And this matter is still so important that even Dumbledore came to the first time, and then went to take over this matter first, and then came to support?

Cloud Night and Niccolò Flamel pulled away a little, looking up at Dumbledore, who was also staring at Cloud Night from a distance, and the two of them were looking at each other in the air.

A solemn atmosphere filled the air, and neither Yunye nor Dumbledore released their magic oppression, but it was such a gentle look that everyone felt stressed.

Dumbledore slowly landed on the ground, his eyes did not leave the cloud for a long time, and his eyes were full of complicated looks, both regret and helplessness, as well as uncontrollable anger and killing intent.

Yun Ye looked at Dumbledore with a calm face, and his eyes were clear, as if he were looking at an ordinary stranger.

After a long groan, Dumbledore finally opened his mouth slightly, and said hoarsely, “Cloud Night, you are very good!” ”

Yun Ye smiled lightly and said, “Of course I’m fine, Professor Dumbledore, I just don’t know if you’ve had a good time lately, but I miss you a lot!” ”

Dumbledore nodded slowly, “I miss you too, otherwise the whole world wouldn’t be looking for you, would you?” ”

Yun Ye smiled, “I also want to see you sooner, but isn’t it embarrassing to see you without doing anything, so I don’t want to see you again, I won’t be like last time!” ”

Dumbledore’s eyes moved, and his eyes turned to the vampire clan and the elite of the Yun Family behind Yun Ye, “This act of yours really surprised me, it is really worthy of Cloud Night!” ”

Dumbledore repeatedly focused on the two words of cloud night.

Everyone present listened to the understated conversation between Yunye and Dumbledore, and their hearts were sweating.

The conversation between the two would have been overheard by an unsuspecting person. You may think of it as an ordinary greeting, but it is simply too ordinary to be ordinary.

But what was so simple between Cloud Night and Dumbledore?

Yun Ye smiled, “Since I have said goodbye to Professor Dumbledore, I don’t know if this meeting gift is enough, if not, I can go back and prepare a little more, and then go to Hogwarts to visit Professor Dumbledore.” ”

Dumbledore’s voice became incredibly hoarse, “This greeting gift is already very heavy, and you don’t have to go to Hogwarts again, because today I will completely eliminate this curse of you!” ”

Dumbledore’s face was calm, and the growth of the cloud night really frightened Dumbledore.

The last time Yunye was able to escape from his own hands, he participated in the siege and suppression of the Yunjia for himself, and his strength declined, and although Yunye was able to fight with himself, Dumbledore had absolute confidence in defeating Yunye in a state of prosperity.

And this time, even Nicole Le was defeated at the hands of Yun Ye!

In the face of the cloud night at this time, Dumbledore could even feel the strong threat, such a cloud night was too terrifying to grow again, and Dumbledore even made up his mind, even if this time he paid a big price, he would definitely break the cloud night!

Yunye smiled and said, “If you want to get rid of me, then you must also have the corresponding strength, right?” ”

Speaking of which, the two no longer pretend to be sorry, there is already an irreconcilable contradiction between the two, and at this time, they are even more undisguised, glaring at each other.

Cloud Night and Dumbledore burst out of magic at the same time, and two terrifying magic forces soared into the sky!

This time it was a real magic suppression, and everyone present, even Lilith and other masters of this level of the three ancestors, felt their chests tighten and looked at the two in horror.

Ordinary people were crushed to the ground one by one by a powerful magic force, and this powerful magic force was simply an insurmountable chasm for them, as if a mountain was pressing down on their backs!

Lilith shouted, “Cloudy Night, you’ve only finished fighting Niccolò Flamel, or you take a break, and we’ll help you stop Dumbledore!” ”

Yun Ye slowly shook his head, “You are not his opponent, and my consumption is not much, you can still support.” ”

Lilith could only sigh when she saw that Yunye was so determined, and her eyes shifted to Nicole LeMay.

Although Nicole Lemay was defeated by Yunye, his fighting power was still there, and since Yunye was going to free his hands against Dumbledore, it was up to Nicole Leme to deal with them.

Nicole Flamel was also aware of Lilith’s gaze and couldn’t help but smile coldly.

He couldn’t deal with Yunye, but it was okay to deal with Lilith and the others!

In the face of Nicole Lemay, Lilith felt pressure, but Nicole Leme was severely injured by Yunye after the strength was greatly reduced, as long as the strength of the three ancestors was gathered, even if they could not win Nicole Lemay, at least they would have to die to drag Nicole Leme and buy time for Yunye.

Lilith sipped a drink, and Dracula and Cain followed Lilith at the same time, targeting Nicole Lemay!

Nicole LeMay also narrowed his eyes, holding a magic wand and rushing towards the three ancestors of Lilith, the surging magic power collided in the air, and the entire Ministry of Magic shook again!

However, not many people paid attention to the situation over there, and all eyes were on Yunye and Dumbledore, and whether the Ministry of Magic could survive today was mainly to see if this fight could be fought.

The two men’s terrifying magic was still confronting in mid-air, the ground trembled slightly in the magic confrontation, the two were not in a hurry to shoot, they were both staring at each other deadly, this was the silence before the battle.

Suddenly, Cloud Night and Dumbledore moved at the same time!

The two wands in Yunye’s hand flew towards Dumbledore’s speed, the speed frequency was simply dizzying, and each time it was pointed out was a powerful spell.

As soon as Yun Ye struck, dozens of hundreds of magic spells were struck at the same time!

The legendary old wand appeared in Dumbledore’s hand, and the moment the old wand appeared, Dumbledore’s momentum was even higher, and there was even a tendency to suppress the cloud night!


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