Sword light shot out at the surrounding Ministry of Magic buildings, which were constantly being destroyed.

The huge lightsaber fell heavily on the top of Niccolò Flame’s head, threatening to destroy the area where Niccolò Flamel was located.

Niccol Leme was not in a hurry, the wand was gently lifted at the same time, and the reckless beast hidden behind Nicole Leme could not bear it any longer, and the huge body blocked the indestructible lightsaber of the cloudy night, and the lightsaber cut into the body of the reckless beast.

Yun Ye’s eyes narrowed, and the vast beast that Nicole Leme magically transformed into was actually able to block the manifestation of his own holy sword that fused with sword intent!

This situation was still the first time that Yun Ye had encountered it, and there was a very familiar feeling in this reckless beast, and the first word that came to Yun Ye’s mind was time.

The vast beast actually has the smell of time?

Nicole LeMay smiled calmly and said, “Boy, you are too much for the ultimate attack power of magic, so it is useless.” ”

With a flick of Nicole Leme’s wand, the huge body of the reckless beast twisted and twisted along with the lightsaber transformed by the magic of the cloud night.

Cloud night brow picked, is this a time distortion?

Nicole Leme’s magic is actually related to time!

The time rules of the area where the Beast was located had been interrupted, and Cloudynight’s attack could not do any damage to Nicole Flamel.

Watching the huge lightsaber transformed by his own magic being distorted, Yunye felt that his magic was passing rapidly, and Nicole Lemay’s time-twisting method could actually devour his own magic.

The staff of the Ministry of Magic cheered one after another, some of them had also seen the power of the Cloud Night Holy Sword, and no one had ever been able to stop it so lightly, but Nicole Flamel did it, and the strongest attack of the Cloud Night was stopped!

Lilith and the others had a solemn look on their faces, and they were also clear about the means of Cloud Night, and the Sacred Sword Manifestation could be said to be one of the strongest means of Cloud Night.

However, the Sacred Sword Trail could not take half a step in front of Niccolò Lemay’s reckless beast, which showed the strength of Nicole Leme!

Yun Ye’s heart was awe-inspiring, worthy of being an old demon that had survived for hundreds of years, and the means he possessed were simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

However, Yunye did not panic, and the means of time distortion were indeed difficult to deal with, but it did not mean that Yunye did not have follow-up means.

Even if the time distortion gives Nicole Lemme’s defense, so that the attack of the cloud night is trapped in the chaotic axis of time and cannot attack Nicole Lemay, but everything is not absolute, and the absolute defense of the time distortion of Koko Leme is very simple.

The essence of magic confrontation is magic resistance.

So crush it with absolute force!

Yun Ye took a deep breath, since this was the case, there was no need to hide his means anymore, and it was time to use his strongest attack.

The two wands of Cloud Night were gently closed together, the huge lightsaber slowly disappeared, and a circular aperture appeared in front of Cloud Night, all the magic fluctuations and breaths were converged by Cloud Night, and there was no difference between Cloud Night and a Muggle at this time.

Fudge shouted loudly, “Lord Nicole Lemay, Yunye has given up resistance, hurry up and fight back!” The winner is here! ”

The rest of the Ministry of Magic staff also shouted that it was Lord Nicole Lemay, and even Yunye could not get the benefit in front of him.

Nicole Flamel didn’t mean anything careless, his eyes fixed on the cloudy night.

With the strength of Yun Ye, it is impossible to give up the struggle so easily, there must be a back move, this kind of contempt for the enemy to suffer losses Nicole Flamel does not know how many times he has seen, he naturally will not do such a stupid thing.

Nicole Leme controls the reckless beast in front of him, and what Yun Ye thinks is not wrong, Nicole Lemme’s spell can affect time slightly, and this reckless beast is also because Nicole Leme has lived so long and realized the spell he has realized.

As long as there is this magic-formed time beast, Niccolas Leme can guarantee that he will not be hurt by any attack, and this time monster also has good attack power, which can be described as Nicole Lemay’s favorite magic.

A small aperture in front of Yun Ye’s eyes slowly rotated, and it was faintly visible that there were countless sword rays hidden in it, which was actually an aperture formed by the condensation of countless sword lights!

The Cloud Night Wand waved out slightly, and his lips moved slightly, “Holy Sword Manifestation, Broken Steel!” ”

Before the words of the cloud night fell, the aperture in front of him turned into a lightsaber, and the form was undoubtedly no comparison with before, but the power contained in it was far more than before!

This is the true evolution magic after Yunye fused the two sword meanings, the power enhancement version of the Sacred Sword Manifestation, the Sacred Sword Manifestation Broken Steel!

The lightsaber swooped through the long sky, and the time distortion once again appeared on the body of the reckless beast, aiming at the lightsaber of the cloudy night.

Everyone held their breath and stared closely at the lightsaber of the cloudy night, and they could feel the terrifying energy contained in the small lightsaber.

If Nicole Lemay’s reckless beast could still withstand this devastating attack, Cloud Night would have no power to pose any more threat to the Ministry of Magic.


The next moment, the lightsaber stabbed into the body of the reckless beast, the distorted timeline continued to fluctuate, and the lightsaber also fluctuated, as if it was about to fall into the time distortion and could not extricate itself!

Just when everyone thought that Nicole Leme’s defense worked, Nicole Lemme’s brow frowned deeply, and as the owner of the Reckless Beast, he could feel the Reckless Beast emitting an unbearable cry.

The lightsaber pierced deep into the body of the Beast of Heaven, and the Beast roared up to the sky, and the whistle spread the entire Ministry of Magic, and the earth trembled in the midst of this terrifying whistle!

“Whoop whoop——! whoop


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