The already thin portrait of Fudge hanging high in the air was also completely destroyed, and the magic of the cloud night swept through the Ministry of Magic like a tsunami, and even the earth of the Ministry of Magic trembled in the face of this powerful magic!


Scrimson let out a hoarse cry and used all his magic to infuse the wand in his hand, forming an invisible barrier in mid-air.

The elites of the Ministry of Magic behind Scrimson also used their strongest magic one after another, with the Scringer barrier as the center, forming one strong barrier after another, and the barrier formed by hundreds of elite wizards looked indestructible, and died in the middle of the Ministry of Magic.

Seeing this, Yun Ye also had to praise it, the Ministry of Magic is worthy of the Ministry of Magic, these hundreds of elite wizards have obviously undergone strict training and training, otherwise how could there be such a perfect cooperation?

However, if you want to block your own attack with this kind of cooperation, you can’t help but think too much!

The cloudy night tide-like magic lightsaber slammed the indestructible invisible barrier, and the entire barrier trembled heavily, immediately emitting an overwhelmed squeak, and a series of obvious cracks appeared above the barrier.

Yun Ye smiled lightly, if it was only relying on his own magic attack, I am afraid that it would be difficult to break through the magic barrier formed by the skillful cooperation of these hundreds of elite wizards, but you must know that Yun Ye had understood the sword meaning of the sword of swearing victory and the sword in the stone.

The two sword intentions not only benefited Yunye a lot, but also made Yunye’s magic turn into a destructive sword light, making the magic even more destructive!

With a gentle turn of the Cloud Night Wand, the two huge lightsabers made a humming sound, the lightsabers became more condensed, and the magic power had turned into an indestructible sword light!



Two lightsabers broke through the huge barrier at the same time and slashed towards the ground!

Scringer exclaimed, “Get out of the way! ”

Saying that, Scromger didn’t want to move directly out of the area, and the rest of the Aurors and elite wizards reacted in time to avoid it, but there were also a considerable number of people who did not react to stand where they were, cut by the destructive sword intention.

Part of the atrium of the Ministry of Magic was cut into the form of a spider’s web by the sword light, and the high-rise building of the Ministry of Magic behind it was also cut open like a tofu block, covered with cracks and seams as smooth as a mirror, which was chilling!

In the middle of the cracks in the cobweb, there were a dozen or so figures, all of them elite wizards and aurors of the Ministry of Magic, who still maintained a look of surprise, their eyes wide open, and it was difficult to put them in mid-air.

Clear-eyed people can see at a glance that these people are densely covered with countless to tiny blood marks, and their bodies have been cut into countless pieces!

Yunye gently lowered his wand and looked at the horrified people of the Ministry of Magic in front of him, it may be that Yunye’s movements affected the air fluctuations, a slight wind blew through the figures of these people, and these people who were still standing smashed to the ground like a pile of rotten flesh, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Fudge couldn’t help but gag in the distance, he had never seen such a bloody scene, he could even smell the thick fishy smell in the air, making his stomach roll up.

Many of the staff of the Ministry of Magic could not stand such cruel scenes, vomiting one after another.

Scrimson appeared from not far away, his body was covered with blood marks, he was the first person to face the Cloud Night Attack, even if he dodged the fatal blow through the phantom movement, Scringer was still injured by the sword light, and his body was covered with blood from the sword light.

Scrimson was half on his knees, gasping for breath, but all that came out was a mouthful of blood.

Moody and Tonks rushed forward, and Moody asked, “Director, are you okay?” ”

Tonks was also uneasy, Scrincher was one of the highest combat forces in their Ministry of Magic, but the combination of hundreds of elite wizards could not resist Yunye’s move, which showed how terrifying Yunye’s strength really was!

Scrimson raised his bloody palm, signaled the two not to worry about himself, and stood up with his body propped up: “Cloud Night, I have not been defeated, continue to come!” ”

Yunye smiled softly and was preparing to take a step forward to give Scrimger a final blow.

Lilith suddenly stepped forward and said, “Cloud Night, this is not a war between you alone, you can’t let us watch you perform from behind!” ”

Yun Jian also stepped forward, “That’s right, Yun Ye, you still save some strength, and after that, maybe there will be any accidents, don’t you mean that there is still a person hidden behind the Ministry of Magic?” ”

Yun Ye raised an eyebrow, “Yes, that person is the key to today’s battle, you guys should also go up, I would like to see which big man Dumbledore has invited to come over.” ”

Lilith and Yunjian looked at each other and walked over to Yunye, and Lilith shouted, “You dastardly Ministry of Magic garbage, you have done everything to make things difficult for our vampire clan, and today our vampire clan is going to get justice!” ”

Yun Jian shouted loudly, “Ministry of Magic lackeys, our Yun family has no grievances against you, but you have destroyed my Yun family and killed my Yun family, and today I will return all the grievances suffered by the Yun family!” ”

Lilith and Yunjian crossed the cloud night at the same time, and hundreds of vampire elites and cloud family elites behind them also crossed the cloud night and rushed towards the Ministry of Magic.

Tonks’s face changed and he said, “Director Scralinger, what to do, they have launched an offensive, and most of our people are injured!” ”

Skrlinger’s face was also dark, just now in order to resist the lightsaber attack of Yunye, all the elite members tried their best, sacrificing more than a dozen elites at the same time, most of them were also injured to varying degrees, if they fought with Yunye’s men in this state, it would certainly be no good!


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