However, since knowing that Yunye had the method of developing the Philosopher’s Stone, the whole person was respectful and respectful to Yunye, and he could not see the demeanor of the patriarch at all, which showed the desire of the members of the Alchemy Association for the Philosopher’s Stone.

Yun Ye shook his head, now is not the time for him to think wildly, it is better to look at the books here to see if there is anything that surprises him.

“Kamanlon’s Alchemy Experience, On the Distinction between Good and Evil Mandragrass, Crushing of Obsidian, Secret History of the East African Continent…”

Yunye continued to look down, the books here are all-encompassing, some are the experience of alchemists, some are about magical materials, some are about the development of potions, and even some books on wild history and mythology, everything.

Yunye read one after another, just look at the name Yunye estimated that it will take half a month to read all the books here, if you really flip through the books I am afraid that it is difficult for a person to complete in a lifetime.

“The Source of Mysterious Power in the East”, “The Theory of Western Monarchs”, “The Influence of the Age of the Sea on the Wizarding World”, “The Seven Monarchs of Hell”, “The Theory of Pure-Blood Wizards”…”

The names of some books are imaginative, and Yunye seems to have entered a mythical world, and just as Yunye is preparing to read it, a name suddenly appears in Yunye’s mind.

The Seven Monarchs of Hell?

How this name is so familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere!

Yun Ye looked at the Seven Monarchs of Hell, which was an ancient book that could no longer be broken, and even the paper was made of hemp paper, and if it were not well preserved, it would have been impossible to put into the modern antique-level book.

Yunye lightly picked up the Seven Monarchs of Hell, afraid of breaking the book, and a name suddenly appeared in Yunye’s mind.

Beryl, one of the Seven Lords of Hell!

He is the demon king who symbolizes laziness, and is not the master of the seventy-two demon pillars?

And the key to opening Solomon’s key is the seventy-two pillars of the Demon God!

Yunye’s eyes became fiery, Merlin had told himself that the seventy-two Demon Pillars were the key to opening Solomon’s Key, but the remaining seventy-two Demon Pillar Breath in the world had been destroyed by Merlin.

But who knows if that is the last seventy-two Demon God Pillar Qi in the world, if he finds the original owner of the Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars, where Belier, one of the Seven Lords of Hell, died, maybe he might get the information of the seventy-two Demon God Pillars!

Yun Ye immediately opened the “Seven Monarchs of Hell” and read it carefully, there was no difference from the usual mythological stories, which were the origin of the Seven Monarchs of Hell.

The seven monarchs of hell, including Lucifer, Samale, Beelzeb, Abaddon, Azazel, Belier, and Mestromá, symbolize the seven “gluttony”, “greed”, “laziness”, “jealousy”, “pride”, “lust”, and “anger” of mankind.

And Bellear is one of the “lazy” hell demon kings, according to legend, he is the Jewish shrine, and the earliest hell king to be called Satan, he may not be the most powerful of the seven monarchs of hell, but his ability is definitely not bad.

Yun Ye directly skipped the introduction of the other monarchs, constantly flipped through Belil’s information, and sure enough, he saw the news of the seventy-two Demon God Pillars appear.

Beryl is the master of the seventy-two Demon Pillars, and legend has it that King Solomon made a pact with Beryl and gained the power to command all the demons of hell.

He used his magic ring to print on the neck of each demon, driving them to serve himself. In return, he will dedicate his soul to Belle after his death.

And the work of King Solomon is the book of the Cloud Night and Night “The Key of Solomon”, which truly sets foot on the peak of the wizard!

Cloud Night continued to read, and he was eager to know where Bellear had died.

If you can find the place where Belle died, you may be able to get the news of the seventy-two Demon Pillars, and even find the seventy-two Demon Pillars to reopen the Key of Solomon!

However, the book does not clearly state where Bellear died, but simply says a place name, Satan’s Palace, Pandhimaninan.

“Pandhimaninan? What is this place? ”

Yun Ye murmured that this Pandhimaninan seemed to be the palace where the Seven Monarchs of Hell had been, and they should have returned to this palace when they died.

But this is a legendary story after all, who knows if the place of Pandhi Manni South is real, if it is just a fictional place in history, then it is impossible to find it no matter how much effort Yunye spends a lot of effort.

Yun Ye continued to look at these two pages of introductions about Pandhimaninan, and only simply said that the Seven Monarchs lived in Pandhimaninan, Pandhimaninan is also known as the city of no return, some say that this is a place near the sea, is the starting point of the boundless ocean.

There was no more introduction in addition to that, and the more Yun Ye looked at it, the more doubts in his heart became.

This Pandhimaninan is not like other historical fictional places with only a simple place name, the introduction of this place is still relatively detailed, but the world is so big, how does Yunye know where this legendary place called Pandhimaninan is?

Just when Yun Ye was wondering, Rip appeared on the top of the library and asked, “Mr. Yun, do you want to come and eat something first, we have already made something to eat.” ”

Yun Ye put down the book in his hand, this book has been read several times by Yun Ye, and he can no longer find any clues, it seems that he can only look for it again, can he find a little more clues to Pandhimaninan.

At this time, Rip also landed next to Yunye on a wooden frame, and at a glance, he saw the Seven Monarchs of Hell in Yunye’s hand, and his heart was slightly confused.


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