Absolutely not, Yunye would not be such a person, Yunye must have his own reasons!

She kept screaming inside, but Hermione couldn’t find any reason to argue for Yunye, so she could only resolutely block Harry and Ron, gritting her teeth and holding back tears.

Ron said angrily, “Hermione, are you less foolish?” Don’t you recognize the situation, that Cloud Night and Black are in the same group, and Harry has also been attacked by him! ”

Hermione shook her head weakly, and kept saying in a tone that even she couldn’t convince herself, “No, it’s a disarming spell, not an attack spell at all…”

Ron said with a look of hatred for iron and steel: “At this time, you still help him argue, you really have no heart and no lungs!” ”

Harry looked into Hermione’s eyes, too, full of incomprehension.

He didn’t know why Yunye was so obvious, Hermione still insisted on standing on Yunye’s side, thinking about Yunye, was love really so blind?

While Hermione believed Unconditionally in Cloud Night, she kept looking back at Cloud Night, hoping that Cloud Night would be able to say something rebuttal.

Of course, Yunye could reveal Peter’s identity, and could also tell Harry the real truth, but seeing that the two of them were so distrustful of themselves, Yunye felt that all the arguments were meaningless.

Ron saw that Yun Ye didn’t say a word, and he was even more convinced of his imagination.

Cloud Night is with Blake!

Not only did he help kill Harry’s parents, but he also took away his poor spot!

Harry also thought that Yunye had acquiesced to all this, and felt that the person he most longed for was his enemy!


Suddenly there was a voice not far away, and Lupin was running towards this side at a rapid pace.

Lupin is the real guy with Blake, and Blake was able to break into Hogwarts so smoothly thanks to Lupin’s help.

It was with Lupin’s assistance that Black was able to safely hide near the beaten willow.

The fierce battle with Willow before the night of the cloud made a loud noise, and Lupin heard a strange sound in the direction of Beating Willow not far away, and because he was concerned about Blake’s safety, he immediately rushed to this side.

When Lupin ran to the side of the beater Willow, he saw Blake lying on the ground covered in blood and weakness, and Yunye stood in front of Blake with a faint face, holding his wand, and Millilake’s being knocked down had nothing to do with Yunye.

Harry and Ron pointed angrily at the clouds, and Hermione looked like she wanted to cry and couldn’t stop crying.

Lupin didn’t have time to think about it, thinking that Yunye had taken a shot at Harry and Ron, and immediately attacked first, drawing his wand and pointing at Yunye and shouting, “Remove your weapon!” ”

The reason Lupin did something to Yunye was, of course, not only because Yunye knocked down Black, but also because he wanted to attack Harry.

The point is that Yunye is so mysterious in Lupin’s impression, as if he can grasp everything about you, and you don’t know anything about him!

Therefore, Lupin was very decisive to disarm Yunye and let Yunye take control of him.

The night was distracted by the anger of Harry and Ron, and without realizing that Lupin had actually sneaked up on him, he didn’t have time to react, and the wand in his hand flew into the air.

Hermione looked at Lupin in surprise, she never expected Lupin to rush over, and the first thing to do was Cloud Night!

Lupin is Hogwarts’ professor, and Yunye is just an ordinary student, where is the reason for the professor to attack the students?

Ron saw Lupin hand over Yunye, and there was an inexplicable pain in his heart, and he longed for Lupin to teach this cloudy night that did not know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth a harsh lesson, so that Yunye would not always have a dragging face.

Harry’s heart was quite contradictory, on the one hand, Yunye was the person he longed for, and he didn’t want the person he had worshiped for three years to be his nemesis.

On the other hand, Yunye did prevent himself from attacking Blake, and indeed stood against him, and he also hoped that Lupin would be able to subdue Yunye.

Lupin’s eyes stared dead at Yunye, he knew in his heart how elusive Yunye was, and he was not so naïve as to think that an ordinary disarming spell could subdue Yunye.

A man like Yun Ye, you must not take it lightly until you really defeat him!

“All petrified!”

There was hardly even a breathing interval halfway through, and just after using up the disarming spell, Lupin did not hesitate to quickly fill in a petrification spell, and the target was Cloud Night!

There was nothing wrong with Lupin’s guess, and of course someone like Yunye wouldn’t give his fate to anyone else for no reason, not even the Hogwarts professor!

At the moment when Yunye’s wand flew up, Yunye’s hand quickly reached into his wizard’s robe and drew out a wand again!

Usually, when casting spells, only one wand is used, and the other wand is hidden in the clothes.

Although the fact that Cloud Night had two wands was no secret at Hogwarts, it was clearly not the information that Lupin had clearly known.

So Lupin, like Blake just now, made the big mistake of thinking that Cloud Night had only one magic wand!

But even if Lupin knew that there was another wand in the Cloud Night Wizard’s robe, Lupin would still attack like he had just done – a disarming spell and then quickly replenish a petrification spell, or a complete sneak attack, which was too perfect for a veteran wizard like Lupin to attack, and Cloud Night could not have any chance to resist!

However, Yunye turned slightly to the side, his hand speed was amazingly fast, and a second-shot spell shot out from the wand in Yunye’s hand, colliding with Lupin’s petrified spell in mid-air, exploding brilliant magic waves!


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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