Fudge collapsed on the stool, half unresponsive, as if dead, Dumbledore did not say a word to disturb Fudge, he knew that Fudge was at war with heaven and man at this time, and he believed that in the end Fudge would make the right choice.

Finally, Fudge nodded slowly, “Okay, but I have one condition.” ”

Dumbledore smiled and said, “Say it.” ”

Fudge’s eyes were slightly raised, full of blood, and the whole person seemed to be ten years old, “It’s not that I can’t believe you, it’s just that Grandworth is so unstable, I can’t pin all my hopes on this untrustworthy person, I want you to continue to look for other reinforcements!” ”

Dumbledore was stunned, his brow furrowed, which made him a little difficult to do, he had not thought of a suitable candidate to recommend Grandvaux to Fudge, and now he wanted to recommend a better candidate, didn’t this give him a headache?

Fudge did not urge Dumbledore, and sat quietly on the stool staring at Dumbledore, his old eyes filled with the light of hope.

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment before finally saying, “I may call a meeting of the three schools and invite the principals of the two schools, Durmstrand and Boothbarton, Kakarov and Olim Maxim, to help, but their fighting power is far less than that of Grandevoor, let alone against the current cloudy night.” ”

Fudge sighed, and he knew that this was the ultimate Dumbledore could do.

Although the headmasters of the two schools of Durmstrand and Boothbarton were not as strong as Dumbledore and the Cloudy Night, they should still be able to resist the three ancestors of the vampire clan.

And Dumbledore’s desire to pull down his face and invite the two to come over is also to use a lot of human feelings, which is also a big price for Dumbledore!

Fudge sighed and said, “That’s all there is to it.” ”

With that, Fudge picked up a small bell at the head of the bed, shook it gently, and a crisp sound immediately came out of the room.

But before the bell rang twice, Bonese immediately pushed the door in with a fiery look.

Fudge and Dumbledore were stunned, how did Fudge ring the bell, and Bonese arrived, couldn’t it be that Bonese had just been behind the door?

Dumbledore smiled and said, “Lady Bonese, I didn’t expect you to do your duty, Cornelius just rang the bell and you came.” ”

Bonese shook his head and said anxiously, “No, Mr. Fudge, there is a group of Muggles outside, saying that they were sent by the British government.” ”

Fudge and Dumbledore looked solemn, and the people from the Gua government came over, which was a little unusual.

Fudge quickly stood up and said, “What’s going on with the people in the Muggle government?” ”

Bornes shook his head, “I don’t know how they know where Azkaban is, and they rode a couple of huge iron bumps over, and it looks like they are not good at coming.” ”

Fudge said angrily, “What, the Muggle government is not yet qualified to jump in front of our Ministry of Magic!” ”

With that, Fudge reached out and grabbed the wizard’s robe beside him and put it on.

Dumbledore said, “Connelly, I’ll go out and show you what’s going on, so get ready and come out!” ”

Dumbledore gave Fudge a look and left Fudge’s room.

Fudge naturally understood Dumbledore’s meaning and said, “Bonese, you will immediately give me orders to gather all the external personnel of the Ministry of Magic to Azkaban.” ”


Outside the castle of Azkaban, several helicopter gunships were parked outside the castle, and there was a heavily armed army in front of the helicopters.

This heavily armed detachment stood outside the castle, looking warily at the castle in front of them, they were special forces under the Royal Air Force, often performing various unknown missions for the British royal family and government.

Nevertheless, it was the first time they had seen such a grand castle and the Dementors in the sky, and if it were not for the death rules of the army that required them to stand in a military posture, I am afraid that they would have been unable to help but look around with curiosity in their hearts.

Before the army stood a tall man, none other than Dave Smith sent by the British government.

Dave was also curious to look at the whole of Azkaban, who was mainly responsible for the connection between the British government and the Ministry of Magic in the wizarding world, and was not much interested in the grand castle, but was curious about the number of terrifying dementors in the air.

Dumbledore walked through the small door on the side of Azkaban, walked out slowly, and smiled, “I don’t know who your excellency is?” ”

Dave smiled calmly and said, “I am Dave Smith of the 619 Department of the British Government.” ”

Dumbledore suddenly realized that this 619 department was one of the Muggle government’s dealings with their wizarding community, and Dumbledore had heard of this.

Dave Fox asked, “What about Mr. Fudge, I came to see Mr. Fudge, Your Excellency?” ”

Dumbledore kept smiling and said, “Albus Dumbledore.” ”

Dave nodded, Dumbledore, although he was a famous top wizard in the wizarding world, was not famous in the Muggle world, and even the members of the 619 department had only heard of Dumbledore’s name, and Dumbledore’s name was not as important in their minds as Foggie’s name.

Dave said indifferently, “I’ve heard of your name, and I’m a good wizard, but today I’m not going to see you, but the Minister of Magic, Fudge.” ”

Dumbledore heard the indifference in Dave’s tone and was slightly puzzled.

Although Dumbledore did not deal with the Muggle government, Dumbledore also knew that the Muggle government had always been respectful to the Ministry of Magic and did not dare to transgress anything.

Why is it that the attitude of the Muggle government representatives who came this time is a little different?

Dumbledore smiled, “I don’t know what happened when Mr. Smith came looking for Connelly this time?” ”


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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