Ron covered his hand in pain and curled up on the ground howling, as if he had been cut off some important part of his body.

Harry also understood that Yunye’s actions were saving Ron, so he had to go up and comfort Ron, “Ron, are you okay?” Just now Mr. Yun is saving you, otherwise that worm will burrow into your body, and you will be parasitized by that disgusting thing. ”

Ron ignored Harry, still clutching his hands and screaming, bright red blood constantly flowing from Ron’s palm.

Although Harry felt that Yunye’s hand was a little heavy just now, but there was no way, the speed of the Sirius Poison Worm burrowing into the human body was very fast, even if Yunye reacted in time, it would be necessary to cut deep flesh to find the Sirius Venom.

Hermione quickly took a small handkerchief from her pocket and pressed it against Ron’s hand as a hemostatic cloth.

Yun Ye said coldly, “I said, everything is up to me, if there is any unauthorized action next time, I will no longer care about your life and death.” ”

Because of Ron’s injury, Yunye and his party had to wait for Hermione to help Ron bandage his wounds.

Ron stared at the blood-red eyes and glared at the cloudy night, as if he could rush forward at any moment.

Hermione and Harry explained to him about Sirius Poison Flower, and Ron didn’t seem to listen, glaring at the clouds and night.

Yun Ye didn’t put his mind on Ron at all, and took advantage of this time of remediation to continue to look at the surrounding environment.

Being in this magical forest of clouds and nights truly understood the preciousness of this forest.

Logically, the harsher the growing environment, the less biological the plant in the place will be more aggressive. Similarly, such plants are more precious and rare.

And this forest is simply a paradise for such a sinister plant!

Just like the wolf poison flower that Ron just picked, how many werewolf tribes can there be in the world, how many wolf poison flowers can there be?

Maybe a werewolf tribe can only find two wolf poison flowers at most, and here, although it is not everywhere, but Yun Ye has seen two flowers shortly after coming in!

It can be seen how precious this magical forest is, and every flower, grass, tree and tree here, if it is placed in the wizarding world, it may be auctioned for a lot of prices.

Yun Ye looked at the distance of the magic forest, and the spiritual power was unconsciously released, there were actually magical plants that attracted spiritual power, and even the spiritual power of Yun Ye unconsciously overflowed.

Just when Yunye wanted to recover his spiritual power, Yunye suddenly found that his overflowing spirit continuously feedback some information back to Yunye’s brain and eyes, which was the news of spiritual exploration feedback!

Yun Ye suddenly found that his original failure rope had actually resumed its function, and he was able to explore the surrounding environment as usual.

Yun Ye smiled slightly, and the spiritual exploration resumed its effect.

This skill is of great help to Yun Ye, and it is of course best to be able to recover, it seems that spiritual exploration cannot explore this forest when it is outside, but after you come in, you can continue to explore.

With the spirit of exploration, Yunye has a little more bottom in his heart, which is undoubtedly another layer of protection for Yunye to break into this magical forest.

Yun Ye suddenly thought of a question, what is the purpose of so many Potions Masters coming to the Holy Land of the Ma Clan for trials?

The reason for the legend is to increase the configuration of the magic potion, so is it possible that the magic potion needs a certain plant in this magical forest as a necessary material?

Yun Ye looked at this magical forest with no edge in sight, and his brow frowned deeply.

If it was really as he thought, such a large magical forest, when would he find the materials?

Yun Ye sighed softly, now is not the time to think about this time, first pass the Holy Land Trial and then think about these things.

Yunye asked, “Hermione, is Ron all right?” ”

Hermione nodded and said, “Almost, Ron’s hand is no longer bleeding, but Yunye you just started to be too heavy, Ron’s left hand can’t move around lately.” ”

Yun Ye said coldly, “If I don’t cut his hand, he will be eroded by the Heavenly Wolf Poisonous Worm, and at that time he will be even more painful, and finally become a human being who does not look like a human ghost and does not look like a ghost.” ”

Hermione said, “Also, Ron, you listened, Cloud Night is not specifically aimed at you, just now that is to save you know?” ”

Ron glared at Yun Ye with hatred, and finally nodded reluctantly.

Yun Ye said, “Since we have all done it, we will seize the time to go down, and we don’t know how long it will take to go to the deepest part.” ”

Harry nodded and said, “Then I’ll look at Ron, Ron, you remember not to stand and touch things anymore.” ”

Ron let out a sigh, and his eyes inadvertently glared at Yun Ye viciously again.

Yunye continued to take the lead, walking in the forefront, and Hermione followed closely behind, not daring to get a little farther away from Yunye.

Behind Hermione was a gloomy Ron, and finally Harry, who said he wouldn’t let Ron do stupid things, only to stare at Ron at the end.

Yunye suddenly raised his hand and stopped.

Hermione whispered, “What’s wrong?” ”

Yun Ye looked forward vigilantly and made a silent movement.

He walked forward slowly, and the spiritual exploration of Yunye just now found that there was an extremely thick smell of blood in front of him, as if something tragic had happened.

Hermione covered her mouth violently, just in time to stop the scream she had just wanted to make, pointing her finger forward, looking flustered.

Ron and Harry saw what Hermione saw at the same time, Ron sat down on the ground in fright, and Harry was nervous, his eyes fixed on the bloody scene in front of him.

Yun Ye looked back, his eyebrows jumped unnaturally, and what came into his eyes was an extremely tragic scene.


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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