange.

Instead, the students wondered why these Dementors were attacking the Quidditch arena for no reason.

Didn’t the Ministry of Magic send someone to take good care of these Dementors from Azkaban?

The Ministry of Magic did not respond directly to the incident, and Hogwarts did not explain, but reassured the students that there would be no such thing in the future.

Of course, the students could not accept such a perfunctory promise, but they could not do anything, but they could only have multiple eyes and try to contact the Dementors as little as possible.

After a period of simmering, Yun Ye finally successfully dispensed the wolf poison potion promised to Lupin.

When Yunye loaded the wolf poison potion into the vessel in Snape’s office, Snape was surprisingly not sneering at Yunye, which in another way recognized Yunye’s configuration means and level.

Yunye took the wolf poison potion and knocked on the office door.

“Please come in.”

Lupin’s voice came from inside the office.

Yunye opened the door and smiled, “Early, Professor Lupin.” ”

Yun Ye closed the door and placed the wolf poison potion directly on Lupin’s desk.

Lupin looked at the wolf poison potion doubtfully, a little incredulously, “This is…? ”

Yun Ye sat down across from Lupin and said, “Didn’t I promise to give you the wolf poison potion?” The night of the full moon is coming, so do it early and give you peace of mind. ”

Lupin picked up the wolf poison potion, he had never seen the real wolf poison potion before, and his eyes were still full of doubt.

Yun Ye smiled lightly, “Don’t be afraid, when I was dispensing the wolf poison potion, Professor Snape was present the whole time, and he wouldn’t let me bring it to you if there was a problem with this thing.” ”

“Snape knows about it too?”

Lupin is well aware of Snape’s personality, although he has had many grudges with himself, but he can clearly distinguish the situation, and there is absolutely no ambiguity about big and small things, and for this, Lupin still agrees with Snape.

Yun Ye nodded faintly.

Lupin put down the wolf poison potion, and since Snape acquiesced to the wolf poison potion made by Yun Ye, then this wolf poison potion would certainly be no problem, and said, “Then thank you very much.” ”

Yun Ye shook his head, “There’s nothing to be thankful for, you taught me to call on the gods to guard, I’ll make you a wolf poison potion, and everyone will take what they need.” ”

Speaking of the Guardian of the Gods, Lupin’s eyes immediately became hot, looking at the cloudy night.

Yun Ye wondered, “Professor Lupin, what are you doing looking at me like this?” ”

Lupin laughed and said, “Speaking of the Guardian of the Gods, I really want to praise you, you are definitely the best little wizard I have ever seen, there is no one!” ”

Yun Ye smiled lightly, “It’s just luck.” ”

Lupin immediately became serious and said, “It’s not luck! ”

“You must know that although most of the factors depend on the user’s spiritual power, in essence, it is necessary to use the advanced Hushen Guard, but it is necessary to use super magic as the foundation!”

“And the fact that you can do that in the Quidditch arena can only show that your mental strength and magic strength are very strong!”

Yun Ye sighed, he had only said this modestly, but he did not expect Lupin to explain it so seriously.

Lupin continued, “I have reason to believe that, judging by your current mental and magical strength, you will have no problem even if you graduate right now!” ”

Yun Ye had no choice but to perfunctorily say, “No, no… I’m still a student, and I still have to finish my studies to graduate. ”

When Lupin heard Yunye say that he was going to finish his studies, his eyes were confused for a moment, as if he remembered something worth remembering.

“I also went to school at Hogwarts, and my three friends were very good at that time.”

Yunye frowned slightly and looked at Lupin.

Lupin seemed to realize what he had just said wrong, and explained with a smile: “But they are not as strong as you even combined, didn’t I just say that you are the most powerful student I have ever seen!” ”


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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