Fernley can become the first warrior of the Centaurs, of course, not a brainless person, on the contrary, Fenley is very smart.

The moment his counterattack was empty, he knew he had made a mistake, and any mistake on the battlefield would cause him to lose his life!

The moment Fernley knew his mistake, he thought not how to avoid the enemy’s mortal attack, but how to die with the enemy, which is the dignity of their centaurs!

Fern Lee directly raised his hind limbs at great speed, kicking directly into Yunye’s chest by feeling, Finley’s experience in hundreds of battles could have allowed Finley to make no choice, and his strong hind limbs pointed directly at Yunye’s chest.

As long as Yunye continued to cut, Fernley’s hind limbs would directly kick Yunye’s chest through!

Yun Ye did not expect Fennli’s reaction to be so rapid, watching Fenley’s strong hind limbs mixed with the sound of breaking wind kicking at himself, Yun Ye certainly would not fight for his life, so he had to turn it over.

But while dodging Fernley’s kicks, he also had to give up the blow to Fernley’s kill.

Everyone present was terrified to see it, if Yunye hadn’t finally given up the killing blow, I’m afraid that what was now in front of him would be two corpses that emitted heat!

Fernley broke out in a cold sweat all over his body, jumped a few steps away, and stared at the cloudy night deadly, just now he almost overturned the ship in the gutter.

Yun Ye also looked at Fern Lee solemnly, Fernley’s strength and reaction were indeed unexpected by him, but he also grasped Fernley’s shortcomings and was not flexible and agile enough, so that he had just taken advantage of it.

Harry and the three of them saw the sweaty palms of their hands, and watched Yunye and Fernley clash twice, the two men calculated with each other, and neither of them immediately fell behind.

Ferenze looked at Yunye nervously, on the one hand, he hoped that Yunye would not be harmed, but on the other hand, he did not want Fernley to be defeated as the strongest warrior of the Centaurs, and his heart was very contradictory.

Bane no longer dared to underestimate the clouds at this time, this unimpressive looking human child undoubtedly hid an extremely powerful strength, which was completely worthy of a battle with Fernley!

The other centaurs also saw this and silently stared at these two people, and the strength shown by Yunye could no longer allow them to laugh and sneer.

“Come again!”

Yun Ye slammed his sword, and a huge knife fell from the sky and split into Fernley’s head.

Fernley raised his tomahawk, and his cold face was indescribably serious, facing the big knife of the cloud night.


Fenley slashed his battle axe at Yun Ye’s waist, Yun turned around to dodge with difficulty, and the backhand knife split, and Fernley dodged sideways.

Yun Ye used his flexible body, and around Fei Enli, what was cold was a big knife.

Not to be outdone, Fernley’s tomahawk was waving and whirring, and a metal protective net appeared around him, and from time to time he slashed an axe into the cloud night, making the cloud night unprepared.

One man and one horse actually fought with sound and color, you attacked and defended, or I attacked and defended, and for a time the battle was not divided into upper and lower.

Fernley’s attack methods are indefinite, they are all the ways he has learned from various battles large and small, and there is no doubt that he is a wild genius!

And Yunye is the use of ace special forces to teach the army fighting essence, there is no fancy bits, the knife is deadly, simple and unpretentious, but also full of killing chances, with the help of perfect control every trick is perfected to the extreme!

None of the people present made a sound to disturb the battle, as if any of the murmurs were tainted by the duel.

The centaurs quietly looked at the cloudy night wielding a large knife, and their eyes were full of admiration.

Even Bane didn’t have the look of the little cloud night before, and the strength that Yun Ye showed at this time had completely conquered their hearts!

Whether Yunye won or lost this duel, Yunye had become the object of their respect.

Ferenze looked at the flying cloud night in shock, his eyes full of admiration.

He didn’t expect Yunye to be able to pick up the giant knife, he didn’t expect Yunye to be able to resist Fernley, he didn’t expect Yunye to be able to fight with Fernsley for so long… Maybe he didn’t expect Cloud Night to defeat Fernley!

The thought of this Ferenze trembled, and somehow he thought his idea would come true.

The three of them were already numb in shock, and Yunye’s sword technique opened their eyes, they finally knew why Yunye was so powerful——

Yun Ye still cultivated his physical body into such a state when his own magic power was so terrible, how could such a person not be powerful? Such a person can simply go against the sky!

Yunye continued to wield a giant knife, exerting the advantages of his petite body, nimbly moving around Fernley’s body, constantly attacking and defending, and maintaining his own constant breathing.

Swinging this heavy knife for so long is also a challenge to Yunye, so Yunye must insist on his breathing, can not be disordered, once chaotic, all efforts will be wasted.

On the contrary, Fernley wielding a huge battle axe is also a huge challenge, but Fernley does not know the art of breathing, but only slashes harder, consuming his own strength but completely ignorant.

There was a flash of light in Yun Ye’s eyes, and Fernley had already shown a decadent state, and his endurance could not hold on!

Fernley’s strength and reaction are stronger than Yunye’s, so Yunye can only use his advantages and use his flexible body to constantly move around and attack.

But flexibility and agility are not the only advantages of Cloud Night, Cloud Night’s advantage also has endurance and staying power!

After all, the upgrade of Yunye’s physical fitness is all, and all aspects are upgraded together, compared to this, Fernley is certainly not as good as the all-round development of Yunye.


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Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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