Yun Ye looked at this man named Nicole Lemmy and understood everything in his heart.

If it would not surprise Yunye that Merlin could survive for hundreds of years, it would not have been surprising that Nicole LeMay had survived for so long.

After all, Nicole Lemay is the legendary alchemist who made the Philosopher’s Stone, and the Philosopher’s Stone originally had the effect of immortality, if Nick LeMay created the Immortal Philosopher’s Stone, it is not immortal itself.

Compared to the unsurprising of the cloudy night, the others were not so calm.

Nicole Leme is a legendary figure, and there have been rumors in the wizarding community about whether Nicole Leme is immortal, and many people have followed the example of Nicole Leme and devoted themselves to the study of immortality.

And Nicole Lemay’s blatant appearance in the eyes of everyone does not show that the Immortal Philosopher’s Stone exists!

Immortality is not a legend, but a peak that a human being can reach!

The people present were in an uproar, staring dead at this legendary figure.

This legendary figure who had survived for hundreds of years without dying, in front of him, let alone the Minister of Magic or Magic, even Dumbledore’s presence in front of him was nothing, it didn’t matter at all.

Nicole Flamel sighed softly and said, “I don’t want to be in public, but there is no way, Albus asked me to guard this place, and I can only fulfill my promise to Albus.” ”

Yun Ye smiled lightly, “I didn’t expect Dumbledore to actually invite you over, no wonder Fudge they have so much confidence in you.” ”

Nicole LeMay shook his head and said, “Young man, stop it, the love and hatred you care about now, the grudge is actually just a passing cloud, after you live to a certain extent, you will know that these are not important at all, or listen to me, don’t cause innocent killing.” ”

Yun Ye shook his head, “Nicole Lemay, you are a figure who has lived for hundreds of years, and you have witnessed a lot of killings over the centuries, how much can you stop?” You still let it go, this matter has nothing to do with you, I don’t want to have a conflict with you. ”

Nicole Flamel sighed and said, “I can’t stop many killings, but I’m doing my best to stop them.” ”

Yun Ye sneered, “Then why didn’t you just come out?” Presumably, he also wanted to take the opportunity to secretly weaken some of the forces of the Ministry of Magic that were hostile to Dumbledore! ”

After a moment of noncommittal silence, Nicole LeMay replied, “I’ve lived too long as a person, everything has been looked down upon, and now what Ministry of Magic you care about, in fact, ten years, decades, hundreds of years later, it is not dust back to dust, soil to earth, so you are just doing useless work.”

Yun Ye laughed dumbly, and said, “According to this statement, then there is no point in people living, there should be no happiness, nor should there be sadness and anger, after all, there is also a meaningful existence after everything, isn’t it?” ”

Nicole LeMay naturally nodded, “This is natural, so you should still put it away.” ”

Yunye slowly shook her head, “Nicole Lemay, you really have lived too long, and you have forgotten what people are living for, it seems that immortality is not a good thing.” ”

Nicole Leme raised an eyebrow and looked at Yunye: “Young man, you have only lived for more than ten years and what can you learn, insight and experience are far from enough, I am the advice given to you as a senior, you don’t take kindness as a donkey’s liver and lungs.” ”

Yun Ye smiled, “You have seen more experience than I do, but who can prove that your theory must be correct?” Why don’t I believe in my life experience of more than ten years, but believe in what you call hundreds of years of experience? ”

Nicole LeMay was stunned, although he felt that what Yunye said was wrong, but he always felt that there seemed to be some truth to it, so that Nicole LeMay could not find a reason to refute it.

Yunye continued: “Everyone has their own attitude towards life, my attitude in life is to dare to be bold, and I have no shame in asking everyone!” Whoever dares to provoke me will never let anyone go, but your attitude towards life is meaningless, so don’t use your outlook on life attitude to influence others. ”

Nicole Flamel shook his head helplessly, “Young people are really young and fearless, I think I once had this period of time, I don’t remember it clearly.” Since you are still obsessed, then I have no choice but to stop you and fulfill your promise to Dumbledore! ”

As Nicole Flamel gently drew out the wand he had brought with him, it was like a dead branch, slender and long, and it looked like it could be broken at will.

However, Cloud Night did not mean to despise Nicole Leme, who was a legendary figure who had survived for hundreds of years like Merlin!

Merlin’s strength he had seen before, even if he was weak, he could easily escape the siege of himself and Lilith’s three ancestors.

If you think like this, if you want to say that Nicole Flamel is a simple character, Cloud Night will never believe it!

Yunye swung his hand to the back and made a gentle gesture, Lilith and the others saw Yunye’s gesture and immediately became alert and slowly retreated.

Yun Ye drew a black and white wand with both hands and stood quietly in place, looking faintly at Nicole Lemay.

Nicole Flamel said lightly, “Two-wand wizard… I haven’t seen a two-wand wizard in many years, and I really miss it. ”

Yun Ye did not speak, his body tense and ready to strike and fight with Nicole Lemay.

Niccolò Lemé’s wand swung twice, and the air around his body immediately stirred, and the air in the atrium of the Ministry of Magic seemed to become Nicole Leme’s men, slowly rotating around Nicole Leme.


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