In the distance, Scrimson roared with exhaustion, although Moody was Scrimge’s subordinate, but Moody was an older generation of Aurors after all, and his influence on Scringer was far-reaching, and Scrimger also had great respect for this old predecessor.

But such a senior was actually killed in front of everyone in the atrium of the Ministry of Magic!

What a ridiculous thing to do, but it happened so real in front of everyone!

Fudge also looked at this scene in shock, Moody was a long-known auror in the wizarding world, who had experienced so many fierce battles in his life and finally died at the hands of Yun Ye.

This scene is deeply imprinted in Fudge’s mind, Fudge is not a pity for Moody’s death, but has a strong fear of the cloudy night, even comparable to the fear of Voldemort!

Yun Ye looked at the dead Moody in front of him and sighed helplessly.

Although Moody’s personality is eccentric, but after all, he is a well-known Auror of the older generation, if Moody does not stand against him, then he will not do anything to Moody, but Moody has become his enemy, and there is no way to cloud night, and all those who hinder him must die!

Thinking of this, Yun Ye’s eyes became sharp again, “Is there anyone else who wants to stop us from destroying the Ministry of Magic?” Get me out of here if you have any! ”

Scromger struggled to get up and angrily said, “Don’t be proud of the cloud night, you crazy person will not have a good result!” ”

Just as Scrimson was about to rush forward and fight with the Cloud Night, a figure crossed Scrimson and frantically rushed towards the direction of Cloud Night, and it was actually Tonks!

Although Tonks did not like Moody on the surface, after all, Moody was the person who cooperated with her the most, and the two also established a deep friendship, and it was quite normal for Tonks to react to Moody’s murder.

Yunye’s eyes narrowed, although Tonks was a woman, but in this case, he also took the lead in rushing over, which was simply an act of looking for death.

Cloudy Night did not leave his hand because Tonks was female, and the wand was waved again.

The huge magic power gathered into a shock wave that hit Tonks’s body directly, and Tonks’s strength was not even comparable to that of Moody, how could he withstand the attack of Cloud Night?


Tonks’s thin body was instantly knocked out of the air, hitting the wall on one side, and even the wall appeared several obvious cracks!

Tonks spat out a mouthful of blood, and he didn’t know whether he would live or die on the ground, but even if Tonks survived, he was afraid that he would be seriously injured.

Scrumber clenched his wand, and the blood on his hands kept spilling blood,

This was because Scrimson was too excited and directed, and Scrimson stared at the cloudy night with blood-red eyes, and his heart was murderous.

Yunye also noticed Scrimge’s state and said coldly, “Scringer, don’t you want to kill me, what are you still doing standing there?” ”

Scromger let out a low roar, like a wounded beast!

However, he did not rush forward impulsively, Scrimson clearly knew the strength of the two, not to mention that in front of Moody’s tragic death in front of the cloud night, if Scrimson was also brainless to rush forward, it was estimated that it would be a similar result.

Scromger didn’t want to make such a senseless sacrifice.

Yunye’s eyes narrowed, and he still had a glimmer of hope and forgiveness for Moody, but Moody did not seize this opportunity, but for Scrimge, Yunye did not want him to continue to live!

Scrimson also noticed the killing intent in Yun Ye’s eyes, and even more clenched the wand in his hand, as if this wand could give Scringer courage.

Yunye smiled calmly and said, “Scrimge, shouldn’t you have ordered something back?” ”

Skrlinger’s heart tightened, and his voice was strong: “You don’t want to be arrogant in the cloud night, sooner or later someone will cure you!” ”

In the next instant, Yunye appeared in front of Scromger, coldly looked at Scrimge, and said, “You are the one who presided over the attack on our Yun family, and it is you who killed my Yun family the most, and today is also the time for you to pay off your blood debt!” ”

Skrenger shed a bead of sweat in his head, and quickly retreated: “You Yun Family will have this kind of result, it is all self-inflicted, no wonder others!” ”

Yunye’s eyes froze and he said coldly, “You say it again?” ”

Scrimson was sweating profusely and his mouth was open, but in the end he did not dare to say anything more.

On the one hand, a dozen or so Ministry of Magic Aurors, who had originally protected Fudge, saw that the situation was not good, and immediately rushed forward to guard Scromger, one more nervous than the other, staring dead at the cloudy night.

These Ministry of Magic Aurors were not greedy for life and afraid of death, but they knew that the difference between their strength and Yunye was too much, and this strength had basically made them lose their faith in the enemy, where could they still afford to fight with Yunye to death?

When Scrimson saw the Aurors gathered around him, he regained a little confidence in his heart and continued to drink arrogantly.

“Cloudy Night! The Ministry of Magic is not as simple as you think, you think that the Ministry of Magic has destroyed the defense mechanism and the flying path net fireplace, and the Ministry of Magic has only so much power left, I advise you to retreat early, otherwise you will regret it sooner or later! ”

Yun Ye smiled and said, “Letting you live after today is what I regret.” ”

As soon as Yunye’s voice fell, the wand in his hand suddenly lifted upwards, and a sharp magic force shot out from the top of the wand, turning into a small sword and about to stab at the door of Slinger’s face.

Scrimge’s body instinctively grabbed to the side, and actually grabbed an Auror in front of him, and the small sword transformed into magic directly pierced through the body of the Auror in front of Scruger.

The fierce magic destroyed the organs in the body of the Auror, and the Auror was killed without any resistance!

Scrimson broke out in a cold sweat and casually threw the Auror’s body aside, looking at the clouds in horror.


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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