
Blake suddenly screamed and got up from the ground.

Lupin looked at Blake, covered in blood, and lowered his head bitterly, originally hoping to return with Black to get revenge on Peter, but now he had reached such a point.

Blake had thought that Lupin’s arrival would have a turnaround, but he never expected that even Lupin would fold on Yunye’s hand!

What the hell is this monster student?!

I haven’t come out of Azkaban for more than ten years, and now the children in the outside world are all this kind of perverted strength!

But in short, now that the two of them are riding the tiger, there is no way out.

Blake stared at the cloud night with blood-red eyes, although he did not want to admit it, but the truth was in front of him, this Hogwarts student had defeated the two of them.

Blake asked fiercely, “Say what you really want when you catch the little dwarf here!” ”

Yun Ye smiled lightly and said, “It is good to openly admit it like this long ago, and the two of you don’t have to suffer so much.” ”

Lupin grimaced and walked to help Blake, who had already seen that Blake had been beaten hard by the clouds and that it was difficult to stand.

The conversation between the two made Harry scratch his head, how could it be as if things had reversed?

In particular, Lupin’s initiative to support Black made Harry clench his fists deadly, and Lupin was clearly Blake’s accomplice.

But seeing Lupin and Yunye fighting, Lupin is also Blake’s accomplice, is Yunye really not related to Black, just to stop Harry is just something inexplicable?

Harry and Hermione thought about this at the same time, and they looked at each other, and looked at the clouds again to see how things were going.

Blake and Lupin looked at the clouds coldly and did not speak.

Yun Ye looked at the two and said, “I just want to know the answer to one question, knowing that today I will act as if nothing happened, and of course I will forget things I shouldn’t know, such as Professor Lupin helping Sirius Black infiltrate Hogwarts.” ”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Harry and Hermione changed immediately.

Hermione became incredibly excited, according to Cloud Night, then Cloud Night was not with Blake!

And the cloud night against Lupin also has a perfect explanation, who is called Lupin to help this fugitive from Azkaban, but it is also terrifying to think about, the new professor of Hogwarts actually colluded with the fugitive!

Harry was immensely remorseful, and when he said it, he chose to believe Yunye’s words unconditionally.

Yes, Yunye is Hogwarts’s proud son of heaven, and he is a worshipper, how can he do something sorry for the school, how can he make up his mind with some superficial things!

The last Ron was miserable, didn’t Yunye already acquiesce to his relationship with Blake, how could he suddenly reverse into this?

Think about how much I actually scolded Yun Ye so vigorously just now, now I really want to finish!

Blake and Lupin frowned deeply, as if pondering this sentence of Cloud Night, and their silent behavior was obviously a tacit acquiescence to Cloud Night’s statement.

“Are you sure it’s that simple?” Blake asked, and Lupin tried to stop Blake but was stopped by Blake.

Yun Ye nodded lightly and said, “That’s it. ”

Blake groaned and said, “Then you ask. ”

Yun Ye smiled slightly, thinking that the problem that had been entangled with him for so long was finally about to be solved, so he said, “I want to know what the Marauder Map has to do with the Forbidden Forest, that day you left Peter Pettigrew outside the Forbidden Forest, what did you experience in the depths of the Forbidden Forest?” ”

Both Blake and Lupin were shocked at the same time, and they didn’t expect that Yunye actually wanted to know about it.

Blackhaha laughed, and Lupin sneered too.

Blake laughed like crazy, “That’s the idea you played!” ”

Lupin shook his head softly and said, “You give up, we won’t tell you.” ”

The two were very taboo about the Forbidden Forest and the Marauder’s Map, and their attitude was very firm.

Harry, they were confused, what Marauder’s Map? Even the most learned Hermione had never heard of it.

Seeing the resolute attitude of the two people, Yunye’s originally relaxed mood immediately tensed, was it that to this extent, they were not willing to reveal it?

Blake saw Yunye frown slightly, and the pride in his heart rose again.

Although we can’t beat you, what you want to get from us is also impossible!

Yun Ye had no choice but to raise Peter in his hand and say, “If you still don’t want to, then I can only …”

“Can only kill Peter Pettigrew Pettigre?”

Blake interrupted Yunye and said, “I’m so sorry! If you do this I will only thank you from the bottom of my heart, because the only purpose of my life now is Peter Pettigrew! ”

Yunye shook her head and said, “What are you talking about, of course I will not threaten you with Peter’s death, what I want to threaten you is Peter’s freedom!” ”

The smile on Blake’s face froze on it, and Lupin’s face became cold.

Peter, who was caught in the hands of Yunye, screamed uneasily, he already knew that both sides were playing their own ideas, and he had become the condition of the transaction between the two sides.

However, the weak little one could only scream helplessly in Yunye’s hand, as if pleading for mercy and saying spare his life.

Blake asked stiffly, with a cold face, “What do you mean?” ”

Yun Ye smiled lightly, “If you won’t tell me, then I’ll let Peter go on the spot, believe me, let Peter go this time, you basically won’t find Peter in your life!” ”


PS: Thanks for the 1000 points tip of “Zhichen”! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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