They are wearing the latest nano body armor!

Even if the submachine gun swept past, the body armor that might not be able to penetrate was so easily pierced by Yunye’s arm?!

Yun Ye looked at Dave lightly and said, “Not only do I not want to sign a treaty with you now, I don’t even want to talk to you more.” ”

Dave shuddered and stuttered, “You are… Offend us… O British Government! You want to… Go to war with us! ”

Yun Ye said lightly, “Do you think I care about this?” ”

Dave’s pupils narrowed, he still underestimated Yunye’s ability, Yunye could achieve such an achievement at such an age, how could it be an ordinary person, he wanted to blackmail Yunye by blackmailing ordinary people, this in itself was a mistake!

And this mistake directly buried his life.

Yun Ye waved his hand, like a sickle, a large head flew straight out, and blood splashed on the wall on the side.

Lilith’s eyes narrowed, “Yunye aren’t you a wizard, how come you’re becoming more and more like a butcher now?” ”

Yun Ye smiled indifferently, as if he had just split a watermelon, and said, “Didn’t you just increase the strength of your flesh, of course, you have to skillfully your body, don’t you?” ”

Lilith said, “What about the remaining Muggles, kill them or what?” ”

Yun Ye picked up a piece of cloth on the table and said, “They are also innocent people, let them go back.” ”

“But tell them my attitude, and tell the Muggle government that if they want to go to war with us, we’re here to accompany them, just hoping they don’t send these garbage envoys anymore.”

Lilith stammered and turned and walked outside the castle, and immediately a vampire clan came in to collect the bodies of Dave and the others and clean the Cloud Night Room.


Far overseas in Azkaban, Dumbledore, along with Fudge and Grandewo, had returned to British territory.

As the most unstable element, Grandvao was still heavily guarded, after all, Fudge did not particularly trust Grandwauer.

Originally, Grandvaux was reluctant to accept custody, but under the persuasion of Dumbledore, Grandvaux finally put up with this breath.

After all, there is a big gap between being locked up in Newmond Gard and being imprisoned, and compared with his previous life, Grandvoor’s situation is undoubtedly much better.

Azkaban, Fudge Studio.

“When are you going to have a three-school conference?” I don’t trust that a time bomb is always around. Fudge asked Dumbledore worriedly.

Dumbledore said, “I’ve sent out the invitation, and it won’t be long before they’ll come, but I’m going back to Hogwarts during this time, after all, it is not appropriate for the meeting of the three schools to be held in Azkaban.” ”

Fudge nodded understandingly, “I understand, but will the clouds and nights strike in a big way during this time, and I don’t have much confidence in an unstable Grandvoo alone.” ”

Dumbledore said, “It doesn’t matter, I received the message, it seems that Dave Smith went to find Cloud Night after you rejected it.” ”

Fudge sighed and said, “Did Yunye accept the cooperation of the Muggle government?” Hmm, I knew he was just a rat-eyed man, and he really thought that the Muggle government’s support would help him, it was really whimsical! ”

Dumbledore shook his head, “No, he rejected Dave Smith and killed him with his own hands, as if Smith had offended him.” ”

Fudge was stunned on the spot, “No, he dared to kill the envoy of the Muggle government?!” Isn’t he afraid of the Muggle government seeking revenge on him? ”

Dumbledore nodded, “It is absolutely impossible for the Muggle government to swallow this breath, and it is estimated that it will not be so fast if it is done.” ”

Fudge wondered, “What do you mean?” ”

Dumbledore explained, “The Muggle government is different from ours in that if they had prepared for war much longer than I did, and they had to consider a lot of things, first, whether they had to wage war for one man, and second, whether it would be good for them to start a war.” ”

Fudge shook his head, “Although it is said that Yunye killed the Muggle government envoy, it is not in line with the characteristics of the Muggle government to start a war for a special envoy, and even if it is not good for them to let the Muggle government defeat Yunye, it is unlikely that they will start a war.” ”

Dumbledore nodded, “That’s right, besides, it’s a war between us and Yunye, if we directly defeat Yunye and annihilate it, then naturally they will have nothing to do, so they can’t wait for us to win the war now.” ”

Fudge sighed and said, “Forget it, don’t talk about the Muggle government anymore, as long as they don’t really join our war for a day, their position has nothing to do with us.” ”

Dumbledore also understood this, saying, “Although the Muggle government will not take any measures against Yunye when it kills Dave Smith, Yunye will not be stable during this time, so you can rest assured that you will stay in Azkaban, Yunye should not act so quickly.” ”

Fudge relaxed his mind a little and said, “Actually, we don’t need to worry so much about Yunye’s behavior, after all, Azkaban’s location is so remote, Yunye probably doesn’t know the exact location of Azkaban, and I think Smith’s foolish Muggle should not have revealed the location here.” ”

Dumbledore said, “I think so, otherwise Smith would have provided Yunye with such important information, and Yunye would not have killed Smith.” ”

Now that Azkaban was in no danger for the time being, Dumbledore was ready to go back to Hogwarts and begin preparations for the meeting of the three schools.


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